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 Rep: 194 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, honestly when you think about it - Axl Rose & Izzy Stradlin were truely the irreplacable members of GN'R. They were so unique, and so powerful in what they brought, that you just can't find guys like that. Slash can be replaced (Bucket & DJ both were/are capable), Duff was replaced (Tommy is the most 'old' new Guns guy from that entire era), and Steven & Matt were easily replaced, as the drummers never really were writers.

Izzy brings a feel, and a old school musicianship to the instrumentals, and Axl brings a unique, rock God voice that CANNOT be duplicated...

Izzy truely was the Guns, and Axl truely was the Rose, that made up Guns N' Roses.

Let me know when Bucket or DJ come up with riffs/solos anywhere near as memorable as WTTJ, SCOM, PC, It's So Easy, Nightrain, Brownstone, My Michelle, Rocket Queen, Don't Cry, November Rain, Civil War, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, etc.

Bucket's TWAT solo is amazing, but as far as the general public is concerned that entire album went over like a wet fart in a quiet, filled auditorium.

 Rep: 217 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

Mikkamakka wrote:

Agree. Slash is irreplacable. Nobody can even close to him in writing riffs and solos, performing, and he has that Superstar thing that a very few has. I do think that Duff was a very important member, too, cause his melodic, yet poweful bass playing is very unique, and he's a good songwriter, too, if it's a band situation.

I think musically Izzy was the easiest to be replaced, cause his solo songs are...erm...very bad and unispired, except a few. Even in GN'R, if you combine all his UYI works (except YCBM) it's not on the level of Locomotive itself.  He needed the others to explore those 3 chord nonsenses. I love his sloppy, dirty rhythm playing though, but I think it was more of what he was capable, than what you'd call a style.

 Rep: 423 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, honestly when you think about it - Axl Rose & Izzy Stradlin were truely the irreplacable members of GN'R. They were so unique, and so powerful in what they brought, that you just can't find guys like that. Slash can be replaced (Bucket & DJ both were/are capable), Duff was replaced (Tommy is the most 'old' new Guns guy from that entire era), and Steven & Matt were easily replaced, as the drummers never really were writers.

Izzy brings a feel, and a old school musicianship to the instrumentals, and Axl brings a unique, rock God voice that CANNOT be duplicated...

Izzy truely was the Guns, and Axl truely was the Rose, that made up Guns N' Roses.

I disagree that Slash is replaceable.  If he was, we wouldn't have one mildly successful album in 20 years.  Certainly you can credit Izzy with some of that, but not all of it.  For some reason, Slash's post GnR production has actually taken us to a point where he is now under-appreciated.  Slash isn't a song-writer...he takes very good songs to the next level.  THAT is what is missing on CD just as much as anything else in my opinion.

 Rep: 475 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

misterID wrote:

It's not that Slash needs Axl for anything, or vice versa. That's just old GNR fans idea.

There's no telling the music Slash could make with Chris Cornell and Mike Patton. I would love to hear what he could do with Corey Taylor. But I don't think, perhaps, just a shot in the dark, I don't think Slash is comfortable with someone on equal footing with him. Someone who'll tell him when something sucks, or push him to do something out of his comfort zone. Which explains Myles.

You can point to the Scott Weiland experiment, but I'll always say that second VR album is very underrated, a lot better than the first where Scott was singing over existing material.  You could say that was a Scott album but he was actually the weak link there. The music was really good.

I think Robin and Bucket are a better fit with Axl NOW. Not Axl 20 years ago, but today. I don't know if I can say the same with Slash today. This is just personal opinion on my part.

 Rep: 194 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

tejastech08 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Agree. Slash is irreplacable. Nobody can even close to him in writing riffs and solos, performing, and he has that Superstar thing that a very few has. I do think that Duff was a very important member, too, cause his melodic, yet poweful bass playing is very unique, and he's a good songwriter, too, if it's a band situation.

Duff brought a punk rock element to the GN'R sound, which helps distinguish the band from all the other so-called "hair metal" bands of the 80's. Whether it's Slash and Izzy's bluesy riffing, Axl's incredibly unique voice, or the punk rock edge from Duff, all three of these things combined to make the band's sound very different from their contemporaries and even pretty different from the bands that influenced GN'R (AC/DC, Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stones, Pistols, etc.). It's just unfortunate that GN'R gets lumped in with all the other generic hair metal bands of the 80's.

 Rep: 768 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

Axlin16 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, honestly when you think about it - Axl Rose & Izzy Stradlin were truely the irreplacable members of GN'R. They were so unique, and so powerful in what they brought, that you just can't find guys like that. Slash can be replaced (Bucket & DJ both were/are capable), Duff was replaced (Tommy is the most 'old' new Guns guy from that entire era), and Steven & Matt were easily replaced, as the drummers never really were writers.

Izzy brings a feel, and a old school musicianship to the instrumentals, and Axl brings a unique, rock God voice that CANNOT be duplicated...

Izzy truely was the Guns, and Axl truely was the Rose, that made up Guns N' Roses.

Let me know when Bucket or DJ come up with riffs/solos anywhere near as memorable as WTTJ, SCOM, PC, It's So Easy, Nightrain, Brownstone, My Michelle, Rocket Queen, Don't Cry, November Rain, Civil War, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, etc.

Bucket's TWAT solo is amazing, but as far as the general public is concerned that entire album went over like a wet fart in a quiet, filled auditorium.

So now we're basing "quality" on "popularity".


"Bucket's TWAT solo is amazing, but because it wasn't popular, it's not as memorable"

Huh? Bucket's TWAT solo is as good as anything Slash ever did in GN'R. So yeah - he's replaceable, and he was replaced. Especially considering in 2001/02, Bucket was doing Slash's solos, better than Slash, and recreating the solos with his own take AND improving upon them.

2002 Nightrain is the best that song ever sounded. Axl's voice fucking it up was not Bucket's fault.

Mikkamakka wrote:

Agree. Slash is irreplacable. Nobody can even close to him in writing riffs and solos, performing, and he has that Superstar thing that a very few has. I do think that Duff was a very important member, too, cause his melodic, yet poweful bass playing is very unique, and he's a good songwriter, too, if it's a band situation.

I think musically Izzy was the easiest to be replaced, cause his solo songs are...erm...very bad and unispired, except a few. Even in GN'R, if you combine all his UYI works (except YCBM) it's not on the level of Locomotive itself.  He needed the others to explore those 3 chord nonsenses. I love his sloppy, dirty rhythm playing though, but I think it was more of what he was capable, than what you'd call a style.

You're full of it dude on such a grand universal scale. That is easily the craziest and most wrong thing you've ever said.

Izzy is the most replacable? Then why hasn't ANY of them sounded as good WITH him? Why do all of them keep trying to hook back up with him? Axl tried to bring him back to Guns since 1991, and finally gave up after 2006. Slash wanted him in VR and took Dave as a second choice, then even collaborated with Izzy on what is the BEST track on Slash's solo album (even if Slash wrote it). Duff wants to bring the guy on tour with him, because he's such an admirer of what Izzy's done solo.

Izzy's songs might have a tendency to blend together... but so does Bob Dylan's. Izzy, even if just for prescence in a song, brings something to all those guys that make them better than they are. This is undeniable.

I'm sorry, but Izzy has had THE BEST solo career of any of them solo. And frankly... it's unrivaled. I think the guy walks to the finish line.

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, honestly when you think about it - Axl Rose & Izzy Stradlin were truely the irreplacable members of GN'R. They were so unique, and so powerful in what they brought, that you just can't find guys like that. Slash can be replaced (Bucket & DJ both were/are capable), Duff was replaced (Tommy is the most 'old' new Guns guy from that entire era), and Steven & Matt were easily replaced, as the drummers never really were writers.

Izzy brings a feel, and a old school musicianship to the instrumentals, and Axl brings a unique, rock God voice that CANNOT be duplicated...

Izzy truely was the Guns, and Axl truely was the Rose, that made up Guns N' Roses.

I disagree that Slash is replaceable.  If he was, we wouldn't have one mildly successful album in 20 years.  Certainly you can credit Izzy with some of that, but not all of it.  For some reason, Slash's post GnR production has actually taken us to a point where he is now under-appreciated.  Slash isn't a song-writer...he takes very good songs to the next level.  THAT is what is missing on CD just as much as anything else in my opinion.

I'm not judging that on Axl's output, i'm judging that on a combo of Axl's output + Slash's output.

For as "hit and miss" as Axl's GN'R/CD has been, Slash has put out four times as much, and still - is just as hit and miss as Axl.

Even Izzy is hit and miss. They all are.


They all need each other.

 Rep: 194 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Huh? Bucket's TWAT solo is as good as anything Slash ever did in GN'R. So yeah - he's replaceable, and he was replaced.

And yet that is the only solo on CD that is in the same league as the classic GN'R stuff I mentioned earlier. You call him replaceable, yet he's the guy who came up with those super-memorable riffs/solos over and over and over again in a pretty short time period ('85-'91). Bucket had a similar amount of time working with Axl and didn't come up with anywhere near as many memorable guitar parts.

 Rep: 217 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

Mikkamakka wrote:

Sorry, but I can't stand Izzy's solo work. It sucks except like 5 songs. All the songs sound the same and there isn't an ounce of creativity. Your Izzy stuff is a myth. Axl and Slash made GN'R this huge. They were the aces.
Izzy was extremely important in GN'R, both on a personal and a music level, but he's the less significant artist of the Big 4. I agree that without Izzy, GN'R would have never got this big. They probably wouldn't even have been together. But this can be said about the others, too.
Izzy is magical with the other 3, but he's nothing without them. While the other 3 guys can achieve something alone, although it's not on pair with their previous works.

 Rep: 768 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

Axlin16 wrote:

Slash couldn't write his ass out of a fuckin' ticket...

So I guess Axl really was Guns N' Roses. You win.

Izzy isn't big, because he likes being small-time. Just like Bucket. He likes his niche. Once again, we're basing success on popularity.

Under-appreciated? You guys WAY oversell Slash's stuff. I've seen the guy live, and he relies almost entirely on stuff he CO-wrote with others.

 Rep: 217 

Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"

Mikkamakka wrote:

Slash can write as fuck. Who wrote the WTTJ riff? Slash. Who wrote the SCOM magic riff? Slash. Who wrote the PC riff? Slash. Who wrote the Coma riff? Slash Locomotive? Slash. Who wrote all the solos, NR, Estranged, AFD etc? Slash. He wrote almost EVERYTHING that matters music (guitar) wise in GN'R. Not You Ain't The First is Guns N' Roses, but Don't Damn Me.
Slash only has problems with writing ALONE a FULL, OVER-THE-TOP song. But the other 3 has had the same problem. I'm sick of the revisionist downplay of Slash's importance and genius in Guns N' Roses. He's the most underrated GN'R member ever @ the boards.

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