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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
Communist China wrote:

I use Gamecube and N-64 way more than Wii, they're just more fun. And those Mario games are over the hill. The charm was largely in their crappyness, and the older ones are simply more fun.

I always thought the charm in the old mario games was that they were good well designed games.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

The new ones are very well made games, hell look at the reviews they still get. If you do'nt like them thats cool, but saying their over the hill is wrong. They still get awesome reviews and still sell in their millions nuff said.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:

The new Mario games are fantastic. Not the spin-off crap, the proper games like Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros are fantastic.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And I still get a kick out of playing Super Mario Bros. on NES Emulators, but that doesn't mean you move on from it. Any gaming list, that doesn't include Grand Theft Auto, in 2009, are off the mark, and missing out on an enormous amount of money.

So your saying since Nintendo don't have Grand Theft Auto in their software lineup that the lineup is a failure?


Neemo wrote:

nintendo has a nice little list of exclusive games which include all mario titles and Zelda titles

think how much $$$ the 360 and PS3 are losing out on by not having those titles in their repetoire..and the conroller system on the wii is still a fun thing to experience

nintendo also has virtually the entire market on handheld systems ...

Totally different situation. Nintendo-born/exclusive titles, that Microsoft & Sony can't get their hands on.

Wii CHOSE not to bring GTA into the fold. Horrible financial decision.

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And I still get a kick out of playing Super Mario Bros. on NES Emulators, but that doesn't mean you move on from it. Any gaming list, that doesn't include Grand Theft Auto, in 2009, are off the mark, and missing out on an enormous amount of money.

As for the finishing of Nintendo, I stand by that. Sony would've buried Nintendo in their last shot to get back in the game. As I said with Microsoft, it would've knocked them out of the gaming world. Obviously the company would easily survive. Microsoft, the company, could buy both Sony & Nintendo.

I dont think the price of PS3 would have made a huge difference. The thing i don't think you understand is most of the people who bought a Wii would never have bought a PS3 or Xbox or anything with more than 4 buttons on the controller.  14

Now it would have done damage to Xbox im sure because its the same market they are after. Nintendo have a whole new untapped market.

That's why Wii should've never been considered a real gaming console, and considered competition to 360 & PS3. I've never counted Wii as a real console, and never will.

Although SOME people own Wii & 360 or Wii & PS3, or all three, most do not. Most Wii buyers, buy Wii, so they don't have to buy one of the other consoles.

To me, 360 & PS3 are 'real' gaming consoles, and Wii is 'other' for kids & fitness. If we're gonna count sales for Wii, we might as well thrown in Milton Bradley's sales on board games for the last 50 years.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

So your saying since Nintendo don't have Grand Theft Auto in their software lineup that the lineup is a failure?


Gamecube didn't have Grand Theft Auto, Dreamcast didn't have Grand Theft Auto. Xbox got a quick rushed port years after the games were out. Are you telling me that these consoles were complete failures CAUSE

Totally different situation. Nintendo-born/exclusive titles, that Microsoft & Sony can't get their hands on.

Wii CHOSE not to bring GTA into the fold. Horrible financial decision.

No actually they tried to get Rockstar to make a Wii version of GTA. It didn't happen. Now the Wii underpower may have had something to do with that but you make it look like Nintendo were given the choice.

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And I still get a kick out of playing Super Mario Bros. on NES Emulators, but that doesn't mean you move on from it. Any gaming list, that doesn't include Grand Theft Auto, in 2009, are off the mark, and missing out on an enormous amount of money.

As for the finishing of Nintendo, I stand by that. Sony would've buried Nintendo in their last shot to get back in the game. As I said with Microsoft, it would've knocked them out of the gaming world. Obviously the company would easily survive. Microsoft, the company, could buy both Sony & Nintendo.

I dont think the price of PS3 would have made a huge difference. The thing i don't think you understand is most of the people who bought a Wii would never have bought a PS3 or Xbox or anything with more than 4 buttons on the controller.  14

Now it would have done damage to Xbox im sure because its the same market they are after. Nintendo have a whole new untapped market.

That's why Wii should've never been considered a real gaming console, and considered competition to 360 & PS3. I've never counted Wii as a real console, and never will.

Yeah the console with the third best game of all time isn't a real game console.:rolleyes:

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, it was 'Rockstar'. Bullcrap, regardless of what they say. So Rockstar, isn't gonna make a port, of their best selling game, for the best selling console?

Uh... yeah right.

When I see GTA for Wii, not only will I buy a Wii, but i'll surrender my argument. I want to use that controller to beat hookers, and stab cops. That's what gaming is all about.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

I'd take Zelda over GTA any day of the week. I actually lost interest in modern gaming halfway through GTA San Andreas, I liked the previous versions but for some reason that version bored me to tears. That was the last playstation game I ever bought.
I cant even summon up the interest to play my brothers station3.

The consoles I still play occasionally are my old sega's and nintendo's big_smile
I quite fancy getting a second hand wii to play Zelda on, plus I'm sure there will be better games coming up for it over the next couple of years.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I'd take Zelda over GTA any day of the week


Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I want to use that controller to beat hookers, and stab cops. That's what gaming is all about.

That's just simple unimaginative boring trash. I like the Grand Theft Auto games but personally I don't see what's so good about them. They're put up on a pedastal for a game that has an average story, average shooting controls and a simplistic and average combat system. I'll admit recreating NYC in the latest one was impressive but nothing about the game was particularly fresh, interesting or different. It was basically more of the same and it doesn't really take a great mind to come up with the idea of run around a city shoot strangers and kill hookers. To come up with a whole new imaginary world i.e. Halo, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Ratchet and Clank, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Sonic and many more is a whole lot more impressive and interesting to me.

P.S. I know MGS and Resident Evil are technically set in the real world but a whole lot more creativity went into those games than GTA.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote: … ?id=193809

They have a relationship with Rockstar where if Rockstar want to do it Nintendo will let them do it. Nintendo aren't gonna refuse GTA on Wii, they aren't idiots.

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