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 Rep: 475 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

misterID wrote:

"You can tell DJ by the guy who keeps playing the TIL solo wrong."

I didn't have to look at the username to know who that was. *looks at Russ*


Unless he was just messing with the fans (in a good way) Ron shouldn't even bother streaming anything.

And yeah, I think Estranged will be played.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

RussTCB wrote:


Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Sky Dog wrote:

typical...throw something up SLIGHTLY, and I mean SLIGHTLY, interesting then it gets pulled down. Really, like the entire Western Hemisphere really cares what you are doing in rehearsals. Practice? Are we talking about Practice???

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

misterID wrote:

Again, what's the point of even doing it if you're going to say, oh, nevermind, don't want you reading too much into anything. YANK.

Very patronizing.  You couldn't say you're just jamming or whatever? 

This may not have been Ron's decisions, it could have come from Axl, Beta, or whoever the hanger on, pathetic, no talent, useless hack, leeching wannabe in the GNR camp is overseeing the forums/band interactions with fans and jumping on the slightest of info coming out. Sort of how Tommy's tweets disappeared.  I'll take that into consideration.  But it's just ridiculous, whoever's decision it was.

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Sky Dog wrote:

complete crap....a bad moon rising...just a prediction. Practice?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Neemo wrote:

thats too bad that he took them down...i did get to see the first one though the 11:00 segment

it was pretty cool, he talked about the in ear system that hte band uses, showed off some guitars, had the celestion speaker dudes in there, showed the guitar techs table and the mixing boards

 Rep: 287 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Aussie wrote:
misterID wrote:

Again, what's the point of even doing it if you're going to say, oh, nevermind, don't want you reading too much into anything. YANK.

Very patronizing.  You couldn't say you're just jamming or whatever? 

This may not have been Ron's decisions, it could have come from Axl, Beta, or whoever the hanger on, pathetic, no talent, useless hack, leeching wannabe in the GNR camp is overseeing the forums/band interactions with fans and jumping on the slightest of info coming out. Sort of how Tommy's tweets disappeared.  I'll take that into consideration.  But it's just ridiculous, whoever's decision it was.

I would hazzard a gues it wasn't Ron's decision.

I still have to laugh at the irony of the title Chinese Democracy!

 Rep: 217 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Mikkamakka wrote:

The rehearsal streaming was the best pr/marketing move by GN'R in the past 15 years. Even I got interested, although the tour is on the other side of the planet. Unfortunately it's over and I haven't heard anything. I hope that it'll pop up on youtube.
I wish Ron had more say in the business aspects of the band. He's a talkative, funny, great guy with a lot of music and marketing talent. He could have been the next Slash marketing wise.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Naltav wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I wish Ron had more say in the business aspects of the band. He's a talkative, funny, great guy with a lot of music and marketing talent. He could have been the next Slash marketing wise.

I hope to God it doesen't get to THAT level!

A lot of people may have liked it. Me, not so much!

 Rep: 268 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Olorin wrote:

Well thats a bit disapointing sad

The best move they've made in many a year and as soon as they realise everyone is happy and excited - YOINK! Nothing to see here, nope never happened 17

If its cause DJ let the cat out the bag while Ron was doing his stream thing, well then too late mofos its out the bag.

If its cause dj is just goofing around and they have no intention of playing Estranged, then so fuckin what, is it really a big deal?

Unbelievable man, yet again its one step forward, two steps back.

Time to dig out that glorious Gif again, the one that has become symbolic of GN'Rs hamfisted PR efforts...

What is it again... oh yeah I remember big_smile


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