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 Rep: 485 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Neemo wrote:

i saw the current band do 10 of the 14 tracks on CD and they played the shit out of all of them, they all sounded amazing live

you can watch you tube vids til the cows come home...they dont do the live show justice

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I know.  How dare I use actual life experiences to make a point.  The nerve of some people...using real life to support a point of view on the internet.  I mean, 100 or so concerts is such a small sample size anyway...

I went to see Def Leppard in support of their last 2 albums.  Both times they played TWO songs from each album.  Every concert I've ever been to, has been just like that.  Bands will play a few songs at most from their new albums and most everyone in the crowd heads for the restrooms/beer line during those songs.  GNR playing 5-7 NEW songs is more than respectable in this day and age IMO.

How many albums does DL have?  Regardless, I have listed several bands that have played their entire album, and most of those bands were much bigger than this GnR is.  If the bands you're seeing have everyone bailing when the new stuff plays, maybe you need to see more current bands, not washed up ones.

I prefer washed up bands, but thanks for the suggestion.

Def Leppard has 11 albums and each time I've seen them it's pretty much the "Hysteria" tour with some other classics thrown in.  I bought "Songs From the Sparkle Lounge" and actually liked it.  Would've liked to have heard more than TWO songs from it live, but that's all they played.  The same 2 songs, the entire tour.

Another band to reference.  A little more relevant than Def Leppard.  Now you can knock Bon Jovi all you want, and I encourage it.  I haven't liked much of anything they've done since 1991, BUT they're still hugely successful.  They recently put out an album, "The Circle", and are out doing a massive tour to promote it.  They're playing FIVE songs from the album out of 20+ total songs.

Pearl Jam is playing anywhere from 3-7 new songs a night, but on average 5.  They vary their setlist unlike any band I've ever seen though, but still they aren't coming close to playing the entire album.

I'm not saying your wrong, Buzz.  Obviously, you were there in person, so I trust you.  But just because you've witnessed it firsthand doesn't make it common for most bands.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

misterID wrote:

When I saw Rush they only played 3 new songs off the album they were touring.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i saw the current band do 10 of the 14 tracks on CD and they played the shit out of all of them, they all sounded amazing live

you can watch you tube vids til the cows come home...they dont do the live show justice

And I envy you, and others, that have gotten the chance to see them this time out.

I saw them in 2002 and the new songs sounded just fine there in person, in 2006 IRS sounded great to me.  I quite liked "Prostitute" from the Tokyo show.  It may have started out a little rough but once it kicked in, I thought it sounded great.  Shackler's and Scraped have sounded fine too.  And TWAT has been great as far as the band goes.  I haven't heard Axl nail that one from any of the boots, but it's so hard to do.  There's no pauses to breath the first 2 minutes it seems.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axl S wrote:

Sure new bands do play either a lot of songs of an album, or the entire album when on tour. Some on all nights, some on some nights. And some don't at all. Between 4-7 is a pretty good rough estimate of what you can expect to be played from most bands new albums when touring.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Neemo wrote:
faldor wrote:

I envy you, and others, that have gotten the chance to see them this time out.

...and i truely hope that gnr tours stateside for those in the USA and to other places that havent seen them tour this album yet...

my point was that i dont see how you can make an opinion of the band when you havent seen it hmm

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

I went to see Def Leppard in support of their last 2 albums.  Both times they played TWO songs from each album.  Every concert I've ever been to, has been just like that.  Bands will play a few songs at most from their new albums and most everyone in the crowd heads for the restrooms/beer line during those songs.  GNR playing 5-7 NEW songs is more than respectable in this day and age IMO.

How many albums does DL have?  Regardless, I have listed several bands that have played their entire album, and most of those bands were much bigger than this GnR is.  If the bands you're seeing have everyone bailing when the new stuff plays, maybe you need to see more current bands, not washed up ones.

I prefer washed up bands, but thanks for the suggestion.

Def Leppard has 11 albums and each time I've seen them it's pretty much the "Hysteria" tour with some other classics thrown in.  I bought "Songs From the Sparkle Lounge" and actually liked it.  Would've liked to have heard more than TWO songs from it live, but that's all they played.  The same 2 songs, the entire tour.

Another band to reference.  A little more relevant than Def Leppard.  Now you can knock Bon Jovi all you want, and I encourage it.  I haven't liked much of anything they've done since 1991, BUT they're still hugely successful.  They recently put out an album, "The Circle", and are out doing a massive tour to promote it.  They're playing FIVE songs from the album out of 20+ total songs.

Pearl Jam is playing anywhere from 3-7 new songs a night, but on average 5.  They vary their setlist unlike any band I've ever seen though, but still they aren't coming close to playing the entire album.

I'm not saying your wrong, Buzz.  Obviously, you were there in person, so I trust you.  But just because you've witnessed it firsthand doesn't make it common for most bands.

All of these bands you mention have one thing in common: more than 4 albums of original fact, much more than 4 in these cases.  The shows I saw (REM being an exception I clearly remember) were mostly bands with 2-5 albums, so a much smaller catalog to choose from.  Those bands also didn't play as many cover songs as they played original songs off of their current album.  REM actually played almost everything off their last 2 albums when I saw them, but it was a very long show.

I've been to enough concerts over the years to trust my experience.  The only exceptions people are seeming to find are with bands that have been around as long as GnR has, but that also have been active during the times GnR hasn't been.  The more hits you have, the less you can play the current CD.  I get that, but what is Axl's excuse? 

He has basically 4 full albums of original material (removing the covers and adding the Lies stuff).  They have WTTJ, SCOM, PC, Patience, YCBM, NR, and Estranged that were significant singles (maybe I'm forgetting one).  One of those never gets played, so there are 6 out of 19 songs that they have to play at every show.  Add a few more fillers that people want to hear and we'll call it 10.  That leaves room for 9 songs off of CD without adding a second to the length of the show.  I'm not saying they even have to play all 9 every show, but 4-5 standards without even mixing in the others is not what I would expect from a band with such a small library.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Saikin wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:

I understand that most of this remnant from greater boards is American BUT you have to wake the fuck up.GNR canot play Reading simple as. I don't thin you get this shit. I explaine it earler. Its not a hard rock gig. Original GNR would take shit here, Axl's Angels havent got a uck of a chance without something stronger than CD to their names.

SO either thye

1 Fuck it up

2Pull out


3 Release an album its fucked


Much more important than talking shot for days over a fucking soundgarden reuinion where saikin defends Chris' shit rendition of pretty noose just because he's from the same City ha ha fuck heads.

Wake the fuck up

What the fuck is this?  Taking shots at me now because I was happy to be at a Soundgarden concert and thought Chris sounded amazing for being in his mid-40's? 

I didn't think this kinda shit was acceptable on here?

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Sky Dog wrote:

it is if you're opinion is ........

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Sky Dog wrote:
Saikin wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:

I understand that most of this remnant from greater boards is American BUT you have to wake the fuck up.GNR canot play Reading simple as. I don't thin you get this shit. I explaine it earler. Its not a hard rock gig. Original GNR would take shit here, Axl's Angels havent got a uck of a chance without something stronger than CD to their names.

SO either thye

1 Fuck it up

2Pull out


3 Release an album its fucked


Much more important than talking shot for days over a fucking soundgarden reuinion where saikin defends Chris' shit rendition of pretty noose just because he's from the same City ha ha fuck heads.

Wake the fuck up

What the fuck is this?  Taking shots at me now because I was happy to be at a Soundgarden concert and thought Chris sounded amazing for being in his mid-40's? 

I didn't think this kinda shit was acceptable on here?

just read the sure Axl will cash the HEADLINING check just fine.He isn't having fun according to Gnr Evo industry insiders but my best guess is that he will survive. REALITY is he shows up with an Ape that can play Jungle and SCOM, the rest falls in place.

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