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 Rep: 108 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

war wrote:

agreed 100 percent

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:

I guess I just don't see this as a positive era.  Being relegated to touring outside the US because the US isn't interested in what you have to offer is not positive.  Well, I guess it's positive if you live in one of those areas that they are stuck touring, but it's not so good in what should be their core market.

Yipee for Canada.  Hooray for other parts of the world.  At least you guys get a replacement version of GnR going for you.  Congrats.  We can't even get New New New New GnR in the US.  We got Nu GnR.  We got New Gnr.  I think we even got New New New GnR (or maybe it was New New GnR...hard to follow).

Nothing new is going to sell...I don't know why you guys keep thinking it will.  It won't.  I can't imagine any realistic situation in which a) Axl puts out a new album with new material; and b) it sells better than CD did.  I don't even think marketing it (which won't happen) would make a difference.  Nobody outside of the little online clique cares.  How you guys don't get that just amazes me.  GnR is now one of the many bands that you see on the one hit wonders show that "is still popular in Europe, but never had another hit in the US" - that is what GnR is.  Don't like it?  Too bad.  I don't like it either.  It is what it is.  You can accept it and enjoy what you do have, or you can continue to have these unreachable expectations that the band is still relevent. 

Why are you so offended by the notion of liking a nostagia act?  Why is that so hideous?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axlin16 wrote:

It's not hideous, it's just not realistic. I don't call going Gold, legitmately with a store exclusive, and absolutely NO PROMO, called "no interest".

Although Motley Crue & Alice In Chains are not the kings of album sales, if they can still cut albums that manage to have rock chart topping hits, and garner a little buzz... I can't see why GN'R can't achieve that. They are a far bigger act, and there's far more love for Axl Rose than anyone involved those other artists.

GN'R can hit, and be relevant with the 2009-10 band, but they're gonna have to work for it this time.

I just don't believe that a massively promoted, with hits, album from the new Guns would tank to no interest. They're not new Skid Row. They're not new Faster Pussycat. They're not Version 13 of 17 active LA Guns.

The U.S. is still interested on at least a club/theater level. Bank it. If the man can still sell out stadiums (non festival) in the rest of the world, there's still an interest.

The problem in the U.S. is no one capitalizes on it. Radio DJ's didn't want to play cuts off of CD, because there was nothing catchy, UMG & Axl were non-existant...

I don't believe that CD is an accurate example of "no interest". We just don't know. If anything it sways to there being interest. How do you do no promo, and have no real hits, and your album still goes Gold?

It's there, but the machine needs to fire on all cylinders next time. If it does, and the album tanks, and Axl's getting 3,000 people out to 20,000 seat arenas, i'll agree with you. I'll say "they did everything right, and it bombed. Interest is dead".

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

johndivney wrote:

omg plz stop. youse are all just saying the same things. then buzz says the same things in reply. then someone else says the opposite of buzz again, then he says what he's been saying for the last 14 pages again. and it's just too much dizziness.

for all we know imposter just posted lyrics 2 soul monster!! & in here u guys are just chasing ur own tails..

 Rep: 77 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

TheMole wrote:
johndivney wrote:

omg plz stop. youse are all just saying the same things. then buzz says the same things in reply. then someone else says the opposite of buzz again, then he says what he's been saying for the last 14 pages again. and it's just too much dizziness.

for all we know imposter just posted lyrics 2 soul monster!! & in here u guys are just chasing ur own tails..

Yes, we should all stop talking about silly topics like GNR's relevancy in the year 2010 for the benefit of some random internet jerk-off attention whore posting pseudo mysterious bullshit about "crooked signs", "vast highways" and "puzzles at hand"... much better...

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I guess I just don't see this as a positive era.  Being relegated to touring outside the US because the US isn't interested in what you have to offer is not positive.  Well, I guess it's positive if you live in one of those areas that they are stuck touring, but it's not so good in what should be their core market.

Yipee for Canada.  Hooray for other parts of the world.  At least you guys get a replacement version of GnR going for you.  Congrats.  We can't even get New New New New GnR in the US.  We got Nu GnR.  We got New Gnr.  I think we even got New New New GnR (or maybe it was New New GnR...hard to follow).

Nothing new is going to sell...I don't know why you guys keep thinking it will.  It won't.  I can't imagine any realistic situation in which a) Axl puts out a new album with new material; and b) it sells better than CD did.  I don't even think marketing it (which won't happen) would make a difference.  Nobody outside of the little online clique cares.  How you guys don't get that just amazes me.  GnR is now one of the many bands that you see on the one hit wonders show that "is still popular in Europe, but never had another hit in the US" - that is what GnR is.  Don't like it?  Too bad.  I don't like it either.  It is what it is.  You can accept it and enjoy what you do have, or you can continue to have these unreachable expectations that the band is still relevent. 

Why are you so offended by the notion of liking a nostagia act?  Why is that so hideous?

Buzz, if you ask 20 people after a recent Metallica-gig to cite the lyrics to four tracks from Death Magnetic. Or try the same at an AC/DC gig, Iron Maiden-gig or any other major act with a huge back catalogue touring a "new" album. Yeah, most people won't have chance in hell to do that. Everyone, who is honest, knows that GNR is in that same group of major acts.

But that doesn't take away the fact that diehards fans, like most of us, have reasons to be excited that their favourite band in the world is out doing stuff.

GNR will prolly never release a new album that will outsell AFD or UYI. Metallica will prolly never release a new album that will outsell Master Of Puppets or "The Black Album". AC/DC will never outsell....well you get the picture!

If GNR, Metallica, AC/DC etc etc, release a new album in a few years, followed by a tour, they will allways create a buzz when they come through town. They will EVEN create a buzz if they come through town WITHOUT a new album.
Axl has even proved that GNR will cause a huge buzz, even though he is the only one left from the original band touring without a new album ('06-'07)!!!! And his band STILL manages to sell millions of their latest album! That speaks volume of GNR's back catalogue and Axl as a rockicon. So "people outside of the little online clique" (as you put it) DO care!   smile

And if and WHEN they release a new album. It WILL cause a buzz and it WILL sell shitloads of albums!

If you wanna call that a "nostalgia act", that's your cinical call. I would call it "A-great-fucking-band-with-great-fucking-songs"!!
9   9   9

 Rep: 26 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

WARose wrote:

you compare the new gnr without slash to metallica and ACDC?  come on dude, you can`t be serious about that... metallica and acdc still have their most important members and to compare their newest albums to chinese democracy is another weak link of your agumentation. i can only speak for germany, but those two records were VERY succesful. i`M not a fan of acdc, but in my opinion death magnetic seriously rocks.

if an actually promoted new gnr record could be succesful is another question

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
WARose wrote:

you compare the new gnr without slash to metallica and ACDC?  come on dude, you can`t be serious about that... metallica and acdc still have their most important members and to compare their newest albums to chinese democracy is another weak link of your agumentation. i can only speak for germany, but those two records were VERY succesful. i`M not a fan of acdc, but in my opinion death magnetic seriously rocks.

if an actually promoted new gnr record could be succesful is another question

Metallica and Guns N' Roses recently topped a list of most successfull tours somewhere, right? Say no more....

 Rep: 26 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

WARose wrote:

well...   did you actually read the numbers?   number of concerts for each artist that list is based on for example

or the average number of people in audience...

and the other artists on that list..

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:

Listen, I'm not saying that GNR and Metallica are bringing in the exact same amount of money. I am in touch with reality! The bands I mentioned all bring a lot of people to their concerts due to their strong back catalogue. Axl is even doing it without the original band.

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