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 Rep: 107 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Furbush wrote:

i'm sure there is a ton going on behind the scenes that none of us are aware of... kinda like the last 10 years...nothing has changed a bit.... except the album has been releasedwhich makes everything waaaay more puzzling

 Rep: 30 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Acquiesce wrote:
killingvector wrote:

Perhaps the BB deal front loaded money for Universal and left Axl nearly empty handed.

Would he promote to simply make the label money? or scuttle the album and release the second album himself?

The problem is  if CD is perceived to be a flop then the initial curiosity of CD isn't going to carry over to a second album.  So again he'd essentially be shooting himself in the own foot.

I think the explanation is pretty simple. Axl is unhappy with the release and isn't bothering to promote it.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Furbush wrote:

so... did he maybe really want to keep this on the shelf forever?
let it forever be a mystery?
maybe it was the record company's decision to have the trackilist consist of mostly  leaked songs...
he's pissed that it couldn't be a double or triple album?

some people (including myself) were kinda subconsciously bummed out that the record was coming out because it killed the sense of not knowing if/when it was ...

they found a way to make it fun again!

 Rep: 30 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Acquiesce wrote:

I don't think it was necessarily him wanting to keep it on the shelf forever, but I think he set the bar for himself so high that he was never going to be satisfied. I think Axl's silence means he's unsatisfied.

In a weird way I agree with you, releasing it is anti-climatic in a sense. I don't think any follow up albums would do nearly as well (unless he pulls out some big radio hits). Though I don't think any follow ups will be in the cards.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

misterID wrote:

I don't see any magic single off CD boosting its sales. I was expecting it would do around 200,000-250,000, which ain't bad, but it aint spectacluar enough to help the album be a huge seller, either.

I'll wait until after christmas to give it a final verdict. I think it'll limp to a million copies world wide... Hopefully.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

misterID wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

BH coming back isn't going to save it.  He's on the album and it isn't helping.  I get that some people love him, but the truth is Axl + Slash = GnR to the general public and no other guitar player is going to be able to fill that role.  It may not be fair, but it is what it is.

The kids today really don't share your guys hard on for Slash and Axl re-teaming. And the world really isn't holding its breath for a reunion the way you guys might think. Bucket was growing a GNR fanbase of his own. Axl only needs Slash for a nostalgia trip. Not to be successful. The truth is Axl found lightning in a bottle twice and he blew it.


That must be why 16 year old kids run around in their Guns N' Roses t-shirts, their Axl shirts, their Slash shirts, blasting AFD, and putting GN'R in the same beloved category as the 'throwback 90s rock' fav's with Nirvana & Metallica.

Even when the 2002 VMA performance happened, the kids were like - "who the fuck is that?" - and you couldn't say Guns N' Roses, because well, that's not really true.

A reunion would be MASSIVE. Stadiums would be sold out, GN'R would probably get hundreds of millions, yep that's right, HUNDREDS of millions thrown at them, through various sources pooling together, and the crowds would be massive, ready, and varied in ages from probably 10-80.

Granted that buzz wouldn't last past the first couple of legs, but the anticipation of it's arrangment and launch would make the wait for CD, seem like setting the microwave for 3 minutes.

Oh, how silly of me... I forgot about all those crowds of teenagers wearing GNR t-shirts, while blasting AFD out of their 'boom boxes' I have to fight through at the mall. 16

10 to 80 year olds are dying for a reunion? Really? 14

From all this talk of being fans of reality from you guys, I sure don't see any in your posts.


 Rep: 10 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

WeTheLiving wrote:

Are you being serious, have you actually heard DJs on air saying its an "unmitigated disaster" and the "bomb of the century?" I know on my local station the listeners werent too enthusiastic about it, but the DJs kept quiet, i was wondering what the vibe was about it with respect the the DJs etc.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

James wrote:
killingvector wrote:

I am optimistic they can surpass 2 million units by the end of this journey

Yeah, that's pretty much the target they have to aim for now. Its gonna need to go platinum this holiday shopping season to come close to that by the end of 09.

This certainly was a worst case scenario for them.

I think it'll limp to a million copies world wide...

Worldwide, its probably close to reaching that already.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Mikkamakka wrote:
tylerdurden wrote:

i'm sure there is a ton going on behind the scenes that none of us are aware of... kinda like the last 10 years...nothing has changed a bit.... except the album has been releasedwhich makes everything waaaay more puzzling

Unfortunately when you have Axl, all things are fucked up, or close to a fuck-up. The reason this album will flop is mostly Axl and not the music. The management promoted the shit out of this record, nothing more can be done. Without Axl telling the world he's back or the band playing great gigs who would anyone but the diehards be really interested?

It's not a damn shoe when it's enough to put out some posters and make some tv ads. It's art and when it comes to art three things motivate a buyer: past experience (it's doubtful in this case since many knows it's not the classic band), live shows (there wasn't any this year, so nobody got excited and told his friends how great Axl/GN'R is) and the artists personal views on the album (there was no interview, not a single word). I remember that reading interviews made me excited a lot of times to listen a new band/artist. But there isn't anything.

I said a thousand times that I'm more interested in the music than in the number of sales. I said it when Axlites were dissing Slash's 5 O'clock, which is one of my favourite albums, and I said the same when Axlites said how less(!!!) sales Contraband had and how CD will rule the world. Although Chinese Democracy isn't a great album in my mind, it has a lot of problems, both music and production wise, but it's still a good enough album to sell a lot more than it does.

The reason people don't buy it isn't that the music isn't good enough. The millions who streamed MySpace were mostly the hardcores (doing it again and again) and some downloading motherfuckers. The majority of potential buyers haven't heard a single note off this album. They're just uninterested cause Axl is still in his cave, there is no real band promo, not even a video for this album, and even the 'opinion leaders', the dedicated GN'R fans aren't excited enough (by the lack of happenings and the 'All the leaks CD compilation) to tell their friends Axl is back. Cause he's not back, just released an album.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

metallex78 wrote:

We're right in the midst of christmas present buying season, so these weak first-week sales could easily pick up over the coming weeks.

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