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Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:

wow..door slammed shut. I did like how the only band member they named dropped and contacted was Tommy. As I have always said, he is the ONLY guy in the band who has a real presence and history in the industry.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

James, when Axl said in the Oh my God press release in 99 or 2000 that he wouldn't wish on his worst enemies having to work with Slash, to me that is pretty damn clear he wasn't going to do a reunion.  When Axl did his release in 2004 or 2006 when Slash showed up to his house, it was obvious there was going to be no reunion.  Axl said in hsi dexter chats that there would be no reunion.  Yet even through all of this, people spread rumors saying that one was happening.  And it's going to continue.  Short of Axl putting a bullet in Slash's head, people are going to say that a reunion will happen.  And even then, you have the Tupac and Biggie crowd who would say Axl helped Slash fake his death and a reunion is happening at the half-time show of Superbowl 45.  It's a vicious cycle spread by those who can't let go of the past and think that by listening to music they somehow share a connection with their idolized and perceived form of Axl.  It's nuts.  And what's even worse, is that people who Axl accountable when he fails to live up to their imagined expectations.

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:

Axl doesn't discriminate...Interscope got a nice tongue lashing as well....don't expect any help from their end!

"We feel that, unfortunately, we've never been really anything all that much more other than a throw it at the wall, see if it sticks, no real ground work, something to take advantage of, last quarter, cook the books, write-off, fuck this headache, hoping to get lucky scam. And, unfortunately, for all their nice words and assurances, nothing that's happened since the week or so before the release has shown us much of anything to the contrary. So at least in regard to the U.S., for the most part I don't look at it like we have a record company -- I look at it for the most part like we have friendly but otherwise cutthroat loan sharks, and we were lucky to get what we got but feel we could have done more if they were at least, especially with some of their backgrounds, a bit more involved creatively. So in light of pirating and the mess the major labels are in, I have no sympathy for the record companies, based on our experiences in the U.S." 18

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

wow..door slammed shut. I did like how the only band member they named dropped and contacted was Tommy. As I have always said, he is the ONLY guy in the band who has a real presence and history in the industry.

If Tommy will ever finish up that Soul Asylum crap, he might actually factor in to this coming second push of the record. The only viable people who can help Axl promotion wise in this project are Tommy, Bucket, and Pitman. MAYBE Brain to a certain extent. The media and public doesn't care about anyone else.

James, when Axl said in the Oh my God press release in 99 or 2000 that he wouldn't wish on his worst enemies having to work with Slash, to me that is pretty damn clear he wasn't going to do a reunion.  When Axl did his release in 2004 or 2006 when Slash showed up to his house, it was obvious there was going to be no reunion.  Axl said in hsi dexter chats that there would be no reunion.  Yet even through all of this, people spread rumors saying that one was happening.  And it's going to continue.  Short of Axl putting a bullet in Slash's head, people are going to say that a reunion will happen.  And even then, you have the Tupac and Biggie crowd who would say Axl helped Slash fake his death and a reunion is happening at the half-time show of Superbowl 45.  It's a vicious cycle spread by those who can't let go of the past and think that by listening to music they somehow share a connection with their idolized and perceived form of Axl.  It's nuts.  And what's even worse, is that people who Axl accountable when he fails to live up to their imagined expectations.

Of course he's always ranted about Slash. He was smart in his rantings and yes men obsession with Slash......the door was never closed on a reunion. Until now.

He basically has nothing to lose at this point, although I am surprised he ruled it out. He has the potential of turning away droves of casual fans and a segment of hardcores who always hoped for it to happen someday. This strategy will only work if he plans on becoming active over the next few years.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

Axl doesn't discriminate...Interscope got a nice tongue lashing as well....don't expect any help from their end!

"We feel that, unfortunately, we've never been really anything all that much more other than a throw it at the wall, see if it sticks, no real ground work, something to take advantage of, last quarter, cook the books, write-off, fuck this headache, hoping to get lucky scam. And, unfortunately, for all their nice words and assurances, nothing that's happened since the week or so before the release has shown us much of anything to the contrary. So at least in regard to the U.S., for the most part I don't look at it like we have a record company -- I look at it for the most part like we have friendly but otherwise cutthroat loan sharks, and we were lucky to get what we got but feel we could have done more if they were at least, especially with some of their backgrounds, a bit more involved creatively. So in light of pirating and the mess the major labels are in, I have no sympathy for the record companies, based on our experiences in the U.S." 18

Would love to see his current contract with Uni. If its on the verge of expiring, some interesting things could happen in the next year or two. Key word there is 'could'.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Aussie wrote:

He can't honestly be surprised that they left him high and dry with the promo I mean c'mon.  The throw it at the wall etc etc comment... He has to be grateful they still even have the energy to pick up the shit to throw at the wall. As for the "cut throat loan sharks", presumably it's only a natural progression that if you are getting fucked over year in year out, when you finally get the whip hand I'm not surprised that there are people that are looking to dish out some retribution in return.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

buzzsaw wrote:

I really feel sorry for Axl after reading that.  What a pathetic life.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:

I wonder if Interscope will use their right to reply and come clean on what has actually happened over the umpteen years Axl took to make a record.

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I really feel sorry for Axl after reading that.  What a pathetic life.

He may be more bitter than you Buzz....:haha:

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

faldor wrote:

There sure was overwhelming bitterness in that interview, and I don't see that stopping anytime soon.  After Axl saying he's been hesitant to talk to the media because of their negative treatment of him and the band over the years.  Then at the end of the interview him outlying exactly how Billboard and moreso Reuters negatively portrayed him.  Will he do that with future interviews?

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