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 Rep: 217 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Mikkamakka wrote:

Axl said the 'next album' would be similar to CD, just meaner and darker in some places.

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

johndivney wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
johndivney wrote:

the problem with ron/dj/axl getting flamed is - why don't they just tell the truth? (tho then of course they'd get it for being truthful)

Personally I think they do.

Ron's been very honest in the past that he wants to get together as a complete group and write brand new songs but that it's not happening. It's been obvious from a few interviews he's done that it's quite frustrating. He's also been quite blunt in the past pointing out that it isn't up to him to announce shows/releases , that he's seperate from the business end of it and that he himself finds the uncertanty and waits frustrating. That's more truthful than most people would be.

As for DJ. There is no reason AT ALL to think he is lying here. It seems a no brainer that the next move for GNR might be to add DJ to the existing un-used CD tracks - and he's a pro musician and so probably has a few riffs lying around to show Axl. Doing either of those things counts as "working on new music" to us - it's not like he said there would be 3 albums out by next summer.

Then there's Axl. Axl's perspective and choice of words is often different from other people's but I don't think he's lying - I think he believes what he says to be the truth, it's just that sometimes to others the view is a little different. Likewise it seems things change in GNR, and I'd venture to suggest mood and emotions can be part of it. So perhaps the times he's talked of tours that never happened or album releases that didn't eventuate - those plans were true at the time he said it - but then things either fell through or he changed his mind about bits etc.

So yeah, i really don't understand the fan reaction here. I mean I wouldn't take this to mean that anything will happen soon - as we all know it's a long way to finished products for GNR - but i really don't see a reason to think it's a lie, or that it's in anyway bad. It's what needs to happen if we want a new product one day - so i see it as great news.

ok, 1 time ron was honest & the rest of the time he's bitched about people asking him GnR related topics cause he doesn't deal with the business aspect. so what, he's just a puppet on a string if he doesn't hold any sway or power in the 'business' direction of his supposed band. my point being, if that is his position, it's not a particularly valid position to be speaking on any subject.

dj - i see no empirical evidence to believe him. & in fact, my point here is, that given his track record it's more than likely he's talking shit. it's nothing personal, it's just the way he handles it.

axl - well axl's lies stretch from here to timbuktu. a lot of the time, from his perspective, maybe he isn't lying. but a lot of the time he is flat out lying/not telling the truth.

the only reason for the backlash is because of how preposterous dj's comments were in the first place. the actual truth would be more outrageous & fit for discussion (the truth being dj knows & does fuck all, as does everyone in the GnR camp) this is just another silly little hiccup from a sometime bandmember flippantly throwing off some quotes on a sensitive subject matter.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I believe Axl when he says if you didn't like CD you won't like the next one. I'd like to see it take a more Sorry/Catcher type of vibe.

Mikkamakka wrote:

Axl said the 'next album' would be similar to CD, just meaner and darker in some places.

Personally I forgot about those statements, but something tells me that will change.

If Universal are going to even give the slightest shit, they're gonna demand something they can push, and they're probably gonna be demanding, even if Axl keeps his Bucket/Robin-influenced CD II, that Axl throw at least a couple singles on it more in the vein of Sixx:AM (DJ), so they can market it.

Tracks like Scraped ain't gonna get it done.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

DCK wrote:

Neither Finck or Bucket managed to find that hit single formula on Chinese. Ashba will. This is coming from someone who would kill Dizzy Reed to get Bucket back.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Axlin16 wrote:

Poor Dizzy 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

misterID wrote:

No, not Dizzy! Take Frank instead.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Aussie wrote:

I love dj's optimism. New music, US tour talk 16

He really is a glass half full kinda guy. At least he would be a positive influence to have around.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

If Universal are going to even give the slightest shit, they're gonna demand something they can push, and they're probably gonna be demanding, even if Axl keeps his Bucket/Robin-influenced CD II, that Axl throw at least a couple singles on it more in the vein of Sixx:AM (DJ), so they can market it.

Tracks like Scraped ain't gonna get it done.

You raise an interesting point.

I always got the impression that the next album was further down the NIN road -  stuff like Oh My God, and maybe My World but in a more musically elbourate form.

Not sure why i think that - little snippits of things people have said in interviews...but it does make you wonder - if the CD songs were the songs closest to the old guns...other tracks really could be more like moby/min/movie soundtrack style stuff.....which while it's not like traditional GNR i'd be facinated to hear.

Then again maybe i'm wrong....maybe there's bunch of rockier songs...or maybe it's much like CD was again...

I personally think even Axl's "throw away" style songs are pretty awesome (eg Crash Diet) and so it really makes me wonder what's in his vault. Not trying to get all "big guns" theory - but when you consider Buckethead, Axl,and all the other talented fucks in and out of GNR, there just has to be some killer musical ideas someplace.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Axlin16 wrote:

UYI meets ambient-rock would be a GREAT direction. More Prostitutes! 11

I still think this Shinedown remix is better than the original...

If GN'R did something like that i'd flip out. Chris mother fuckin' Pitman could put something like that together in his sleep, and ala U2, it'd be marketable to just about any audience.



If that's the direction, bring it the fuck on! 9

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Smoking Guns wrote:

HEAT is one of the greatest movies of all time...

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