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 Rep: 664 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

James wrote:

Stepped-up fuel orders for US Gulf shipping and aircraft

The US Navy's Military Sealift Command has tendered for four tankers in November - instead of the normal one or two - to move at least one million barrels of jet and ship fuel between Gulf ports from Asia to the Gulf and between the US Diego Garcia Indian Ocean base and big US Gulf bases in Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman.

The fuels to be moved between Gulf ports include the high flashpoint jet fuel JP5, used to power F18 fighters aboard aircraft carriers. Military sources report that the US heavy B-1 bombers are based on Diego Garcia along with heavy ordnance for bombing fortified underground targets, such as Iran's secret military installations

Shipping and oil industry sources suggest CENTCOM, whose area includes the American Fifth Fleet's aircraft carriers cruising the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, may be stocking in extra fuel ahead of extended operations off or on Iran's shores.

The Military Sealift Command, which is geared to provide ocean transportation for supplying US forces worldwide with equipment, fuel, supplies and ammunition, has been very active, said a ship industry source. During war, 95 percent of all equipment and supplies needed to sustain the U.S. military will be carried by sea. Stepping up this traffic suggests heightened American military operation pending in the Gulf region.

In the last two days, two Western newspapers have referred to US war preparations against Iran: The big Scottish paper The Herald reported: 'The US is secretly upgrading special stealth bomber hangars on the British island protectorate of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, according to military sources.'

According to the Canadian Globe and Mail : 'No one is predicting a full-blown ground war with Iran. The likeliest scenario, a blistering air war that could last as little as one night or as long as two weeks'¦'

 Rep: 109 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

Saikin wrote:

One night or two weeks? 

They had a similar timeframe for Iraq.

 Rep: 664 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

James wrote:

Yeah, they're going into this as blind as Mr. Magoo. Interesting that the B-1 Bomber is in the Gulf region though. That bomber was created decades ago for the sole purpose of obliterating the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons. It is literally a nuclear bomber, although it can also use conventional weapons. I don't remember all the details about the B-1, but I think it has only been used in combat once, and that was just to test it out. It has never played a major role in combat.

The B-1 never got to live up to its potential because the B-2 Stealth Bomber blew people away and was unlike anything the world had ever seen, so the military started concentrating on that.

 Rep: 109 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

Saikin wrote:

I wish i could remember the name of it, but the Air Force has another bomber in the "B" series that is currently classified.  I saw one picture of it, but we would have practically been thrown in jail if we would have taken a picture of it.  It's currently not for public view. 

I wouldn't be suprised if they had a few of those over there also. 

You know, i really would have liked to believe that our government would have learned from their mistakes both in the past and with the current war to plan things out more, not just go in and bomb someone like that. 

The best plan of action for our government is to pull out, and accept our losses.  But with admitting that we made a mistake, comes fixing that mistake, and changing the leadership of this country.  I am getting sick and tired of Bush limiting our rights, putting us in wars that are unecessary, and destroying the financial stablilty that Clinton gave us. 

When over 2/3'rds of the country is saying that their 'leader' is not acting in their best interests, it's time for a change.

 Rep: 664 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

James wrote:

I think if he pulled us out of Iraq, and started admitting that a LOT of things he has done during his presidency were a mistake(especially those tax cuts, which played a role in the destruction of our economy), he might be able to help mend the wounds of this nation and start to build something resembling a real legacy.

It wouldn't solve everything thats for sure, but it would help ease the transition for when the next president takes office.

He has the lowest approval ratings in history. He really needs to extend some sort of olive branch to the american people before leaving office.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

PaSnow wrote:

I hope that this isn't actual facts we might consider war with Iran. That would be an awful awful mistake. Would Bush need Congress' approval to go to war? If so, he'll never get it. Not in an election year. Alot of these senators need to be re-elected & will not vote to goto war.

 Rep: 664 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I hope that this isn't actual facts we might consider war with Iran. That would be an awful awful mistake. Would Bush need Congress' approval to go to war? If so, he'll never get it. Not in an election year. Alot of these senators need to be re-elected & will not vote to goto war.

Yeah, its facts. Cheney is supposedly begging for the war. No, he doesn't need Congress approval. He would if he declared war, but Bush doesn't declare wars. He prefers Vietnam type clusterfucks.

Our Congress is full of pansies. They sign Bush bills into law without even reading them. Thats not an exaggeration. Bush added powers into bills that give him(and presidents after him) unlimited powers, and these fucking douchebags signed this shit into law without even looking at it. If this country wasn't so dumbed down, people would be demanding that the entire legislative and executive branch be impeached for treason.

Bush can now declare martial law over the entire country, suspend the constitution, suspend elections indefinitely,etc. over ANYTHING that HE considers a national emergency without needing any sort of congressional approval. Not one person in Congress fought this because they didn't read any of it.

Our government is a joke. We're going to be lucky if Bush even leaves office. He has already stated several times during his presidency that this country would be better under a dictatorship if he could be dictator, but the country was too interested in Britney Spears' crotch to even give it a second thought.

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

AtariLegend wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Our Congress is full of pansies. They sign Bush bills into law without even reading them. Thats not an exaggeration. Bush added powers into bills that give him(and presidents after him) unlimited powers, and these fucking douchebags signed this shit into law without even looking at it.

That Micheal Moore film (Fahrenheit 9/11) with an interview with a congress guy, where he basically said the bills are like 400 pages long, and they can't be bothered reading them.

 Rep: 664 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Our Congress is full of pansies. They sign Bush bills into law without even reading them. Thats not an exaggeration. Bush added powers into bills that give him(and presidents after him) unlimited powers, and these fucking douchebags signed this shit into law without even looking at it.

That Micheal Moore film (Fahrenheit 9/11) with an interview with a congress guy, where he basically said the bills are like 400 pages long, and they can't be bothered reading them.

If they cant be bothered to read something that will effect this country for many years to come and possibly permanently, then they need to enter a different line of work.

I don't care if a bill is a thousand pages long. Spend a couple days reading the damn thing.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: US steps up fuel supply activity for Gulf forces

Axl S wrote:

Well if he refuses to leave office, then it truly is the biggest threat to world peace ever.

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