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 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Axlin16 wrote:

I agree. But you called it right from the beginning. "This is gonna create a giant fucking shitstorm".

I got the same reaction, first reading it. Anybody that's been around the block with the fanbase knows it.

The realists just sit back and watch the fireworks fly, because in all these years, not much has changed with the people, nor the fanbase. And this stuff just continues to create more decisive factions within the fanbase, which is sad they take it THAT seriously.

It's cliched to death at this point, but many need to get a life.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Mikkamakka wrote:

First of all, Axl should get a life.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Mikkamakka wrote:
jorge76 wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I separate Art from the Artist.  The Art makes it worth it, doesn't mean I like it.  He used to be such a badass... Not so much anymore.

Nope, I'm pretty sure he's always been the way he is.  You just know more about it now in the internet/24 hour news cycle world we live in.

I agree - partly. Axl's always been Axl. Different is in the past, like 20+ years ago it was 5 young badass guys against the world, now it's one middle-aged bitter and botoxed rich man against the world, but mostly against his old buddies and fans. It makes a huuuuge difference in perception.

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

AtariLegend wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

First of all, Axl should get a life.

This a tad ironic coming from someone who has spent literally years of his life complaining about Axl Rose on Guns N' Roses forums.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Mikkamakka wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

First of all, Axl should get a life.

This a tad ironic coming from someone who has spent literally years of his life complaining about Axl Rose on Guns N' Roses forums.

I try not to take it a personal attack wink

I have a life. To tell the truth I have a balanced and mostly happy life. Guns N' Roses is my favourite band and it's a hobby for me to follow them, although in the past few years for me it became more like a soap opera addiction than a real interest in what they're doing. It's been more than a decade I heard an album by any of them that blew me away. So thanks, I have a life. big_smile  Unlike Axl who got everything then he blew it away and now he's a middle-aged cry baby who can't focus on his present and future shit, only on the long-gone past.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Bono wrote:

*disclaimer - U2 reference and comparison. Proceed with caution

Axl's situation and the people he's surrounded himself with(Beta, Del) who we perceive as yes men, as well as the whole collapse of the old band reminds me of this quote and why a band like Gn'R fell apart and a band like U2 didn't:

"The hardest thing to do is to stick together. Mates, family, marriages, bands,  what have you. It's like resisting gravity. But you can and we have. The alternative is too predictable. You rid the room of arguement. You empty your life of the people you need most"

-Bono, 2004-

 Rep: 53 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

slashsfro wrote:

I remember MSL talking about his phone call with Beta and he was saying how he got the impression that they were completely consumed with Slash. He never even mentioned him and she was ranting and raving about Slash. People called him a bullshitter but as times went on its transparant its completely true,  they really are obsessed with Slash.

The funniest part of that story was that MSL had to go use the bathroom, so he put the phone down.  When he came back, Beta was still ranting and raving and didn't even realize that he had left.

One of the lawsuits was Axl passing up movie deals to include songs.

I think Slash and Duff wanted to use it in Death to Smoochie and other movies but Axl was against it.  I only remember this because Death to Smoochie got universally panned and I thought to myself they dodged a bullet on that one.

I find it disheartening that Axl has chosen to bash Slash's guitar playing and work ethic.  Slash's work ethic and passion for his music have never been questioned.  He goes out and gives the fans a great show.  It probably would have been better if Axl aired out his greivences 10 years ago instead of right now.  He would have been a lot happier and productive.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Aussie wrote:

Well after reading that interview once I'm not sure what to think.

I mean I like Axl talking but the whole thing about Slash being the devil incarnate - a cancer no less - hmmmm please that's pretty extreme. 

The whole Slash took his guitar to the Hard Rock thing - I would really like to know the context of that.  I mean if he turned up to the doors of the gig guitar in hand well that's pretty stupid.  But if he checked into the hotel with his guitar - BIG DEAL!  It's like a surfer going on holiday and taking his surfboard with him.  Doesn't mean he wants to go out and catch a wave with his ex-buddies at the same break, it may just mean he wants to go somewhere else, or out by himself.  Maybe Slash likes doodleing around with his guitar in his hotel room??

I also agree with a few things Axl says about Slash's post GNR work.  I have said for a while that if Slash really wants back with Axl, then he needs to play some really amazing stuff.  He has to get Axlto the point where he says "man I really need this guy in my band, he's awesome".  To date unfortunately he has shown only glimpses of what he is truly capable of and needs to be pushed further IMHO.

As for the whole Slash wanting to take over the band, I find that hypocritical.  Whilst I don't think Slash did, even if we assume for a minute that Slash actually was trying to take over.  Well shit, wasn't that exactly what Axl was trying to do?  Axl succeeded and Slash didn't.  It doesn't change the fact when people claim that Axl was a control freak and trying to call all the shots and take everything over.  Rather than admit he was trying to take control, Axl's defence was that it was Slash that was trying to.  Well so what (even though I dont' believe it) just say that you both wanted control and that you (Axl) ultimately won out.

I will have to read that interview again and digest the things a bit more before I comment further.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

James wrote:

All this should have went down in 2002 if it was going in this direction. The album, its lyrical content, his reaction to the release, and these latest interviews gel perfectly with that 2002 comeback, off the wall rants during shows, and the eventual tour implosion.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Intercourse wrote:

i think that attack on Slash was crass. Axl has let himself down so badly and shown that the high road is a place he does not have the intellectual tools to walk upon. EVERYBODY got it in the neck there...bandmembers, fans, press..who the fuck is left?

What an insane, bitter old bitch.

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