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 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Starting a war with a nuclear power(Pakistan)? Giving Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants? Comparable worth? 800 billion budget deficit? 5 trillion in new debt?

McCain agreed he would also possibly start a war with Pakistan if needed, he said he just wouldn't "say it" (even though he said it). And if you think Obama is more likely to goto war your barking up the wrong tree. Your other figures are laughable, keep watching Fox News and I'll talk to you in 4 years.  Fear tactics, typical Republican fall back plan. Vote against fear.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Starting a war with a nuclear power(Pakistan)? Giving Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants? Comparable worth? 800 billion budget deficit? 5 trillion in new debt?

McCain agreed he would also possibly start a war with Pakistan if needed, he said he just wouldn't "say it" (even though he said it). And if you think Obama is more likely to goto war your barking up the wrong tree. Your other figures are laughable, keep watching Fox News and I'll talk to you in 4 years.  Fear tactics, typical Republican fall back plan. Vote against fear.

I don't watch Fox News. The few times a week I watch news its MSNBC in hopes of seeing Chris Matthews or Pat Buchanan.

The other figures aren't laughable. They're facts. You know that though as I've posted articles proving that, and as far as bills go, he has a stance on comparable worth and its not pretty.

The least you could have done was say McCain's numbers are worse(they are). Instead, you call the figures "laughable". Now that's laughable.

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:

I'm too lazy to bother looking it up because figures like that are distorted & biased for partisan lines. It's like when Palin said Obama voted to raise taxes 40 times, and Biden said McCain voted to raise them 497 times. Kinda got trumped on that one, the same thing with Obama voted against funding for the troops. OMG?!! It's over!!! He voted against funding for the troops.. Who does Obama think he is. Oh wait a second, he voted against funding without a timeline... So that means McCain ALSO voted against funding for the troops too. Haha, how unpatriotic. Because he voted against funding for the troops too, when it had a timeline. You can go back & forth with that shit for hours. You are finally aware Obama's going to lower your taxes right? And McCain wants to inevitably raise most of our taxes by taxing those of us who receive healthcare benefits thru our employer.

As for fear tactics, a case in point. Palins attempt at an fear drawing quote by Ronald Reagan about our "freedoms and liberties being taken away"  Only problem?? The quote was made in the 1960's and was made in an arguement against Medicare!!!  OMG, old people getting cared for??!  The nerve of this great nation!! … _medicare/

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I'm too lazy to bother looking it up because figures like that are distorted & biased for partisan lines. It's like when Palin said Obama voted to raise taxes 40 times, and Biden said McCain voted to raise them 497 times. Kinda got trumped on that one, the same thing with Obama voted against funding for the troops. OMG?!! It's over!!! He voted against funding for the troops.. Who does Obama think he is. Oh wait a second, he voted against funding without a timeline... So that means McCain ALSO voted against funding for the troops too. Haha, how unpatriotic. Because he voted against funding for the troops too, when it had a timeline. You can go back & forth with that shit for hours. You are finally aware Obama's going to lower your taxes right? And McCain wants to inevitably raise most of our taxes by taxing those of us who receive healthcare benefits thru our employer.

His numbers don't add up. Fact. You can fudge his numbers however you want to. They still don't add up. This is why anytime this is brought up, its always "look at McCain!" or "stop watching Fox News talking points", even though its mostly the liberals who watch that tripe.

If you're expecting a tax cut, I have some bad news for're not going to get one. By either candidate. McCain doesn't really advocate one, and Obama's numbers just don't add up, and they REALLY don't add up when giving "normal" americans a tax cut.

I agree that both sides distort records like in your examples, but facts are facts. Not much of a difference between Obama and McCain's projected budget deficits and the need to up the ceiling on our debt.

Neither candidate is interested in attempting to balance the budget, deal with the trade deficit,etc. Its mainly an election of personalities at this point. A war monger or a guy with no experience? Its going to be a fucking disaster no matter who wins.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

I watch Fox News all the time, and see Alan Colmes all the time defending Obama. Saw Shep Smith & Chris Wallace talking him up the other day. You know, the same Chris Wallace that hardballed Bill Clinton.

I understand O'Reilly & Hannity, which are staunch conservatives, but this old thing about Fox News being biased is laughable.

The only biased news source is NBC, with Chris "I got a thrill going up my leg" Matthews, and Die Keith Olberfuror, with almost facistic attitudes towards any conservative/Republican idea.

If you told Olberfuror that John McCain thought the Big Mac was a good hamburger, he'd go into a 10 minute rant about how that's not a fair statement to the Whopper.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:

I do agree that Fox News get too much shit on many sites. My main issue with the channel has nothing to do with their politics. Its their "talking heads". I don't like them. Back when I watched the channel(around 2001-03) Kiran Chetry was a rising star and they also had this program in the morning called Fox and Friends. I was hooked on that show. I don't remember the names of the two guys, but the woman was E.D. Hill and Juliet Huddy would substitute for her. It was a great show mixed with politics, humor, and everyday news. I also liked watching Cavuto's program.

Fox leans a bit to the right and CNN leans a bit to the left. MSNBC is as close to neutral as we're gonna get.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

You think MSNBC is neutral? Wow...

If anything CNN is neutral, and MSNBC leans to left - imo.

 Rep: 194 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You think MSNBC is neutral? Wow...

If anything CNN is neutral, and MSNBC leans to left - imo.

I agree.

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