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 Rep: 57 

Re: If the Skwerl

supaplex wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

You should really buy the album.

i know. i've heard it's really great. i hope i'll find the time to order it

 Rep: 423 

Re: If the Skwerl

buzzsaw wrote:

I downloaded the demos but haven't bought the album.  I did buy TWAT for Rock Band, so in my opinion I bought the only song worth paying for on the album (even if it wasn't buying the actual song).  TWAT is the only one on my MP3 player, the rest have been deleted.  I tried it out and decided it wasn't worth more than $5 (if that), so I'll wait until it hits the bargain bin before buying it.

 Rep: 43 

Re: If the Skwerl

gnfnraxl wrote:

I downloaded the demos, bought the album and you wanna know where my copy of Chinese Democracy is?  I can't tell cause I can't remember where the fuck I put it.  And why I can't remember where it is?  Cause I stopped listening to the album a week or 2 after it was released.  And don't blame the leaks cause the leaks weren't on a regular rotation neither.  The album lacks something that is called good lasting music.  Not a bad album but not a memorable one.  So because of that CD is probably where my Libertad album is (another album I have no clue where I put it).  Although CD is better than Libertad it's as forgettable.  So that is why CD hasn't sold well.  ACDC and Metallica did well with their latest album, and reason is, both those bands released better records.

 Rep: 60 

Re: If the Skwerl

Gong wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

you wanna know where my copy of Chinese Democracy is?  I can't tell cause I can't remember where the fuck I put it.  And why I can't remember where it is?  Cause I stopped listening to the album a week or 2 after it was released.  And don't blame the leaks cause the leaks weren't on a regular rotation neither.  The album lacks something that is called good lasting music.  Not a bad album but not a memorable one.  So because of that CD is probably where my Libertad album is (another album I have no clue where I put it).

You might want to try alphabetizing your CDs or arranging them by year.
Another idea is to get some sort of display rack, that way you can keep all of your CDs in one place.

Try to remember the last place you saw them, and then re-trace your steps from there.

Let us know if you find it.


 Rep: 268 

Re: If the Skwerl

Olorin wrote:

I think I threw my booklet in the bin with drunken outrage, I know I havnt seen it since its first night under my roof.

I had the album cranked up today during my am cardio session on the cross trainer, and it was fucking sweet!

 Rep: 633 

Re: If the Skwerl

RussTCB wrote:


Re: If the Skwerl

Sky Dog wrote:

the only good thing about the booklet is the detailed writing credits and recording credits. ...which is all I ever read after briefly scanning the atrocious lyric interpretations.

 Rep: 768 

Re: If the Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Had the leaks never happened, fans would have moved on years ago. HTGTH and mygnr would have turned into ghost towns, and this site wouldn't even exist. Also, if no leaks had happened, the album wouldn't be on store shelves and the few fans remaining would still be in Scooby Doo mystery mode.

I do agree that the leaks stripped the emperor of his last strands of cloth, but thats what happens when you refuse to move on yet hype an album year after year. Does mysteron think Axl is scum of the earth for playing the album in strip clubs? Oh, and bonhamfan1 hit the nail on the head....

The band(and its minions) have to stop venting their frustrations at the ONLY people who give a shit about this band. They should be praising people for sticking around and buying that amateurish "album", not shitting over people who brought a buzz to it. Its also no ones fault that all the leaks wound up better than the album as a whole.

I have an idea. Instead of crying over spilled milk, do one or several of the following:

Update the fans with the status of the tour
Fix that bullshit CD booklet and offer the files as a download on the official site
Release that video or explain why its been flushed down the toilet
Let a professional run the official site and actually add content

As far as skwerl goes, I have difficulty supporting the guy. Am I glad he leaked the tracks? Sure. Did I listen to the leaks? Does a bear shit in the woods? However, his approach to it all was way over the line. Too much bragging and bold claims and its not really that shocking that he got in trouble.  He should have went the darknemus and MSL route and had a bit of fun with it without putting a bullseye on his own back.

I doubt he gets jail time.

Regarding new leaks, the more the merrier. Axl went from saying "same bat time" to "don't know, don't care" about a 2nd album and started in on his Slash obsession again. In other words, same as it ever was. Its a known fact that leaks speed up releases, and if anyone wants to see a 2nd album anytime soon, well you know what's gotta happen....

500ft. home run. Great post.

GOD, I would've loved to have gotten in the mud on this thread. One of my biggest issues with this band and how it operates, but apparently I missed all the fun. This post says it best.

 Rep: 13 

Re: If the Skwerl

strat0 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I couldn't tell you where my CD case is, but my actual CD is in my car door because I listen to it a ton. The vinyl copy I bought it at my buddy's house because he has a turn table in his bar and we listen to CD on vinyl there quite a bit.

I agree. I mean this cd may not be a commercial hit, but what do I care if 14 million other people bought it? I like it. That's all that really matters. I mean this cd is honestly better than most of the cds i've bought within the last five years.

Re: If the Skwerl

AtariLegend wrote:
supaplex wrote:

i am. i can be put in both those categories (got the leaks, didn't buy the album). please, why am i not a fan? i am open to discussion if i am a G N' R fan if you bring valid points.

and you didn't say what a G N' R fan is in your view.

I didn't realise that before, but yeah, you don't come under my definition of a fan. You don't like the music and you didn't buy it.

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