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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

Axlin16 wrote:

Why make the announcement that some joker's bike got stolen, and if you see it, let 'em know.

You're trying to apply logic to this. That doesn't work.

Although I do see your & Monk's point. They could've very much had plans to tour, but the sour reaction killed that, I dunno. But to me, if they were REALLY interested in touring, they wouldn't have waited until Spring 2009 to replace Robin, when it was obvious he wasn't coming back.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

monkeychow wrote:

I look at it like this:

Robin leaves to go on tour with NIN - catches them kind of by surprise.
GNR don't really know what his intention is but at that stage the focus was on getting the album deal done so it didn't matter too much. GNR make statements that they dont know what he's doing (which surely gives a signal that if he wants to come back he should have a chat). They leave some time. Robin doesn't come back. The album comes out. Still no sign from Robin. Axl comes online and says he's interested in touring in theory, but that he doesn't have any fixed plans yet. More time elapses, still nothing from robin. So the band appoints DJ as a first step to looking at a future tour. Rehersals take place. Something then happens that causes a delay - either problems nutting out details of the tour - or Axl is upset about stuff ala the Azoff rumour - or whatever else - and it's all been put on hold for a while. But when Axl feels better, or when the details are sorted, it seems like the next thing that would happen would be a tour. I could be wrong...but it just seemed the chain of events points that way.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Why make the announcement that some joker's bike got stolen, and if you see it, let 'em know.

I still lean towards that being the start of some sort of viral marketing campaign but due to fan negativity and disinterest it was quickly axed.

It made zero sense unless it was tied to the bike album cover that fans knew existed for six years, but no one took the bait at the time.

Amazing how NOBODY considered the possibility at the time it was posted. Really shows how the Chinese Democracy concept had worn out its welcome even to hardcore followers.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

monkeychow wrote:

That makes a lot of sence james. Never thought of that really. I guess we were all so frustrated with the silence by then, especially after no update from the tentative date that we cracked the shits!

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

James wrote:

Another reason I lean towards a viral campaign gone bust is during one of his chats he said he had various plans but it never materialized. Unfortunately he didn't go into any detail.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

Olorin wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I look at it like this:

Robin leaves to go on tour with NIN - catches them kind of by surprise.
GNR don't really know what his intention is but at that stage the focus was on getting the album deal done so it didn't matter too much. GNR make statements that they dont know what he's doing (which surely gives a signal that if he wants to come back he should have a chat). They leave some time. Robin doesn't come back. The album comes out. Still no sign from Robin. Axl comes online and says he's interested in touring in theory, but that he doesn't have any fixed plans yet. More time elapses, still nothing from robin. So the band appoints DJ as a first step to looking at a future tour. Rehersals take place. Something then happens that causes a delay - either problems nutting out details of the tour - or Axl is upset about stuff ala the Azoff rumour - or whatever else - and it's all been put on hold for a while. But when Axl feels better, or when the details are sorted, it seems like the next thing that would happen would be a tour. I could be wrong...but it just seemed the chain of events points that way.

I'm not 100% sure I believe Robin "caught them off guard". They are only a phone call, text, email, knock at the door  away from each other. I think he informed them of Trents offer and wanted to know what the fuck their plans were and if the album was coming out, but they just stalled and dilly-dallied about without giving him definate answers.

I think he had just had his fill of sitting around listening to the excuses of why they cant play and release music, and when Nine Inch Nails offered him the gig it was a no brainer.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

-D- wrote:

I wonder how much of this is to be blamed on Robin..............

 Rep: 194 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

metallex78 wrote:
-D- wrote:

I wonder how much of this is to be blamed on Robin..............

I wonder how long before Axl starts to refer to Robin as a cancer as well........

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

Axlin16 wrote:

He will, don't worry about it. It's never Axl's fault under any circumstance.

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Possibility of a Guns N' Roses '09 Summer tour

DCK wrote:

I don't think he will. He never did with Buckethead and Bucket cluster-fucked his plans. Axl tries not to pretend he did, but he SO did. They even tried getting BH back in 2006..shows u how much they wanted him.

Mark my words, he will NEVER call Robin a cancer...he might speak in some difuse sentences about Robin making it hard for them to work, but he will never ever call Robin a cancer.

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