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 Rep: 207 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

DCK wrote:

Actually, the kid is pretty fucking good.

 Rep: 287 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

Aussie wrote:

^ ereeper nobody had commented on his looks so far in the posts?

But since you brought it up, when I had a look at his pics on his myspace I have to say he looks like a young girl in a lot of the pics.  18

And don't get me started on those choppers of his.  Largest mouthfull of teeth I have seen in a long time big_smile

 Rep: 633 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

Neemo wrote:

dont diss the wiggles, they fucking own

well if finck is gone then they need someone to fill his shoes...who knows who it will be...could be this kid, could be anyone, my guess is that we wont know until the band hit the stage on the first night of a hypothetical tour...but i agree with DCK, he seems pretty talented

 Rep: 485 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

Neemo wrote:

i agree with james though...for those fans who still think this is anything more than the Axl Rose show then they are setting up for disappointment

people will come and go in GnR, the only constant will be Axl..the only constant has been Axl since the mid ninety's. that being said there is nothing wrong with supporting the guys who are playing in GnR at any given moment

its just sad though that even though the album is out, we seem to have digressed back into a 04/05 type period...people fishing for leaks, already bored of the album and wild guesses on who may or may not currently be in the band

 Rep: 14 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

ereeper wrote:

I am at the point where as long as Axl is happy and I like the music, I'm content.  Hell didn't freeze over when CD dropped and as far as I'm concerned anything we get now is bonus.  If Finck is gone for good, somebody needs to play.  I don't care what there name is or any details, just can they play.  Who knows how solid the BH rumors are, at this point they are just that, rumor.

I will say the kid will have to be very mature to handle a tour if he is being considered.

 Rep: 205 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

PaSnow wrote:

Maybe he's going the Ozzy/Zakk route (Wasn't Zakk only like 22 or something when he joined) but 18 is going a little far. The kid is a great guitarists, no doubt, but Guns N Roses would truly become a joke. They'd almost be this kids backing band. And Axl blaming BH for using GnR for boosting his career??  What do you think this kid would be doing?!  He could stay in the band 5-7 years (possibly) record a few albums with them, then quit at age 25 for something else/solo work.

 Rep: 14 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

ereeper wrote:

Let him quit.  If we had a solid studio/touring lineup for 5-7 years I would be in hog heaven.

 Rep: 59 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

jorge76 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Maybe he's going the Ozzy/Zakk route (Wasn't Zakk only like 22 or something when he joined) but 18 is going a little far.

Actually, Zakk was only 19 I believe.

As has already been said though, the problem is trying to get people to accept that this is a band not a solo project (which is one thing Axl seems to always try to keep saying when he talks) when the revolving door keeps turning.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: New Guitarist for GNR?

Axl S wrote:

He has STP higher than GNR on his top friends.NO WAY IS HE GETTING IN:haha:

Although he does have Bumblefoot as a friend. Think they know each other?

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