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 Rep: 217 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Mikkamakka wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I'd like to know about the other "Use Your Illusion" tracks we never got to hear llike "The Majority", "The Plague" and "Nightcrawler".

The Majority is an awesome track.

I'm not a  fan of the 'na na na na' part in the end, but this song has groove, strength and everything that made GN'R GN'R.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Axlin16 wrote:

I can also hear Duff's Seattle roots and influences in it too. Other than the 'na na na na' part, that could easily pass for a re-tooled PJ or AIC B-side.

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Sky Dog wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Don't Damn Me to me is a case where those who felt GN'R should featured more 'instrumentals' like Metallica, could use an example.

The song is BAD ASS sans Axl. Same thing for Get In The Ring & Shotgun Blues. Instrumentally they're fuckin' awesome.

David Fricke (one of the best rock critics ever) and I respectively disagree...original Rolling Stone review sums it up for me.

"It's all there in "Don't Damn Me," the best song on the record and a striking crystallization of Rose's - and his generation's - dilemma. "So I stepped into your world/I kicked you in the mind," Rose declares in a proud full-moon howl against fierce staccato guitars and a galloping rhythm section. "But look at what we've done/To the innocent and young/Whoa listen to who's talking/'Cause we're not the only ones/The trash collected by the eyes/And dumped into the brain/Said it tears into our conscious thoughts/You tell me who's to blame." Empowered by celebrity and his own rock & roll might, even Rose feels dazed and helpless, violently seesawing between "Don't damn me!" and "Don't hail me!" as the band explodes behind him in one last orgasmic, twin-guitar rush.

Was Use Your Illusion I worth the wait, the traumas and the onstage tantrums? Yes, if only for "Don't Damn Me" and the album's ten-minute closer, "Coma," a locomotive parable about suicide dreams and troubled resurrection. "

 Rep: 194 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

metallex78 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I'd like to know about the other "Use Your Illusion" tracks we never got to hear llike "The Majority", "The Plague" and "Nightcrawler".

The Majority is an awesome track.

I'm not a  fan of the 'na na na na' part in the end, but this song has groove, strength and everything that made GN'R GN'R.

Had no idea that was originally a potential track for UYI, and I forgot how great a song that is too. Most of Believe In Me is a drunken babbling incoherent mess.

I'm actually surprised though that Duff hasn't busted out more tracks from BIM to play live with Loaded.

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Sky Dog wrote:

Man in the Meadow is kinda cool...slightly like The Garden. I believe West Arkeen co-wrote it as well.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Great Interview with Slash on UYI I and II

Mikkamakka wrote:
madagas wrote:

Man in the Meadow is kinda cool...slightly like The Garden. I believe West Arkeen co-wrote it as well.

Exactly. I liked Wes' psychedelic style. I miss him a lot - I think with him around, even CD would have been better.

Anyway, does anybody know why not West replaced Izzy, then Gilby?

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