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Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Sky Dog wrote:

sorry...been at a happy hour.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

"That band, in my opinion, played its last show on April 7, 1990. Farm Aid, Indianapolis.”

I'll START with this....I agree but would have set the date a little further up in time to Nov 1991 when Izzy left.

That's a great line by Niven and understand why he said it(obviously), but I agree with you that the band truly ceased to be GNR the moment that Izzy bailed.

While his departure didn't get a ton of media play, I knew that things would never be the same. Even though Axl and Slash got most of the attention(and Duff as well), Izzy was the real creative spark in the band. The post 91 resume is all anyone needs to see. They became a glorified cover band doing a massive tour when he left.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

I still fully acknowledge the 1992/93 band, but obviously being Gilby was never apart of any original studio work, I can see where people look at Izzy's departure a 'the end'.

GNR's last show was Buenos Aires '93 for me, but yeah the "24" countdown clock to their death began with Izzy's departure imo.

I think it's unfair of Alan to rope the Steven situation into Axl's, because it's simply not fair. Steven was and still is F-U-C-K-E-D UP, and it was necessary for all band members to make that move in order to survive. Only Slash came back and Monday morning quarterbacked the whole thing, by talking about how it was a bad thing and all this nonsense. All i've got to say to that is, "where's Steven in VR?" 'nuff said on that

But Alan certainly brought the ammo. Axl most likely will not respond at all to this, because typically no matter how intellectually well written or spoken Axl's responses are, if you look deep into the subject matter, rarely does Axl ever back stuff up with evidence, or shed any real light on anything. He just throws his hand grenade into the room, and runs. "People don't want to hear what I have to say"... oooh I beg to disagree Mr. Rose. MANY MANY MANY MANY people want to hear what you have to say on the past specifically, and certainly the present & future.

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Sky Dog wrote:

James, see, in my circles Duff was just kind of seen as a fuckup, drunk, good timing bassist. Izzy was always seen as cool and definitely important. I had a group of about 12 guys that went to see the Ju Ju Hounds when they came to Atlanta in 92 I believe. I think people retroactively place more importance on Duff because he was a part of the final Gnr partnership-Axl/Duff/Slash.

On Niven's comments, I think history has shown that Axl clearly had a plan to get the name. Which, from a business standpoint, does protect his long term interests.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

James, see, in my circles Duff was just kind of seen as a fuckup, drunk, good timing bassist. Izzy was always seen as cool and definitely important. I had a group of about 12 guys that went to see the Ju Ju Hounds when they came to Atlanta in 92 I believe. I think people retroactively place more importance on Duff because he was a part of the final Gnr partnership-Axl/Duff/Slash.

Point taken, but Duff was a crucial aspect of the promotion that led up to the Illusions release. While Axl was pretty open back then and did discuss things with the media, Duff and Slash carried the weight of those records on their shoulders. They did massive promo for all the mags during that wait for Illusions, and went into a lot of detail regarding tracklist, song descriptions,etc.

Had Duff kept his mouth shut during that period, the wait would have been even more frustrating.

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Sky Dog wrote:

true...I was responding to James' post. Izzy never was a big promo guy.:haha:

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

Izzy was worse about giving interviews than Axl.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

slashsfro wrote:

I'm pretty sure that Niven's refusal to speak has a lot to do with legal reasons.  Here's something I dug up from an old May 11, 2000 Rolling Stone article by Peter Wilkinson:

"Lately, Axl has been using threats of legal action to limit what people say about him.  A few days after I talked with Alan Niven, G n' R's former manager, who was fired in 1991, Doug Goldstein called me, threatening to sue Niven for allegedly breaching a confidentiality agreement.  Niven later received a letter from Axl's personal lawyer in Los Angeles, demanding he contact ROLLING STONE and attempt to withdraw his comments.  Failure to do so Axl's lawyer warned would result in 'swift and sure legal action'." (Wilkinson, 75)

Axl most likely will not respond at all to this, because typically no matter how intellectually well written or spoken Axl's responses are, if you look deep into the subject matter, rarely does Axl ever back stuff up with evidence, or shed any real light on anything. He just throws his hand grenade into the room, and runs.

This is unfortunately true--he'll either change the subject or go into a long winded rant which at the end of you'll have no clue what he is speaking about.  He'll just go into the familiar victim mode where everyone's out to get him.  I just want concrete answers--he doesn't need to go into paragraphs of discussion.  Sometimes when he writes these long rambling sentences I just get confused and glaze over the material.  Can anyone explain the Oh my God press release from 1999?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Aussie wrote:

I communicate with Alan personally from time to time.  For those that have wondered why he has come out now and said the things he has said, I believe that ultimately he simply wishes to preserve the postive aspects of the legacy. BUT, since Axl has seen fit to libel and defame both himself and the rest of the alumini, I believe he has finally said "enough".

It's worth noting that Alan for the most part has never come out and spoken about his time with the band.  In fact, the only time I can recall was to defend Axl a couple of years ago when Scott Weiland came out with his vitriolic attack on Axl.  So for him to come out now and actually speak up about a number of issues, tells me that he no doubt feels a line was overstepped when Axl decided to deride his actions and character.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

Interesting info Aussie. I wouldn't be shocked. Most people realize it's so bastardized and beyond reach at this point, that to even hang on to this 'war' is pointless.

"i'm not caving in"... then keep looking like a jackass.

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