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 Rep: 287 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Aussie wrote:

^ Yeah I wondered that too particularly when he had co-operated all along.  He tells them he got a lawyer and wasn't going to say anything more so the next day they arresst him at gun point.

I know what the guy did was wrong and he was an idiot to boast about it the way he did and try and promote himself and his site, but I really hate it when people abuse their powers of authority like that.  I mean he said that even the judge who signed the search warrant said "I don’t even understand why this wasn’t a summons case, like I recommended".

Sure if the courts wanted to make an example of him and teach him a lesson then they could of.  But I thought the police and FBI were simply there to enforce the law.  It's not up to them whether they make an example of this guy it's up to the courts.  So when the judge recommended a summons, surely that's what they should have done.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:

Did it ever occur to anyone that Skewrl may be LYING?

 Rep: 28 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

emcitymisfit wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Did it ever occur to anyone that Skewrl may be LYING?

about what? the source?


 Rep: 768 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:

Lying about the ENTIRE dealing with the F.B.I., including his arrest, and turning it into Heat.

I'm telling you, there was NO gunpoint bullshit. He's overexaggerating it, to sensationalize the story, to keep people giving him attention.

Yet people are turning around and trashing the Feds, with their big source of truth towards harsh treatment being Kevin fucking Skewrl.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Olorin wrote:

It crossed my mind, and the more the prat speaks, the more I can see he is playing people worse than an msl tribute act.

November Rain
 Rep: 4 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

I don´t believe a word by this guy.Never did.

 Rep: 28 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

emcitymisfit wrote:

I dunno, maybe I'm just not that cynical -- yet.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Neemo wrote:

 Rep: 768 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:



 Rep: 231 

Re: Interview with Skwerl

-D- wrote:

If I haven't mentioned it lately

Fuck Skwerl

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