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 Rep: 118 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

mickronson wrote:

As far as BJ go, I dont associate them with a logo at all.. but then i lost interest after KTF.
I see your point chow..
The not allowing em to use "Jovi" at all tho its quite pathetic.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Neemo wrote:

also we prolly dont know the whole story here, the media peice is obviously slanted against Bon Jovi....maybe the band themselves have nothing to do with it? Could even be the Label....Universal has been seeing where the boundaries could be pushed with the skwerl thing ... maybe this is a new level of coyright infringement

I'm just sayin

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

monkeychow wrote:

The logo is this:


and the girls were using this:


Looks like they've named themselves Blonde Jersey now...which should solve their problems with Bon Jovi...and yet keep the general idea.

Some of them are kinda hot too wink


 Rep: 118 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

mickronson wrote:

Some?  i`d do em all one after the other.. but im a dirty bugger
but, why does the one on the far right look like her head isnt really part of her body...

 Rep: 286 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Aussie wrote:

Yeah it looks a bit weird, or maybe she just has a bit of a giraffe neck.  I'd still spank her though and the blonde in the middle and the girl on the far left.  When I was done with that I would probably nail the remaining two as well.  16

The blonde second from the right looks like a bit of a cougar, although I would imagine she would still go off like a frog in a sock

As for Bon Jovi and the lawsuit - it's lame!!!!  It's something I would expect NuGNR to do to their fans.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Acquiesce wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I'm not sure about in the usa but in Australia part of being able to claim a trade mark is yours is proving you have defended it and that it's only associated with your use. So while the tribute act's use is harmless to a huge act like BJ, it may be that he pretty much needs to be able to say he stoped it, otherwise in the future a major act could steal their logo design and use as a defence "it's part of general popular culture, and been used by other bands before".

Don't get me wrong, in this instance it really sucks for fans, and for the tribute act who are clearly also fans, i'm just saying legally, it's a brand name and logo, and they have to do certain things to protect themselves in business.

This is also true in the USA and probably the reason why they are going after them.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

-D- wrote:

Good, Tribute bands are fucking parasites and should be sued on general principle for being fucking lame.

I support this 100 percent.

 Rep: 118 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

mickronson wrote:
-D- wrote:

Good, Tribute bands are fucking parasites and should be sued on general principle for being fucking lame.

I support this 100 percent.

take this GNR for instance... lol
im kidding...
there a lot of good tribute acts for various bands tho...cmon man

 Rep: 768 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Axlin16 wrote:

If that's the case Axl Rose should launch a lawsuit against himself for starting a GN'R tribute band.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

RussTCB wrote:


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