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 Rep: 281 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

faldor wrote:

by Paul Cashmere - April 5 2009
photo by Ros O'Gorman

Bon Jovi appears to have sunk to a new low - suing a covers band.

A legal letter from the law firm Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman to the girl group Blonde Jovi has surfaced and states, “It has recently come to our attention that your band is using the mark and name BLONDE JOVI in connection with live musical performances; more specifically, a Bon Jovi tribute band. Our investigation also uncovered that you are using BJP’s “Heart and Dagger” Logo trademark prominently on your website. Unfortunately, and despite the fact that our client appreciates the reverence that your band pays tribute to Bon Jovi, as a tribute band, our client nevertheless is charged with the duty of enforcing its trademark rights. In this regard, BJP cannot allow your band to use the mark and name BLONDE JOVI (or any other BJP trademarks), as such use creates a likelihood of confusion with our client, and capitalizes on the goodwill and reputation of its well-known marks”.

Is Jon Bon Jovi for real or does he well and truly have his head stuck up his own arse?

A girl-group playing in tiny venues who are paying homage to their heroes “creates a likelihood of confusion” with one of the biggest rock bands in the world.

This is arrogance at its greatest. Bon Jovi should be ashamed of themselves for putting their pitbull lawyers onto a group who obviously adore the band.

“In view of the above, we demand, on behalf of our client, that you and your band immediately (i) cease and desist any and all further use of the mark and name BLONDE JOVI, or any other mark or name similar to our client’s BON JOVI mark, in any manner”.

This line cracked me up. “We have no objection to your use of the word BLONDE as long as it is not used in combination with JOVI”.

If this is the attitude of Bon Jovi a cease and desist is definitely in order. Fans should cease and desist listening to their music, cease and desist buying their music and cease and desist going to their concerts.

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

AtariLegend wrote:

Isn't he also infamously in receipt of more Skid Row royalties than Sebastian Bach...?

I remember that from the "10 Greatest Stadium Bands Off All Time" show from Channel 4, here in the UK. Bach was afraid to even say "Bon Jovi", in case he got sued.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

BLS-Pride wrote:

What a little bitch. Disgraces all of New Jersey.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Axlin16 wrote:

Bon Jovi have always been lame... why change now?

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band


 Rep: 341 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

bigbri wrote:

I always felt the initials BJ suited Jon-boy perfectly.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

I like Bon Jovi, although the way they handle their fan club and apparently their fans who are musicians, is pretty lame.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

Neemo wrote:

i'm sure if they had asked permission first things would've been different, but if someone starts making any kind of $$$ on a trademarked image then they should seek some kind of permission

 Rep: 118 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

mickronson wrote:

Its not like the tribute band will steal album sales or gig tickets.. Do you buy the real album or a cd burned on a cheap writer at home by the tribute band.  Do you pay for tix to the tribute band or the real bands arena gig..  Sure, tribute acts make a nice living, some of em anyway, but cmon BJ...not enough $$ royalties this year?  Unless of course its a move only by the record company itself...i dunno

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bon Jovi sues tribute band

monkeychow wrote:

I'm not sure about in the usa but in Australia part of being able to claim a trade mark is yours is proving you have defended it and that it's only associated with your use. So while the tribute act's use is harmless to a huge act like BJ, it may be that he pretty much needs to be able to say he stoped it, otherwise in the future a major act could steal their logo design and use as a defence "it's part of general popular culture, and been used by other bands before".

Don't get me wrong, in this instance it really sucks for fans, and for the tribute act who are clearly also fans, i'm just saying legally, it's a brand name and logo, and they have to do certain things to protect themselves in business.

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