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 Rep: 268 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Olorin wrote:

Fellowship of the Ring extended edition, stoned. Was good.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

Watchmen Director's Cut on Blu-ray. Great picture/audio quality.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

So I saw that the Godfather Trilogy is on sale sometimes for $50 on BD. I think I already know the answer to this but I'm gonna ask anyway.

I've never seen any of them. But I loves me some Goodfellas & Casino. I assume I should just blind buy the Godfather set?

WTF, you've never seen the Godfather movies? Holy shit man. By the way, I bought the Blu-ray collection and be prepared for a SHITLOAD of grain in the first two movies. It is not going to look like a clean transfer. The director's intent involved a bunch of grain. Having said that, the Blu-ray's are a HUGE improvement over the DVD's.

Anyway, you simply have to watch these movies -- especially the first two. The story, the acting, the music, etc. is some of the best you will ever see. The first Godfather movie starts off a little slow, but give it a bit of time and you will become engrossed in the story.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Neemo wrote:

GF I and II are the shit....III not so much

anyway dunno if you wanna splurge and buy them, but they are def worth a watch

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Good to know. I've never watched them either. I was actually given the entire trilogy on VHS by a friend (his old copies), and i've never picked them up and watched them. They've sat there for years.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Thx for the thoughts ll. Not time they're on sale, I'll pick them up. I'm totally ok with film grain so it'll be a good transfer in my eyes.

The special features go pretty in-depth on how big of a restoration it was. They spent a lot of time fixing it compared to the state it was in before this release. The cool thing is that the new prints have run in actual theaters recently. I was in Austin, TX last year and one of the old theaters there was running Godfather 1 and 2 Restored.

I still am stunned that you've never seen those movies. You seem like a pretty big movie buff to me. I've got hundreds of old movies that I still need to watch, but I'm glad I discovered the Godfather movies around 10 years ago when I was in junior high/high school. This is just my two cents but the first two movies are in the top 5 ever made. Like I said I still have a lot of other movies to watch but I think they are better than other highly acclaimed movies like Casablanca or Citizen Kane.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

GF I and II are the shit....III not so much

anyway dunno if you wanna splurge and buy them, but they are def worth a watch

III is a pretty damn good movie by any standard other than the standard set by the first two movies. I said in my post above that I feel the first two Godfather movies are in the top 5 movies ever made (that I've seen anyway). That is pretty damn top notch stuff, so it is tough to live up to that. The biggest mistake with Part III, other than the director casting his lousy actress daughter to play a major role in the film, was waiting 16 years after the second movie to make a new one. The reason the first two are so great is that they were made just a couple years apart and it didn't feel forced like the third one. However, the third one is still a damn good movie. You compare it to plenty of other crime movies and it's top notch. It's just the first two Godfather movies are out of this world compared to the rest of the genre. The only other movie that's even close is Goodfellas.

And I'll say this: the most amazing thing about Part II is that it is arguably the greatest sequel AND prequel ever made. George Lucas could have learned a hell of a lot with how to make a great prequel by taking tips from Godfather II. Even though it's a great prequel, it is also an awesome sequel to the current events of the first Godfather movie. The fact that they managed to incorporate both forms of filmmaking into one movie in such an effective manner is pretty stunning. It's for this reason that so many people have argued that part II is better than the first one.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

The third Godfather would have been so much better had Winona Ryder taken the role like originally planned.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Good to know. I've never watched them either. I was actually given the entire trilogy on VHS by a friend (his old copies), and i've never picked them up and watched them. They've sat there for years.

Holy shit once again. You and Russ both haven't seen 'em? Wow, that is shocking to me because I know you both have seen a bunch of movies in your day. I think the first two Godfather movies are worth watching if for no other reason than seeing Al Pacino in top form. That was the best acting he's ever done. He has become a joke these days but his performance as Michael Corleone in Godfather 1 and 2 was stellar. I still don't understand why he got robbed of an Oscar for part II and you can make a pretty damn strong case he should have won an Oscar for the first movie as well. The entire cast is fantastic though, hands down the greatest ensemble cast in film history if you ask me (and I include the casts of BOTH movies when I say this). The music is stellar, the storytelling is epic, and the character development is great. You guys both need to watch 'em over and over. 19

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