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Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

AtariLegend wrote:

Given all the issues with the promotion, I'd like to point out, that it has sold like 4 million copies world wide in less than 6 months. Which happens to be pretty good vs. other albums released in the last twelve months.

Just saying.

^ Wrote this before DCK posted, I agree with what he/she said.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Neemo wrote:

this all seems to be relatively speaking to each individual poster...everyone just keeps saying the same shit but nobody is willing to step back and see the other's POV

ranked against AFD and UYI's CD is a commercial failure
ranked against other big name rock acts who released albums in 2008 its a commercial failure
if platinum in the world is good enough then its a success
if just releasing the damn thing is good enough then its a success
if paying off debt is good enough then its a success

you guys should figure out the context instead of talking apples and oranges

for example, my kids went on an easter egg hunt this past oldest found like $8 in change in her eggs and was happier than a pig in youngest found $2 and threw it away cuz she wanted a chocolate egg instead, and was happy as can be with the 1 cent chocolate...who is the winner? you tell me

 Rep: 664 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

James wrote:

The kid with 8 bucks in her pocket is the winner.....

I have no problems with GNR not being on top of the world. As long as Axl has enough success to continue releasing music, then its fine with me. This album waspretty much a flop everywhere, and the only way people who say its some huge success is by combining sales from every country on the planet.

There's nothing wrong with that. As long as YOU like it, who cares? My favorite artists right now(besides GNR) are M.I.A., U2, and Santigold. Obviously U2 destroys everybody, but in those other two cases, are they stadium acts? Do they go multi platinum? No, and it doesn't bother me. I'll simply go to their shows and buy their albums, and if huge chunks of the music consumers want to ignore these acts, then so be it. Just means I have easier access to concert tickets.

All Axl needs is a relative and stable amount of success to keep moving forward. I think a gold album in the U.S. at the moment isn't too shabby. If he can push a rerelease, tour, and start treating this as an actual band, he can probably push this towards platinum. Either way, I'll be there if/when he hits Sac or Frisco, and will buy the rerelease as long as it has a bonus disc.

As a fan, what more can you ask for other than albums and concerts?

I think people("realists" and "nutswingers") need to adjust their expectations.

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ranked against other big name rock acts who released albums in 2008 its a commercial failure

"Death Magnetic" released September 12, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 6 million

"Chinese Democracy" released November 23, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 4 million


I've made my point, I'm not staying around to defend it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ranked against other big name rock acts who released albums in 2008 its a commercial failure

"Death Magnetic" released September 12, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 6 million

"Chinese Democracy" released November 23, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 4 million


I've made my point, I'm not staying around to defend it.

When you start breaking down those sales is when neemo's point comes to light. Just because CD sold 100 copies in Timbuktu as opposed to Death Magnetic's 10 copies doesn't change the reality of the situation in the large markets.

People in the major markets were buying Magnetic in droves, and even more importantly, talking about it. I think that album sucks big time, but it was a big success. Only people who talk about Chinese Democracy are us forum nerds.

Bring up Chinese Democracy in a casual environment. No response, or if there is one, people laugh. Bring up Death Magnetic, you'll get a discussion going.

Thats the difference in the success between the two. One the public cares about, one they dont. I happen to prefer the one they don't care about.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Neemo wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ranked against other big name rock acts who released albums in 2008 its a commercial failure

"Death Magnetic" released September 12, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 6 million

"Chinese Democracy" released November 23, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 4 million


I've made my point, I'm not staying around to defend it.

^you didnt make any point cuz you didnt post proof to back up your claim

this site shows

AC/DC - Black Ice (world wide sales - 5,659,000)
Metallica - Death Magnetic (world wide sales - 3,976,500)
U2 - No Line On The Horizon (world wide sales - 2,286,000)
Guns n Roses - Chinese Democracy (world wide sales - 1,998,500)

and it was at least updated last week cuz it shows the new keith urban album that just came out

 Rep: 664 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

James wrote:
Neemo wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ranked against other big name rock acts who released albums in 2008 its a commercial failure

"Death Magnetic" released September 12, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 6 million

"Chinese Democracy" released November 23, 2008 = Total World Wide Album Sales; Approximately 4 million


I've made my point, I'm not staying around to defend it.

^you didnt make any point cuz you didnt post proof to back up your claim

this site shows

AC/DC - Black Ice (world wide sales - 5,659,000)
Metallica - Death Magnetic (world wide sales - 3,976,500)
U2 - No Line On The Horizon (world wide sales - 2,286,000)
Guns n Roses - Chinese Democracy (world wide sales - 1,998,500)

and it was at least updated last week cuz it shows the new keith urban album that just came out

Gonna bookmark that site.

Their numbers are definitely pretty accurate though, because it lists Kala at 692,580 copies.

When GNR fans post these insane sales numbers, they include the copies that the CEO of Best Buy bought. When you factor in real sales, its what Neemo's statistic above shows.

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

AtariLegend wrote:
Neemo wrote:

this site shows

AC/DC - Black Ice (world wide sales - 5,659,000)
Metallica - Death Magnetic (world wide sales - 3,976,500)
U2 - No Line On The Horizon (world wide sales - 2,286,000)
Guns n Roses - Chinese Democracy (world wide sales - 1,998,500)

They don't count sales after December 31st 2008.

"Rolling Stone" said the official toll was over 2.9 million world wide from February 25th 2009.

...And "Death Magnetic" was under 6 million from March 31st 2009.

Neemo wrote:

^you didnt make any point cuz you didnt post proof to back up your claim

Later... tongue After I search again.

I wish I hadn't made the defending my point comment.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Neemo wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

They don't count sales after December 31st 2008.

really? i couldnt find that anywhere on that site that said when they figures were calculated, it says "to date" so i'm assuming that its "total to date"

 Rep: 661 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

monkeychow wrote:

The difference is the other bands are on top of the business side.

THe issues for other bands arn't as bad...but they still exist:

1. Ac/Dc - every album the same (tho i always love them),  very old now, 61 for fuck's sake, 8 year absence, not the original line up (sorry I don't buy that they wern't famous when bon died).

2. Metallica - 50% of fan bass pissed at the loss of jason, seen as soft by their original fans after the entire load/re-load style change, trying to bounce back from st anger - almsot universally considered the worst album they'd ever made, considered sold-out for the whole "some kind of monster" talk fest..and out of touch for the whole copyright issue.

GNR was Axl+Slash and not having slash is a huge problem, but my point is other bands with names that were once huge like GNR are able to take those problems and work out business shit that sorts it out. GNR still has Axl which is 50% of that equation anyway....if the right business moves were made, while GNR may never rule the earth again, they could easily manintain a certain level of success.

The album sales we have a pretty good when you consider that there was almost no promotion done to back them up.

Anyway, i agree with what's been said earlier in the thread...I have no need for GNR to be massive or for other's to valiadate my choices...i'm happy for them to be an underground band. Although obviously a certain level of sucess is necessary for it to be viable for axl to make new music, as no one works for free forever. I was just saying a lot of people want to blame the music as the reason why this album is not massive, and I honestly think that the business and other issues that have followed the band are the cause of that, it's got nothing to do with the music.

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