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 Rep: 30 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

bucketfan wrote:

JB HiFi has copies everywhere!  HMV may do also.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

jimmythegent wrote:

Oh well, im in NZ and I get it in approx 9 hours

It's still kind of surreal and am surprised to see this place so dead.. can't quite believe all this waiting is finally over

I am thinking right now that Axl has made an 'audacious' record and that is probably the only type of album that would be acceptable really. It is insane how long it took and how much $$ was spent - so anything less than absolutley over the top was probably not going to suffice.

I wil reserve my opinion until hearing it all, but can't wait to absorb this fully. Gonna be a special weekend 5 to each and every GN'R fan out there, cherish this 3

 Rep: 30 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

bucketfan wrote:

It's always seems quiet here at this time of the day, the yanks are all sleeping smile  I predict an explosion of interest around here after Sunday.

I hope you enjoy the album, let us know what you think of it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

Aussie wrote:

JB Hifi were actually selling it yesterday (Thursday) that's when I picked mine up.

 Rep: 3 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

Axelle01 wrote:

I have it 39

 Rep: 80 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

Backslash wrote:

At least people physically have it now.  I am now sure that it's actually true.  Enjoy your day, we've been waiting for it for what seems like forever.

 Rep: 3 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

Axelle01 wrote:
Backslash wrote:

At least people physically have it now.  I am now sure that it's actually true.  Enjoy your day, we've been waiting for it for what seems like forever.

Thanks..I will , i also had half a day off at work. You can say im a lucky gall today big_smile

 Rep: 661 

Re: Aussies: CD is on sale today

monkeychow wrote:
Backslash wrote:

At least people physically have it now.  I am now sure that it's actually true.  Enjoy your day, we've been waiting for it for what seems like forever.

I'm not. I have the physcial CD sitting on my desk and I can't believe its actually happened. One thing I'm excited about is the idea of sharing all these songs that us crazies have known for years with the widerworld. Like i love the idea that songs like Better and Maddy and Street of Dreams are now known songs to people and not so underground.

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