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 Rep: 633 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Axlin16 wrote:


I'm still hung up on you listing "Friday The 13th Part 2" and yet TDK is not good.

To each their own I guess. I didn't know potato sack Jason is > TDK

F13-P2 is better than the original

 Rep: 386 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Bono wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Not spoiler heavy, but its not a good review and since some of the members(and guests) here may not have watched this yet and not interested in negativity clouding things, I'll go ahead and wrap it in a spoiler tag.

Hidden Text:

Uh, are me and my girlfriend the only people in the world not on crack?:haha: This film was unwatchable. Had I been alone, I would have walked out less than half way through. It just drones on and on with no end. By the time Two Face shows up, I was already praying to God for this movie to end.

One of the worst editing jobs in the history of film. It bounces back and forth all over the place, and my mind starts drifting and these characters never properly get established so I just don't care about any of them.

Bale doesn't work as Batman. His acting in the Batman character comes off as forced, and its unbelievable from the get go. Not knocking Bale as he is in some really good movies, but this role isn't suited for him.

Everyone is right on point about this Maggie chick. That constant smirk is annoying as hell, and she must give a mean blowjob or have an ass you can sink your teeth into, because those are the only ways she got this role.

Now, the Joker.....................

While I did like the more mature Joker brought to the table in this film, it doesn't live up to what it was presented as. The editing plays a role in this as well, not just pinning the blame on Ledger. Give us a more cohesive direction to follow with this character, and maybe I would give a shit. Giving me sixty seconds of the Joker, two minutes of Bruce Wayne, 30 seconds of Michael Caine's face, another minute of Wayne, then a 10 second clip of Maggie, then back to a minute of Joker is just amateur editing at its worst.

A 9.7 out of 10?? No fucking way in hell.

The few highlights for me....

The bank robbery segment
The Batmobile and then the later segment when he's on the motorcycle.
When Batman broke into that building to nab that Chinese dude
The jail scene with the Joker
The part where the Joker is burning all that money

The main plot point is a joke itself because the movie bounces around so much and so quickly, you begin to lose focus of what the actual goal is for each of these characters.

Film of the decade?

Performance of the decade?

Not even close.

I dissagree with nearly everything you said James. Except Maggie who flat out sucked.  You say the characters never get established? Well you never saw Batman Begins where they establish most all of the characters so.... the Joker doesn't need establishing. he does that with his maniacly personality and it's summed up when Alfred says "Some men just want to watch the world burn".   And really how did you lose focus on what the goal of each charcter was? Were you high when you saw this? 16

 Rep: 109 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Saikin wrote:

Wow, another post of Bono's that i agree with entirely!  16

The characters really were established in the first movie, at least all the ones that needed to be anyway.  The Joker doesn't need that because he's a psychopath, you're not supposed to really understand him. 

Harvey Dent was in the first one, but as far as establishing his character goes, i feel they did a good job portraying him as this guy who wants so desperately to fight for what's right at all costs, but he is faced with this monster that can't be beaten at his own game. 

It was just the direction they took with Dent that threw me off a little.  Doesn't take away from the film too much i think though. 

The goal of the Joker is simple.  The goals of Harvey and Batman are meant to seem a little muddy, because they themselves become conflicted throughout the movie.

Another thing i can't get about what you said James is how Bale makes a bad Batman.  He is way better than any Batman we've seen, and i think he really gets into the character well and does a good job with it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Bono wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

What's there to "get"? Its not like its a complex storyline that only film majors can attempt to decipher. In actuality, its pretty safe fluff presented as some mature, dark, twisted tale, and required the use of shoddy editing techniques to even catapult the story along.

Oh, and you heard it here first.....

Ledger will not be nominated for an Oscar.

Thank the editor if you need to thank anyone.

When the "high" from this film finally subsides, you will hear others pointing out similar issues like I am doing now.

I would seriously like to see a re-edit of this film.

This is ironic James considering you said it was difficult to follow and you found yourself losing focus on what each characters goal was tongue  How could Ledger not be nominated? If your  complaint is that he didn't get enough face time then isn't it even more impressive that he was able to create thsi psycotic performance in a smaller amount of time?  It was a mind blowing performance and in my opinion no you couldn't list a whole lot of performances better.  Fuck if that dude in No Country for Old Men wins an Oscar Ledger should win 12.   Ledger's performance is one of the all time great movie performances period. I personally think it ruled and I don't believe you'll hear more critics regarding his performance or the editing months from now. 

Look I'm not a super hero fan by any means. I hate the Spider Man movies, I hated all the Batman movies before Batman Begins, The Hulk movies are a mess,  X-Men sucked, the Superman reboot sucked and the old ones are good only cause of the nostalgia factor. I don't even own a comic book and never have but Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are kick ass movies.

I dont' know James. I'm not trying to be an ass here by any means but I really get the sense you just didn't understand(for lack of a better word) the movie or that you expected something completely different. You really shoudl've watched BB first for your charcater development. I told you to watch that movie first!!! 16

As for the plot like tejastech08 has said Harvey was the plot.  Without his character there's no conflict for Bruce Wayne. Without Harvey there's no fork placed in Batman's road. Without him there's no "white Knight" to take the Dark Knight's place in restoring Gotham.

As for Bale, he's  the best Batman ever by far. He nails the playboy  billionaire role, he kills as Batman. I mean Keaton, Kilmer and Clooney suck in comparison.

I'm just really surprised you dont' like this movie James.  For me 99.9% of all movies are see it once and forget it. BB and TDK are far, far, far from that. I own the Star Wars movies, the LOTR movies and Batman Begins. That says all you need to know about how I feel.

To answer whether or not I'd like the Joker brought back? FUCK NO!  I thought it was lame replacing a  bit character in Rachel Dawes there's no way I'd support anyone other than Ledger playing the Joker. Johnny Depp? Please! roll  Everyone always raves about Depp but I think he's vastly overrated. Heath's Joker fucking destroys anything Depp has ever done in my mind.  All I know is when an actor or actress hypnotizes you every time they are on the  screen that's a fucking grand slam performance and Heath did that for me in TDK.  Retire the Joker.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Rex wrote:

I don't think it's fair to bury the Joker with Heath.  The character doesn't belong to him, and although I agree with him owning the role, I don't think it should die with him.

Then again, I trust the Nolans, so I agree with whatever they decide to do with The Joker.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

James wrote:
Bono wrote:

This is ironic James considering you said it was difficult to follow and you found yourself losing focus on what each characters goal was tongue

You misunderstood. The story itself wasn't hard to follow, its how they edited the film to go back and forth so quickly and at unexpected times. It caused me to lose interest very quickly.

I cant believe I'm the only person here bitching about this issue. Am I really the only voice of reason?:haha:

I do wish I had watched Begins first.


I'm still hung up on you listing "Friday The 13th Part 2" and yet TDK is not good.

To each their own I guess. I didn't know potato sack Jason is > TDK

F13-P2 is better than the original

Well, you rate II ahead of the original, so it means you must appreciate that film as well.

I cant compare this movie to other superhero shit because I don't watch those. That first Spiderman film was a joke(liked the video game though), so didn't watch the others. Tried Ironman and wasn't impressed. The Hulk movie from a few years ago was dog shit. Hated the 89 Batman film.

So when I compare this Batman film to something, it has to be judged by my taste in films. Also, people claim its one of the greatest performances of all time, so comparing it to non superhero films is valid.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

James wrote:

Oh to answer your question, yes I was high. That always enhances the film experience though.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Bono wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Oh to answer your question, yes I was high. That always enhances the film experience though.

16  I'd fall asleep.

I guess the editing thing is a personal prefrence.  It was the ploar opposite of say the LOTR movies(and books) the editing in those films is such where they spend 20 minutes on one scene with a few actors. So long to where you forget about the other characters. Then they switch and you're like oh yeah these guys again.  LOTR is so driven by the story telling aspact of it where as  TDK is in essence an action film so I felt the editing kept things moving.  I will agree on one thing though. It would have been nice to have one scene with the Joker all by himself. Ala the scene in LOTR where Gollam has a conversation with himself(Smeagol). That would've been truely amazing.

Rex wrote:

I don't think it's fair to bury the Joker with Heath.  The character doesn't belong to him, and although I agree with him owning the role, I don't think it should die with him.

I don't necessarily mean retire the Joker forever just for this paticular franhcise that Nolan as come up with.  Like you I trust the vision of this franhcise so I would like to see a third installment 100%. I dont' thin they'd fuck it it up at all.

Do you guys think Tom Cruise could pull off the Riddler? I like Cruise as an actor and part of me can see this being a  good fit but I wonder if he'd be too big of a star. Would it be too "Tom Cruise"?  he'd be better than Jim Carey though that's for damn sure:haha:

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