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 Rep: 268 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Olorin wrote:

I thought it most of the live versions sounded pretty good, shame Axls throat was knackered during that period right enough, but apart from that I liked them.

I think its sacred cause its Axl N' Slash's finest moment together. It'd be like seeing your mother smooching another man after your parents break up 16

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

johndivney wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Oh and another thing that folks who never seen the stream might not know is.....

Bumblefoot was scanning the chatbox and said something like, "No dont gimmie that Fuck Slash shit, none of this would be here today without him, you dont have to put down one thing just to prove you like another, its alright to enjoy the past, present and future you know."


wtf is this gash? a p lame cover excuse

it'd be alright to enjoy the present if there was anything to enjoy. not a bunch of pussies pretending to be a GnR gig cause Napoleon is sitting on the throne. & there's no fucking future in that. BBF's GnR-era is DOA.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Only sexless, DVD player-petting geeks.

You may call me monkeychow big_smile

 Rep: 661 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

monkeychow wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Oh and another thing that folks who never seen the stream might not know is.....

Bumblefoot was scanning the chatbox and said something like, "No dont gimmie that Fuck Slash shit, none of this would be here today without him, you dont have to put down one thing just to prove you like another, its alright to enjoy the past, present and future you know."

Very classy and I totally agree.

I wish this "war" in the fanbase could end.

Slash is my all time favourite guitarist growing up, but hey, I listen to buckethead and bumblefoot and they blow me away with their skills too, I love AFD, and I love CD...and I wish more people had an open mind rather than making into into a football game of teams or whatever.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

misterID wrote:

Man, I think they played Estranged pretty friggin good on the Tokyo DVD.

But I agree, TWAT is a bitch for Axl to get through. Hopefully the slower version people are talking about might help him out. Better is a hard one for him to get through, too, imo.

 Rep: 191 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Gibbo wrote:
misterID wrote:

Man, I think they played Estranged pretty friggin good on the Tokyo DVD.

But I agree, TWAT is a bitch for Axl to get through. Hopefully the slower version people are talking about might help him out. Better is a hard one for him to get through, too, imo.

Yer back in the day Axl would be able to nail TWAT he struggles with paradise city now

 Rep: 633 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:

This type of stuff kills me. For every bad version of TWaT you can find me from the past few years, I can produce a version of Axl sounding like shit on
ANY song from 91-93. Dude wasn't as perfect back then as people like to remember.

I get killed for saying shit like this. Axl's never been great live. He's weaker now than he was.

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Sky Dog wrote:

he's off and on from song to song....always brings the energy

 Rep: 212 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Intercourse wrote:

All singers know that to be able to deliver like Axl did back in the day for two years of touring is a frickin' miracle.

He should be a mute at this stage!!

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