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 Rep: 2 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bloodyhell81 wrote:

im glad hes put the who renuinion thing to rest,  sick of people hoping for something that in reality has never really going to happen ever, people love to live in the past but how can you expect axl who obviously wants nothing to do with slash to give in and sell out, they arnt friends there mutual repect is gone why in gods name would they get back together, people bitch about axl not not talking and that yet when he does he gets critised, people need to grow the fuck up and get over it. its not about whos right and wrong anymore that shits old.  slash plays the victim in the media he has for years, it just shits me off.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

faldor wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

The 'Slash is a one-trick pony' mantra is just from the same source as the 'Slash is a liar' chant. Not true. Those who think Slash is a one trick pony obviously didn't bother to listen his works - that more diverse than any of his former bandmates'.

I love Slash, but the most diverse thing about him is who he plays with.  From Lenny Kravitz to Fergie.  Now THAT'S diversity!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I love Slash too but I actually think he's lazy rather than a one trick pony.  He needs the right people around him to push him in order to bring out his best.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Saikin wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

The 'Slash is a one-trick pony' mantra is just from the same source as the 'Slash is a liar' chant. Not true. Those who think Slash is a one trick pony obviously didn't bother to listen his works - that more diverse than any of his former bandmates'.

Any of his former band mates huh?  I can think of a few who are way more diverse than Slash.  Including his previous lead singer and the one before that.  16

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:
faldor wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

The 'Slash is a one-trick pony' mantra is just from the same source as the 'Slash is a liar' chant. Not true. Those who think Slash is a one trick pony obviously didn't bother to listen his works - that more diverse than any of his former bandmates'.

I love Slash, but the most diverse thing about him is who he plays with.  From Lenny Kravitz to Fergie.  Now THAT'S diversity!

Speak of the devil...

 Rep: -1 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

JesseRose wrote:
DCK wrote:

Slither riff is the only song post GNR where Slash actually reached his past in terms of talent IMO


 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

faldor wrote:
 Rep: -1 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

JesseRose wrote:

bucket  3 9

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:

Guys, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to Slash. I don't bother listing again the numerous songs in different genres he played and wrote. Of course, Izzy, Duff, Axl, Steven, Gilby, Dizzy and Matt are more diverse musicians. You are right.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

RussTCB wrote:


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