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 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:

Well played Aussie. 5

Maybe that was my problem.  I had just came from reading HTGTH, feeling all the greatness, then I come over here and BOOM!  Total opposite.  Obviously the truth lies somewhere in between.  I'm not saying everything is wonderful all the time.  I just felt it was getting a tad negative within these walls.  That's all.  And with the first of 12 shows ready to kick off tomorrow, that seems a little odd to me.

 Rep: 231 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

-D- wrote:

Its like this Faldor:

IF he comes out, kicks ass, changes setlist. I will be the first fucking person to praise him and kiss his ass.

but he has lost the benefit of the doubt with me at this time. He has to re-earn my praise.

maybe that sounds like horseshit or dick headish, but its time to put up or shut up, then I will be back on board.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I was just having some fun Faldor.  Hopefully Axl comes out and does well with these gigs.  The online fan base is a surprisingly forgiving lot in the main and they don't need to do too much right to turn things around and generate some positive vibes from them.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

buzzsaw wrote:
Will wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

It's embarrassing that Axl can't be troubled to be there, but every single employee is.

How do you know he wasn't the one taking the photo? tongue

A photo op for GnR when the only person anybody on the street knows isn't there?  2

 Rep: 423 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

buzzsaw wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
faldor wrote:
Cramer wrote:

It sucks that we can't all feel the same way about everything huh?

No it doesn't.  Obviously people are going to have their own opinions, and they're going to vary.  But have you read through the last 3 pages in this thread?  It seems all those posts were pretty consistent to me.  I read a shit ton of "shared feelings", that's why I felt the need to shake things up a bit and break away from all the doom and gloom. 

People have given this band their own personal "last chance" multiple times.  I'm just sick of hearing it.  Give up on them already if that's the way you feel.  Stop bitching about it and take action. 19


I've said it a dozen times over the last year and I'll keep saying it: I don't want this place to become htgth, but on the other hand if you don't like Guns N' Roses, don't look and by all means, don't waste your time posting on the internet about it.

And spare me the "It's just that I'm so upset over what once was the best band in the world..." non-sense. Like you said faldor, every time I turn around something is "the last straw" with someone. Me? I just don't see anything to be negative about here but maybe that's because I'm just plain choosing not to be negative about everything all of the time?

GN'R is starting a string of shows in Vegas tomorrow. A ton of interviews are pouring in from everyone in the band. They're all over a bunch of different types of media. Too many things to be positive about in my opinion.

They are all over, but short of the Fallon interview, I'm not sure they are doing any of it right.

I've never been a last straw guy - at least not as far as my interest in Axl goes.  As much as I am disappointed in most of what has happened the past 18 years, Axl was my favorite singer growing up in my formative years.  I'm always going to have an interest in what he's doing...even if I think it completely sucks.  Trust me - there are days I wish I could just forget about the whole thing and move away from it.  I can't.  I tried.  Axl and the original band are too big a part of my life to ever just forget them.

So I'm excited about going to the show next Wednesday.  I'm not going expecting much, but I am going expecting to enjoy most of the music I hear.  I'm also going expecting to dig the CD songs they play a little more because in my concert going experience I've found that even songs you don't know/like seem to rock a little more live than they do on the there's just the cool vibe of being there.  I'm excited about hanging out with Russ and Stacey.  I'm excited about being in Vegas.  Beyond that, I don't see anything positive about the GnR situation.  That doesn't mean there isn't anything necessarily...I just don't see it.

So on a micro level we have Russ' view that everything is pretty good relatively speaking, and I get that.  And we have my view that almost everything has pretty much been a waste for 18 years, but I'm still hanging on hoping that something changes.  I guess that makes the problem really me and not Axl.  The good news or bad news depending on how you look at it is that there are a lot of people like me hanging on for that glimmer of hope.  Sure, there are some people that are hanging on just so they can troll and complain, but the vast majority (especially here) aren't here for that purpose.  As much as people like to complain about us, Axl needs us too.  Without us, CD never sees the light of day.  Without us, there is no world tour.  Without us, there is no Vegas stay.  If the only people that had anything to do with GnR were the people 100% on board, there would be no band to be on board with.

Embrace us, don't hate us.  5

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:

This pictures been making the rounds today: … 6829_o.jpg

Pretty cool. Looks like they are trying some new tricks for the stage. Sort of a MJ This is It/Motley Crue thing.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Axlin16 wrote:

I think what GN'R have been doing is a great thing, other than the setlists, but that's an age-old argument.

I just think Axl's vocals are fucking shot. Other than that, best of luck with them and what they're doing out west.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

Its like this Faldor:

IF he comes out, kicks ass, changes setlist. I will be the first fucking person to praise him and kiss his ass.

but he has lost the benefit of the doubt with me at this time. He has to re-earn my praise.

maybe that sounds like horseshit or dick headish, but its time to put up or shut up, then I will be back on board.

But what has been so negative of late in relation to the band?  The ONLY thing I could see people getting upset about is the lack of new material.  I can't fault people for being upset at that.  If that's the case, fine.  But if Axl comes out and sings his ass off, they play a completely different setlist, etc.  That doesn't change the fact that there's still no new material.  So if THAT'S what your upset about, a great performance really shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

And this notion that Axl can't perform anymore.  What are we basing that off?  The 2 Bridge School Shows and Rock in Rio?  PLENTY of people (you AND I included) have seen him since Rio and he's sounded great.  The Bridge School was the last we heard him, and he didn't sound great.  So if you want to get upset at that and throw in the towel because he had 2 bad shows then have at it, but I'd say that's a little short sighted.

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