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 Rep: 194 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

tejastech08 wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

in before, its only being played because of the name and next week it will decline/will make or break the single, fair point and i acknowledge it, but for now, expecting more is ridiculous.

Why is expecting more ridiculous? This is Guns N' Fuckin' Roses we're talking about. Only one of the biggest bands of the last 30 years. The rock scene is completely dead right now with garbage like Nickelback dominating the airwaves. You would think these DJ's would have played the everloving fuck out of CD as soon as it was released, simply because of curiosity. It didn't even make it into the Top 10 on the Mainstream Rock chart. That surprises the heck out of me. Let's just hope that all these pricks who were waiting 15 years for Axl to release something just so they could bash it have now had their little bashfest orgasm and that they'll give the rest of the singles (and the album) a fair shake.

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

tejastech08 wrote:

Your comment following mine about flopsville got deleted. I wonder why? Could it be because it was a personal attack? Why in God's name you decided to attack me instead of actually talking about the issue itself is beyond me. But whatever. By the way, my avatar has been on here for a long time, jackass. Stop with the personal attacks and grow up. And yes, you ARE being a jackass and deserve to be called out for it.

you really shouldnt take it so seriously, what do you do when someone insults you in real life? my person attacks are mild at the worst, relax i wont hurt you anymore.

 Rep: 57 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

supaplex wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

Why is expecting more ridiculous? This is Guns N' Fuckin' Roses we're talking about. Only one of the biggest bands of the last 30 years. The rock scene is completely dead right now with garbage like Nickelback dominating the airwaves. You would think these DJ's would have played the everloving fuck out of CD as soon as it was released, simply because of curiosity. It didn't even make it into the Top 10 on the Mainstream Rock chart. That surprises the heck out of me. Let's just hope that all these pricks who were waiting 15 years for Axl to release something just so they could bash it have now had their little bashfest orgasm and that they'll give the rest of the singles (and the album) a fair shake.

it didn't do more because, as you said in the other thread about the single, people have agendas. and they've waited years for this. from people who hate axl calling in to say the song sucks to all the dj's not playing it because it's axl/gnr.

it's gonna be a long battle for this record. the hard part is just beginning. all axl can do is flood the airwaves with singles. if one song doesn't make it, put another out fast and hope the music is good and can turn people around. that's the only way.

the songs have to do well on the long run not at the moment of their release. then we can say it's a success. until then, we have to deal with personal agendas of various people

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

tejastech08 wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

in before, its only being played because of the name and next week it will decline/will make or break the single, fair point and i acknowledge it, but for now, expecting more is ridiculous.

Why is expecting more ridiculous? This is Guns N' Fuckin' Roses we're talking about. Only one of the biggest bands of the last 30 years. The rock scene is completely dead right now with garbage like Nickelback dominating the airwaves. You would think these DJ's would have played the everloving fuck out of CD as soon as it was released, simply because of curiosity. It didn't even make it into the Top 10 on the Mainstream Rock chart. That surprises the heck out of me. Let's just hope that all these pricks who were waiting 15 years for Axl to release something just so they could bash it have now had their little bashfest orgasm and that they'll give the rest of the singles (and the album) a fair shake.

ok it feels like i am beating a dead horse but let me explain, for the final time why expecting more is ridiculous. singles DO NOT DEBUT AT NUMBER ONE, it is impossible you dont promote a single like an album, management doesn't announce to the public in 3 months from now the single chinese democracy will be released, exclusively on itunes, it will hit radio's on 22 october. no they drop it on the airwaves and it used as a promotional tool for the album, you're acting like the single is an album within itself.

now for the part you can't argue with. cd was dumped on the airwaves, it has received more THAN DOUBLE the amount of plays the number 1 radio track in the U.S has this week. its position within the rock charts IS BASED SOLELY ON ITS PLAYS, PLAYS ALONE THAT IS ALL, AS YOU CANNOT PURCHASE IT.

when the day that never comes was released, with a video, with the ability to be purchased it did not debut at number 1.

the sames applies for ACDC, whose single did not debut at number 1, despite being purchasable and having a video.  SIMPLY BECAUSE SINGLES DO NOT DEBUT AT NUMBER 1.

metallica and ACDC's(two massive veteran bands) single's efforts pale in comparison to a single that doesn't have a video and that cannot be purchased, and you're still whining.

there i am done, keep telling yourself that it should have recieved 1000000 plays and anything else is a dissapointment.

 Rep: 57 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

supaplex wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

We shall see. But another factor is that it's a sacrificial lamb. There's so many people out there who refuse to even give it a chance even if they secretly like it. It's a kickass song, but these dickheads hate Axl so much that they've been waiting this entire time for him to release something simply so they can talk shit about it as well as about him. I hope "Better" is the second single and the initial "everybody bash Axl" period is over so that they'll give that song a chance because it's also a hell of a song.

i agree on the sacrificial lamb thing. and i think we're gonna get another one before the album release.

they played it very safely, got the word out, they had 1:30 min of if the world on a sound track, then they put shackler's on rock band 2, now we got a song on radio without promotion. they took it step by step, broadening their audience step by step. maybe it's the right way to do it. we'll wait and see.

probably the next song will be a proper single release, music video and stuff.

 Rep: 194 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

tejastech08 wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

there i am done, keep telling yourself that it should have recieved 1000000 plays and anything else is a dissapointment.

Nice bit of hyperbole. Not even getting into the Top 10 on the Mainstream Rock chart is a lot different than not being #1. I would have been perfectly satisfied if it was say #5 or something on that chart. #12 though? It's strictly because of the DJ agendas out there. If Axl was as well-liked as Bono or someone like that, it's pretty much guaranteed the song would have had a warmer reception from DJ's and their listeners, rather than all the BS calls about how much they hate Axl from his antics 15 years ago. It's an uphill climb for the band. Hopefully the song can climb the charts this week. But if it doesn't, they need to release something else soon. I'm hoping for "Better" because it's catchy as can be.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

Neemo wrote:

ok lets keep the chart positions in one thread and forum sellout discussions in the other please

I've emailed a radio contact to get a better understanding of the debut numbers...we'll see what he says 19

 Rep: 1 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

samnuts wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ok lets keep the chart positions in one thread and forum sellout discussions in the other please

I've emailed a radio contact to get a better understanding of the debut numbers...we'll see what he says 19

i think the numbers are pretty good so far.  i'm curious to see what your contact has to say...

 Rep: 231 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

-D- wrote:

There is no way in Hell TWAT will be released over Prostitute and This I Love as the ballad single.

I still don't get what everyone else Gets with that song. Its ok but it to me has pretty bad lyrics.......... Axl rhymes all with all like 10 times and it has some really cheesy bad lyrics...........

Prostitute and This I Love are far superior ballads as well as Catcher.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GUNS N' ROSES' 'Chinese Democracy' Single Best 'Mainstream Rock' Debut

faldor wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

there i am done, keep telling yourself that it should have recieved 1000000 plays and anything else is a dissapointment.

Nice bit of hyperbole. Not even getting into the Top 10 on the Mainstream Rock chart is a lot different than not being #1. I would have been perfectly satisfied if it was say #5 or something on that chart. #12 though? It's strictly because of the DJ agendas out there. If Axl was as well-liked as Bono or someone like that, it's pretty much guaranteed the song would have had a warmer reception from DJ's and their listeners, rather than all the BS calls about how much they hate Axl from his antics 15 years ago. It's an uphill climb for the band. Hopefully the song can climb the charts this week. But if it doesn't, they need to release something else soon. I'm hoping for "Better" because it's catchy as can be.

For comparisons sake, "The Day That Never Comes" debuted at #7 on the Mainstream Rock Chart.  And as Capt. mentioned, it had a video and was available for sale.  I really think you're overstating CD's supposed failure.  #12 is a fine debut, we'll see how it does from here on out but to claim it's headed for flopsville is a little premature.  You are entitled to your opinion obviously, but I'm not buying what you're selling.

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