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 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I'd doubt Lesnar is returning to UFC.  He's getting paid 5 million this year for a limited amount of dates.

As to why he's hasn't shown up lately,  he's only contracted to show up twice a month (or something close to that) so they brought back Paul Heyman as a mouthpiece.  Latest rumor is that he'll most likely be facing HHH at SummerSlam.

here's my honest guess. Brock will end up back in the UFC but I think Triple H beats him at SummerSlam if they do that match. they already had him lose to Cena which was idiotic if they plan on going ona  run with Brock.  I think Brock is too competitive to stay with "fake fighting"

I think a move back to the UFC where he can fight some leser guys and work his way up this time would be the way to go. Most MMA fans acknowledegd the guy was a talent but way too green. In his 7 fights he only fought one guy who was not either the #1 contender or the champ. Brock manned up big time in MMA. he never took any easy fights, no stepping stones. Yes he was handed it all on a  silver platter but the guy deserves a huge amount of credit for being basically a new born to the sport and stepping in with the literally the badest fucking dudes on the planet. he came out with a 4-3 record.

I'd prefer to see him back in the UFC than in WWE

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I would prefer him back in UFC as well....

I always thought he fucking sucked in the WWE, and stand by it. I was never a big Goldberg or Lashley fan either.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:

Rumor is that after Big Show is finished with Cena, he'll go on to another program with CM Punk and this will lead to a match at SummerSlam.  Why won't they just let CM Punk and Daniel Bryan continue their feud?  Why bring in Big Show (or Kane for that matter) into a predictable feud?

At least HHH/Lesnar is relatively fresh and interesting.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Because WWE creative have no clue what they are doing. McMahon loves "big guys", always has. He thinks they are what are the driving force to success. It's the same reason that despite the recurring heroin/opioid addiction of Jeff Hardy, that he would never give Hardy a major push to main event/#1 company guy status, because he didn't think it could sell PPV buys. McMahon is gonna push to involve big guys in a virtuoso wrestler feud, because he's convinced Punk/Bryan can't sell on their own. No different than a Hardy/Jericho matchup would make Vince sleepless at night, so he's gotta throw Lashley in or Umaga, back in the day. He's a weird guy.

Although, unlike the hardcores, I don't think massive pushes to iconic status for a Punk/Bryan feud will break out the crash cart on the WWE, I think it's something the diehards want far more than they think they can push on a casual audience which is what they are aiming for.

In an ironic twist at this point guys like Punk & Bryan look like "old timers" with characters from a by-gone era of attitude and respect to virtuoso wrestlers than can do it all.

While guys like Punk/Bryan want to revive the late 90s/early 2000's, McMahon wants to take this whole thing back to 1986. Toy deals, PG-rated, family-friendly. Mic guys over ring guys.

These days Ring of Honor is the best outfit out there. If WWE continues like this, I could see Punk & Bryan just walking out the door and back to ROH.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Just started in on the 1000th RAW. Great opening thus far.

Bow to the masters..... BREAK IT DOWN!

Awesome seeing DX back together with NAO and X-Pac

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Silliest heel turn ever. People that boo Cena will still boo him and the people that cheer Punk, will still cheer him.

Booking team forgot that it was the crowd that turned Punk a year ago, not them.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I loved the heel turn. The main point was that he did it on The Rock.

Awesome show last night, despite the obnoxious amount of PG advertising. Disgusting. The Muppets do not belong in wrestling.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Rex wrote:

No Stone Cold was a major disappointment.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Rex wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Rex wrote:

No Stone Cold was a major disappointment.

Yeah really. I assumed that was a lock.

I was really concerned after the whole wedding thing, but even with that stupid BS it was a great show.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Wrestling thread

BLS-Pride wrote:

I thought the HHH/steph/paul segment was pretty good. Paul is so good on the mic that he blends truth and story so very well. He prolly meant all he said. Steph did well too.

No Stone Cold did suck. It was an alright show, The Undertaker looks retarded without hair. Lita's body is so fucking tight. haha:

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