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 Rep: 268 

Re: So what about that drumming???

Olorin wrote:

I didnt like the poll because its a bit to narrow minded, I like a lot of the drumming and not just one song.

So whats your favourite drumming on the album then? How does it compare to previous albums and how will it stand up in the future?

Re: So what about that drumming???

Catcher In The Rye, There Was a Time and Prostitute.

Brain's absolute highlights.

 Rep: 268 

Re: So what about that drumming???

Olorin wrote:

Catcher has some great beats. The first half has a killer groove but really subtle, it actually sounds fun to play.
The second half is absolutely fantastic and Brain unleashes some kickass shit in the outro - but my beef with it is that as the song goes on the drums seem to disapear into the backround while the vocals and guitars and pushed to the fore. Kills the moment for me.

 Rep: 268 

Re: So what about that drumming???

Olorin wrote:

Remember Brain talking about that weird hall he recorded in, that gave the drums a huge sound?
Seems like it was a pointless exercise, I assume that sound was lost in the mixing and mastering process over the years.

 Rep: 55 

Re: So what about that drumming???

FlashFlood wrote:

there was a time...

i was listening to the outro to TWAT with my brother, he's older than me and grew up listening to GNR so he's a real old school fan. All he said was "well the drumming is better than matt sorum!"

apparently josh freese wrote the part, brain played it.

Re: So what about that drumming???

Sky Dog wrote:

outro drums in Catcher are incredible...beginning of Riad kicks a whole lotta ass as well.

 Rep: 768 

Re: So what about that drumming???

Axlin16 wrote:

CD is the best to me.

 Rep: 11 

Re: So what about that drumming???

Coma wrote:

CD Catcher and the ones for Shcklers are really fun

 Rep: 231 

Re: So what about that drumming???

-D- wrote:

Don't think it is really featured enough and the drums are used just like other bands use drums normally

thats what happens when u use so many layers, other stuff has to suffer and bass and drums suffer in my opinion.

I know on Appetite, I can air drum and sing a long the drum beats they are so good.

on CD, they just seem like your normal studio drumming on upteen different CD's u hear.

When I listen to Metallica, I FEEL the drums, when I listen to Motley, I FEEL the drums, when I listen to AFD, I FEEL the drums.

Nothing on CD stands out for me and makes me bang my head with it or air drum it.

 Rep: 13 

Re: So what about that drumming???

strat0 wrote:

Prostitute and Rhaid and TWAT

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