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 Rep: 30 

Re: The Rant Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

As for my rant, I fucking hate anxiety. I have a dentist appointment soon and I have bad anxiety. Just once I'd like to be able to go to an appointment and feel like a normal person instead of  worrying, sweating, feeling like I have to vomit, and my heart racing. I'm about to take a valium though so hopefully that helps and doesn't make me more paranoid. 16

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Rant Thread

James wrote:
Acquiesce wrote:

As for my rant, I fucking hate anxiety. I have a dentist appointment soon and I have bad anxiety. Just once I'd like to be able to go to an appointment and feel like a normal person instead of  worrying, sweating, feeling like I have to vomit, and my heart racing. I'm about to take a valium though so hopefully that helps and doesn't make me more paranoid. 16

I have anxiety as well, but I love going to the dentist. Novocaine is great. 9

Only thing I hate dental wise is root canals. 4 Had one a few years ago, and the specific procedure he used was terrible. He actually had to stop in the middle of it and let me sit up because I was dry heaving and about to choke to death.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Doctors, denists... I freak out with both, and try to avoid them as much as possible.

Although if I had to choose, i'd go with the Doc over the Denist. I fucking hate going to the Denist.

 Rep: 30 

Re: The Rant Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

LOL it's the novocaine that has me so terrified of dentists. I hate the thought of a needle in my mouth. I am not scared of needles in general, but I had a traumatic experience with novocaine as a child so the thought of that needle in my mouth freaks me out.

I avoid going to the dentist as much as possible as well even though I am a bit of a fanatic about nice teeth haha. I broke a tooth over a year ago, but I didn't go because it didn't hurt. Then over the winter I'd experience some pain off and on, but it wasn't that bad and 2 Ibuprofen would make it go away. I knew I should go to the dentist, but I was too scared because I knew I'd need a root canal. Then about a month ago I had this real bad toothache that wouldn't go away. So I finally went to the dentist. She takes one look at my tooth and says I need a root canal and she also wanted to extract one of my wisdom teeth which completely overwhelmed me. It was like facing my two worst nightmares at once haha. I was absolutely terrified when I saw the needle and couldn't go through with it.

The pain had went away, but  a week later I started experiencing pain again. It wasn't bad, but it wouldn't go away. It happened on a weekend so I couldnt get to my dentist. Well over that weekend I noticed it was becoming increasingly difficult to eat because my mouth wasn't opening well. By that Monday morning I could barely open my jaw at all so I went to the ER.

So it's been over two weeks since I've been able to able to open my jaw normally. The dentist couldn't do anything until it opened enough to give her access to my tooth. It finally opened enough for her to start the work.

That sucks about your experience, James. That was one of my fears, finding a crappy dentist and dealing with some traumatic experience. I wasn't quite comfortable with the dentist I went to a month ago so I found a different one.

The dentist I went to today was really nice and was aware of my fears so she tried hard to make it as pleasant as possible for me. She said my tooth was dead so I didn't even need the novocaine which was a relief, but also scary because I didn't know if it would hurt. She talked me through the root canal and would give me little breaks to rinse and to chill out for a moment so I wouldnt be so overwhelmed. Overall it was an okay experience. I didn't feel any pain and it seemed to go pretty quickly. She didn't finish it though since my jaw still isnt open enough to do the whole thing. I'll have to go back at some point for a little more drilling and then the build up for the crown.

The downside is that since she was able to get a better look in there she thinks the wisdom tooth next to it is causing the problem with my jaw so she says I need to see an oral surgeon to get it extracted. Now that terrifies me. sad I was calling oral surgeons today but it is hard to find one with an appointment any time soon. So I might have to wait another 10-14 days before I can open my jaw. I am hoping it opens on its own.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: The Rant Thread

I had my wisdom teeth taken out last year.  Nevr posed a problem or pain, Army just thought it was a good idea.  Hell, my teeth never came in, they were still under the gums.  What a big fucking mistake.  My teeth are apparently very hard, so it took him and extra 45 minutes to break all of my wisdom teeth.  I had no pain or discomfort, they put me under for the whole thing.  The oxycodone was kickass and I totally understand how some people could become addicted to that.

What sucked is that they didn't get all the pieces out. So I got an infection.  I went back two weeks later and they cut me open and sucked some more pieces out.  A little uncomfortable, but shit happens right?  2 weeks laters I was in real pain again.  Went back, did an X-Ray and found more fragments were left behind.  This time however, it was all infected and the anesthsia wouldn't work.  So I felt them cut my gums open and suck out more fragments.  To make this story even worse, because of the infection, it had softened part of my jaw bone, so they had to file down the damaged bone to keep it from spreading.  I felt it all.  I'm a fucking man's man, so I didn't cry, but it was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life. 

Wait it's not over.  Even after that fiasco, there WAS STILL fragments left.  So they put me back under again and went to work and FINALLY got everything out.  Maybe the Army's surgeons are just super shitty, but considering they do thousands of these a year, I have a feeling it was just my luck.  That folks is socialized medicine at work.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

^^ Bad story man. I had mine taken out just last year, they would ocassionally hurt now & then, but I hardly ever goto a dentist. Don't really even have one, only went about twice now in the last 7-8 years. Anyway I went last year because they hurt, & really just wanted a referral. The idiot dentist has his asst take a bunch of x-rays & stuff, then the dentist comes in, sits down for no more than 2 minutes. Then tells me I have an abscessed wisdom tooth, 2 impacted wisdom teeth, need capping, striping, whiting, gum stuff done & all this other shit. I'm like whatever just give me the referral. He then gives me a bill of about $4000 of which I'd need to pay $800 & they wanted to schedule me asap?!  I basically laughed in his face & said nah, just give me the referral (My teeth are fine, I knew he just wanted to milk the system). They then gave me a referral only to one oral surgeon about 40 minutes away?  I said wtf I wanna go closer, he said they don't give outside referrals (it was a bit of a chain dentist thing). I called Aetna & they said he cannot do that. It really sucked & I had to call his office back & demand they give me a generic referral so I can go wherever I wanted.

Finally I get my wisdom teeth pulled & no issues at all, but yeah I was zonked out all day. Even the following 2 or 3 days I was drowsy, but still made it in to work. I got vicoden, but didn't want to get hooked on it, have a bit of an addictive personality, so I only took a few here & there. In fact I was in my works bathroom with the pill bottle out to take one, and the VP walked in & did a double take. I told him I had my wisdom teeth pulled the day before & he commended me for braving it to come in, he said he took several days off when he had it done. So yeah it helped that I explained myself rather than just feeling awkward & walking out of the bathroom, I'm usually pretty private in that way.

 Rep: 30 

Re: The Rant Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

Oh my god, that is horrible. I am a total baby when it comes to pain so stories like that are why I am so terrified. 18 

I heard that it is harder for them to remove the wisdom teeth when you are older because they fuse to the bone more. They try to remove them when you are a teenager. That doesn't give me any comfort because I'm 27.

My wisdom teeth also haven't come in and are still under the gums. The idea of them having to cut my gums to get it out freaks me out.

I think mine is already infected. I can see the gums around it is swollen, but it doesn't hurt. I just can't open my jaw fully.

I don't want to go through with this, but I guess I have no choice. sad

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Acquiesce wrote:

I heard that it is harder for them to remove the wisdom teeth when you are older because they fuse to the bone more. They try to remove them when you are a teenager. That doesn't give me any comfort because I'm 27.

That's what they say, but for me it was very in & out. I'm 36, was 35 then. They knocked me out, but I'd guess it may have only been 10-15 minutes. If that. When I awaoke, it seemed so short I thought they hadn't even started yet, as I was fading in & out trying to hold a conversation before I went fully under, so I awoke trying to continue it but they were done. Overall though, there was no pain being in the chair, but it does hurt for a few days afterwards, hard to explain, but just imagine sitting around, hurting & being grouchy.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

one of my wisdom teeth is starting to bother me sad

 Rep: 30 

Re: The Rant Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

Speaking of insurance, my crappy insurance doesn't cover any oral surgeons in my immediate area. To make matters worse my dentist told me I need to see an oral surgeon ASAP. She told me to make it sound like an emergency and they'd have to take me right away, but so far none of them seem to care and I can't get any appointment any time soon. I can get one for May 4, but I don't know if it is a good idea to wait that long. I'm afraid the infection will get  worse since I am no longer on antibiotics. I don't want to have to pay out of pocket to find an oral surgeon in my area that can take me right away. I don't have that kind of cash.

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