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#1 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 7 weeks ago
Some of these cabinet nominations are horrible . Gaetz for AG? Gabbard for National Intelligence Chief? GTFO with this.
At least some of the guys from the first term were actually qualified. Whatever I feel about Jeff Sessions , the guy was actually qualified for the damn position given that he served as a US attorney and was the Alabama AG.
#2 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
The craziest statistic I've seen (so far) is she didn't get one single vote more than Biden in ANY county in the US.
How is that possible?!? Jesus Christ...someone like Dukakis could've at least gotten a handful.
It really is bat shit crazy how the DNC forced someone this unlikable on the American people. First by handing her the vice presidency on a silver platter and since they knew no one liked her, has to bypass the primary process completely.
We now know liberals didn't even want her. They were willing to experience a second Trump term rather than deal with her. The media clearly didn't like her neither.
Now that it's over you realize how truly bat shit insane this election really was.
I also can't believe I predicted she'd pull out a victory.
She almost caused a handful of blue states to go red!!
Has the GOP transitioned to the party of the middle class not just in terms of voter turnout, but more importantly, culturally?
These are significant numbers. Is it just a reaction to the extreme left represented by Harris, or a genuine movement to the America first populism of Trump?
Some sort of shift is occurring... exactly what it is....I don't know. We gotta see how things develop.
IMO this was a referendum on the woke/SJW culture.
It has to die off now. It's been a complete disaster since day one and now it's having massive impacts on elections. If they don't wake up to this obvious reality check, this country will have a one party system within 1-2 election cycles.
Are they willing to risk their party's extinction over that madness?
They're losing women in droves even though they tried pushing the "women voters will knock Trump out" propaganda. In an era where the GOP stopped fucking around with abortion, they still can't get a female majority to back them.
Could this have something to do with the party no longer able to define what a woman is?
Those feminists were right a few years ago....the left ignoring them would cause one of two things...
1. Abandoning Dems and moving right
2. Sit out the election
They're losing minorities. This shows that the strategy of portraying Republicans as grand wizards of the KKK is a complete failure.
The woke extremism and constant hyperbole about the GOP has to stop.
They spend all their time hating Trump and spewing never ending venom at anyone who doesn't buy into the nonsense...which guaranteed another Trump presidency.
It blows my mind that they wouldn't shut the fuck up about Trump after the 2020 election. It's unbelievable. I said it back then...if they genuinely want rid of him...stop talking about him!!!
Every media outlet even remotely liberal has been a nonstop Trump commercial since he left office. The Trump era could never actually end because they wouldn't allow it to. They did everything in their power to keep him in the headlines....and all they have to show for it is a Trump landslide.
Focus on immigration. Use reconciliation to remove illegals and codify requirements so catch and release doesn’t happen. End birthright citizenship and codify legal residency. Force them to take it to SCOTUS who will rule illegals were never citizens under Wong. Make English the official language. Require ID to vote in federal elections and provide funds to ensure every person gets one.
Use the DoJ to police universities who allow extreme groups to harass and vandalize under free speech and civil rights violations. Deport students on visas guilty of assault and vandalism.
Then work with Democrats to expand Medicare and infrastructure spending. Let’s tackle the pharmaceutical industry and reevaluate what kind of crap is going in our food. But more importantly, quit being a purse for people and nations that think we’re lesser than them.
I'm all for this.
I agree it's time to actually do something concrete. Move on from all this culture war crap. He has been handed a great opportunity....don't waste it.
Not sure about ending funding but I do agree something has to be done. We're about to enter year 3 of the conflict. Enough is enough.
All we're really doing is bleeding both sides and watching Russia slowly collapse. It's not really worth the amount of money going into it.
Trump is even more pro-Israel than Biden/Harris so that conflict will likely continue. I'd imagine Trump will be less patient with the Houthis so we may end up striking Yemen.
They lost the election.
They don't/won't want to admit this.....
They also lost the culture war.
If they don't wake up...the DNC will get tossed on the ash heap of history.
Worst thing about Trump's victory is Vance is a heartbeat away from the presidency. Supposedly Trump doesn't like him. I'm praying he winds up being the type of VP that is rarely seen or heard from...and I pray Trump is in perfect health for the next four years.
I’ll only defend her in this one way ( and it isn’t really a defense), they probably weren’t winning this either way. If they held Biden /Harris responsible for the economy then they were fucked from the beginning. I guess another candidate could have made the argument that the economy is getting better give it time etc, but the lower income guy making 50K in the Midwest isn’t going to be feeling that or that’s not his reality.
The culture wars stuff explains why they lost Blacks/Latinos /Women though. They assumed that those groups are in line with what the DNC believes and just would follow along . Bzzzt wrong ! People don’t like being pigeonholed and they should have learned this. Also, I’m not sure some of the Congressional Dems realize that this is a moderate country. They lean right (not far right but more traditional values) and maybe slightly left on financial issues .
I think that the group that voted for Trump despite not liking the guy at all (like Harmon) is an easier sell than the latter non educated group. They gotta learn what makes that group tick. Given the DNC track record, I’m not hopeful.
If they figure it out, it’s going to be an outsider (newbie or a GOV of a blue/swing state) because it sure as hell isn’t someone already there.
#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
That was the biggest "COPE" in my opinion. This idea that the economy is actually "really good right now!!!!" Yeah I'm paying 2x for food EVERY DAY... groceries expensive as fuck. I don't care if inflation is "slowing"
Not saying anyone here said the economy was good, but I did hear it alot from pundits.
I’ll disagree a little. Parts of it were improving but not to the point where the average American (voting ones anyway) could see it.
And they never could answer the inflation q. Fuck my brother would have voted for Trump on gas prices alone. If you can’t answer that main question then the other part is not as relevant as you think.
#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
On CNN...
Exit Poll question regarding democracy being in trouble...
Trump ahead 6 points.
That's insane.
In other words, the dem strategy screaming fascism blew up in their own faces.
I’ll be honest, upon actual reflection there is no way this stuff could have passed or just implemented. So yeah they cried wolf too many times.
#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
That’s thing, the party is too invested in “woke.” How can they give it up? That’s who runs the party now. I mean, we call it woke but it’s just a radical form of progressivism. That’s what progressivism is now.
What they don’t realize is that boring moderates win elections for their party, in terms of policy etc. They fixate on social issues and there is no evidence that voters give as much a shit about these things as they think.
Voters care about meat and potatoes issues . And honestly if you have to take time to explain it , they are probably not going to be paying attention to you anyway.
#6 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
The worst thing Kamala could have done was campaign with the Cheney’s. I will never understand that decision
It’s easily explained as they are tone deaf. They see reality in the Democratic vision and not what the electorate sees it as. They expect people to know who the Chaneys are. Yes, the political junkies know but not the average American. Or they don’t care. Either way it didn’t matter.
#7 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
Republican Senate incoming....
Man...the Dems really did shit the bed this cycle.
Both parties do this but for this cycle I think the Dems did the scary boogeyman too much or it just didn’t sell or wasn’t realistic.
I’m talking about the Project 25 stuff and like the mass deportations of people. This vote or die aspect that they seem to always have turns people off.
As someone who leans left, no the fucking world will not end just because Trump gets a second term. It cracks me up when I read those people , that’s it, I’m moving to Canada.
#8 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
I'm also wondering about these veep picks. Vance was/is horrific....but Walz was a dud as well.
What happened to choosing someone who will help the ticket? Remember those days?
The last few elections have told us…that these people don’t matter. There have been some god awful ones and they don’t move the needle at all. It’s all on the President pick at this point. I mean that’s clear to me . It might as well be a cutout and you’d get the same benefit.
#9 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
I'm wondering what happened with the so called "Kamala Republicans".
A voting bloc that didn't show up?
I think they showed up. They just weren’t big enough to counteract the bro vote gains that Trump made.
They are just an extension of the college educated urbanites that ID was taking about.
#10 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 weeks ago
You cannot place all your chips on women. You can’t just appeal to college educated whites, and blacks. They lost centrists like they lost me
The “white guys for Harris” was embarrassing.
I give you props on this . I think she fucked up on the economy/inflation too. Everyone can understand that their (insert essential item here ) went up 5-10x as opposed to when Trump was in there .
You can say the economy is fine but you better be able to explain how you are going to fix that or why it went up so drastically.