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 Rep: 231 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

-D- wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:
metallex78 wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:

Hell, he played with John 5 at that Slash & Friends gig and pretty much confined the guy to rhythm work only...

Hmmm... is that why John 5 played the Crazy Train solo then at that gig? Get your facts straight! tongue

Yes, I know John 5 played the Crazy Train solo at that gig; that's why I said "pretty much" confined him to rhythm work. A complete waste of the guy's talents, of course, but God forbid that anyone should be allowed to outshine Slash at his gig...

Slash also let Kushner play the odd solo on some of the covers at VR gigs, but 99.9% of the time, the spotlight stays on Slash. He's crafted an image for himself as the "guitar hero", the iconic member of the band, and part of that involves making sure that he dominates the stage and gets almost all of the solo spots, occasionally throwing his backing guitarist a bone here and there.

Compare that to Axl's GN'R, where there's more of a share and share alike approach among the three guitarists. Of course, that just means the naysayers crow about it "taking three people to fill Slash's shoes," which is patently bollocks.

Three? Shit we are up to about 10 and still hasn't come close

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

buzzsaw wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:

Compare that to Axl's GN'R, where there's more of a share and share alike approach among the three guitarists. Of course, that just means the naysayers crow about it "taking three people to fill Slash's shoes," which is patently bollocks.

They share because they were hired to share so Axl could keep all the power.  He chose relative nobodies for a reason...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:


Didn't that actually happen in 2006?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

Aussie wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:

Compare that to Axl's GN'R, where there's more of a share and share alike approach among the three guitarists. Of course, that just means the naysayers crow about it "taking three people to fill Slash's shoes," which is patently bollocks.

They share because they were hired to share so Axl could keep all the power.  He chose relative nobodies for a reason...

Yeah I have always thought that you could look cynically at the 3 guitarist thing.  That bascially it was a conscious decision by Axl to ensure that no single person "outshined" him.  It also meant that he would never find himself in the same position as he did with Slash, where so much of the bands audience (and the world) associated him with the band just as much as Axl.

It would make it much easier to replace a guy when he didnt' tow the line, so to speak.  Ironically though he found himself in a somewhat simlar position with BH (albeit more with the hardcore fans than the general public). So perhaps in the early days when Bucket was still with the band it wasn't the motivation for having 3 guitarists, but once BH left and all the parts were handed out it appeared to be "shared around" a lot more.

You could argue Axl just wanted to give all 3 guitarists "equal opportunity" to show their chops.  Or you could say he decided it would make things easier to launch someone or replace them if they jumped ship.  It helps him try and cement in peoples minds that Axl is Guns N' Roses!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl's just trying to reduplicate Queen, some of his big heroes.

You go back and listen to like Queen II up through Day At The Races, there's all kinds of multi-guitar tracks, overdubbing overdubbing, six layers of vocals, songs with no melody or overall structure...

Axl's just trying to duplicate that. It's not trying to put out the guitar player. He's wanting to make that music and has for awhile. It's not a shock at all that Brian May was on guitar at one time, and Roy Thomas Baker was producing.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

monkeychow wrote:

Another thing too, is rather than view it from a "not wanting to share the limelight" point of view, it's also smarter from a redundancy view.

Axl's not dumb, he must have noticed that people often leave the band. In terms of public damage to the brand, the loss of slash was devistating. In the case of a founding member it's unavoidable, but why give someone new that much power over your sucess or failure?

Axl had years of his life and millions of dollars invested in this project. If the band relies too heavily on anyone, that person then has the ability to blackmail, powerplay and basicly ransom him and he can loose artistic control, or more likely, he'll stand fast and that person will bail, and if there is over reliance on that person's abilities and public acceptance, the situation with slash would repeated.

So I don't think it's for his ego, I think it's for his protection and sort of common sence at this stage.

But that may not be his reasoning at all, just how I look at it.

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

Sky Dog wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl's just trying to reduplicate Queen, some of his big heroes.

You go back and listen to like Queen II up through Day At The Races, there's all kinds of multi-guitar tracks, overdubbing overdubbing, six layers of vocals, songs with no melody or overall structure...

Axl's just trying to duplicate that. It's not trying to put out the guitar player. He's wanting to make that music and has for awhile. It's not a shock at all that Brian May was on guitar at one time, and Roy Thomas Baker was producing.

good point...if you listen to alot of different stuff, you realize that every song doesn't have to originate from a stock guitar riff. Great songs can come from a piano, a synthesizer, a bass, etc.

Yeah, Axl's vocal style is now definitely over the top...sometimes way too much  for me.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

Naltav wrote:

In my view, Axl is doing what he can with "the tools at hand" to try and create music. And doing it in such a way that the different band members feel like they are a part of it. Both in a recording and live situation.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:

In my view, Axl is doing what he can with "the tools at hand" to try and create music. And doing it in such a way that the different band members feel like they are a part of it. Both in a recording and live situation.

That's one way of looking at it.  Maybe he needs better tools.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Axl fires back at Irv with lawsuit

DCK wrote:

In terms of public damage to the brand, the loss of slash was devistating.

Not only that, but I would say it was a change in paradigm.

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