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 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Captain Ron

 Rep: 109 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Saikin wrote:

Cool Hand Luke- not anything new and hip like everyone else. 16 

I'm going to see Watchmen soon though.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

AtariLegend wrote:


 Rep: 341 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

bigbri wrote:

No Country For Old Men. Liked it but didn't get the ending. Is it supposed to be like a circular story a la Pulp Fiction? If so, I missed something.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

BLS-Pride wrote:
Von wrote:

"The Wrestler." Again.

5/5. Again.

Yeah I just watch it for the third time. It is a great film and too bad Hollywood can't get off Penn's dick long enough to realize Mickey gave a great performance in a role that basically related a lot to his own career. And he nailed it. Watch "Beyond the Mat" documentary and then see how Mickey takes on the role of a washed up broken down wrestling star. Def one of the best movies of 2008.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Furbush wrote:

i just watched "happy endings"..... proof that netflix has a flaw or two when determining what movies you'll like....awful... i can't describe how uncomfortable that flick has made me.... complete trash

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
bigbri wrote:

No Country For Old Men. Liked it but didn't get the ending. Is it supposed to be like a circular story a la Pulp Fiction? If so, I missed something.

The ending of that film (great film by the way) is highly debated among people. Some see the simplistic aspects of the ending, others find a very deep philosophical meaning in it.

I personally thought the ending of the film was that Tommy Lee's character had no final resolve at the end of his life. We all live our lives for some kind of end game, that wraps everything up, and explains to us the ways of the world and what is the meaning of life, does God exist... etc. He did not find any of these answers. The world around him is nothing but darkness & cold (the dream referencing the dark & snow). There is no silver lining. The hitman was the embodiment of evil - "Death" - and Tommy Lee didn't catch him. Didn't stop him. Didn't capture him. His purpose and honor for living.

The only hope he had left was his like-minded father, whom he molded his existence after was all that was left, and that his final hope is that his father would be out there in all the dark & cold, keeping a light on (fire) for him... waiting for him.

His life was over. He had served his purpose. Death might had escaped him before, but it was time to die.

BLS-Pride wrote:
Von wrote:

"The Wrestler." Again.

5/5. Again.

Yeah I just watch it for the third time. It is a great film and too bad Hollywood can't get off Penn's dick long enough to realize Mickey gave a great performance in a role that basically related a lot to his own career. And he nailed it. Watch "Beyond the Mat" documentary and then see how Mickey takes on the role of a washed up broken down wrestling star. Def one of the best movies of 2008.

I think that's why Penn made a point of giving a shout out to Mickey at the Oscars. I think that was Sean's way of basically saying "I think Mickey should've won".

 Rep: 341 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

bigbri wrote:

Thanks Axlin08. Glad I didn't miss anything obvious. So, it's a chin-scratcher then? Cool.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, definitely. I would love to know what Tommy Lee Jones himself thought it meant, because he played it all in his facial reaction to telling the dream to his wife. He knew what it meant, but it was up to the audience to figure it out, and I love when movies do that. But it was so quick and so blunt, that it took a few times of me watching it over and over to really let the context and his facial expression sink in.

And I still don't know if i've got it right.

But there's alot of people out there that will try to tell you how they get it and they understand, and rarely will they ever attempt to explain they'll just say - "you have to figure it out for yourself, that's the best way it works", and usually these people don't know shit, they just want to play the little childish internet game of "i've got it all figured out, and i'm so smart, and you're so dumb".

The only reason I mention this, and I, like you, went fact-finding and searching for answers also, after I initially watched No Country For Old Men. At the end of the day, I watched the film over, and studied the ending, and came up with my reasoning.

And in reality - I think that's what it was all about. Like a film, like Phantasm IV... the ending is whatever you make it.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

12 Angry Men. Possibly the best movie ever made.

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