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 Rep: 43 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

James wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

Pretty sure its 2012, and I don't think they are going to get in at first crack. I used to think they were a sure thing, but no way on God's green earth is the HOF gonna even consider them until that 87 lineup is at least on speaking terms and been photographed in the same room together. The VH clusterfuck from a few years ago taught them a very valuable lesson.

 Rep: 43 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

gnfnraxl wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

Pretty sure its 2012, and I don't think they are going to get in at first crack. I used to think they were a sure thing, but no way on God's green earth is the HOF gonna even consider them until that 87 lineup is at least on speaking terms and been photographed in the same room together. The VH clusterfuck from a few years ago taught them a very valuable lesson.

Oh I'm certain that they won't get in in 2012 but I was just wondering when they were up for their first crack at it.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

faldor wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

Oh I can see what's wrong.  Tried to review that earlier.  Some fans will just never be satisfied.  Now I'll agree, they can't be completely blamed for being so pessimistic but it's well documented that SOME fans will do their damndest to point out the negative even when there's positive news to talk about. 

The official website wasn't updated, we got some reasons why that might be so.  Some had to point out how lame those reasons are.  Would it have been better if nothing was said?

Then they updated the myspace and facebook pages with the tour dates, AFTER Mysteron said they could/should use other avenues.  But it was still lame they weren't using the website.

Then they updated the website with tour dates, but oh the horror, made the mistake of not listing all the Canadian dates.  Instead they just gave the timeframe they'd be touring and clearly listed below that to check out their myspace or facebook pages for more info.  So after all the bitching about them not updating the website, they do, and what do we get? More bitching.

Then Fernando warns fans to not start booking trips based on the rumored South American dates that were posted and people freaked out that he should've done so on the web page.  But I'll guarantee you if he had done that, some people would've complained that he didn't do it in VIDEO form.

Listen, I know the band has brought plenty of this on themselves with the way they've handled things in the past but I'm thoroughly convinced that there is no way they can or ever will win SOME fans back no matter how they conduct things in the future.  Those peoples expectations simply cannot be met because they will change them as we go along to make sure the band isn't meeting them.  Very creative.  17

 Rep: 43 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

gnfnraxl wrote:
faldor wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

Oh I can see what's wrong.  Tried to review that earlier.  Some fans will just never be satisfied.  Now I'll agree, they can't be completely blamed for being so pessimistic but it's well documented that SOME fans will do their damndest to point out the negative even when there's positive news to talk about. 

The official website wasn't updated, we got some reasons why that might be so.  Some had to point out how lame those reasons are.  Would it have been better if nothing was said?

Then they updated the myspace and facebook pages with the tour dates, AFTER Mysteron said they could/should use other avenues.  But it was still lame they weren't using the website.

Then they updated the website with tour dates, but oh the horror, made the mistake of not listing all the Canadian dates.  Instead they just gave the timeframe they'd be touring and clearly listed below that to check out their myspace or facebook pages for more info.  So after all the bitching about them not updating the website, they do, and what do we get? More bitching.

Then Fernando warns fans to not start booking trips based on the rumored South American dates that were posted and people freaked out that he should've done so on the web page.  But I'll guarantee you if he had done that, some people would've complained that he didn't do it in VIDEO form.

Listen, I know the band has brought plenty of this on themselves with the way they've handled things in the past but I'm thoroughly convinced that there is no way they can or ever will win SOME fans back no matter how they conduct things in the future.  Those peoples expectations simply cannot be met because they will change them as we go along to make sure the band isn't meeting them.  Very creative.  17

See.  Here's the way I look at things.  Is it cool they updated their Facebook and myspace accounts with the dates.  Yes!  But do we have to give them a cookie everytime they do something right?  As for their website.  Instead of taking part of the blame (and trust me Axl deserves some of the blame as well as his management) they blame the MLB.  LAME!  For a band with the stature of GNR it is absolutely unacceptable the way things are run.  U2, Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam and any other big bands are run 10000 times better and we do not have to give em a cookie everytime either.  As for Fernando.  I think he brought a lot of flack on himself along with his mother in the boards.  I have no pity whatsoever.  Making your tour dates official on your website is a strict minimum when you're at that level.  And when you don't and you have the track record Axl has well you get what we get here.  Don't think that just because Axl communicates a couple of times that it'll make all the bad things he did disappear.  It 'll be hard work.  But the question that needs to be asked is:  Does Axl car for GNR as much as his fans does?

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

Sky Dog wrote:

"But the question that needs to be asked is:  Does Axl care for GNR as much as his fans does?"

Gnfnraxl, NO....and the sooner YOU realize that, the less inclined you will be to bitch about it so much. Fuck'em, don't go to the show, don't buy the album. That is your only recourse to actually tell the band their business sucks. Whining like a little school girl in every thread does NOTHING. They don't give a fuck what you think. Now, if no one shows up for the shows and little Axl doesn't make any money and no one buys their records and no one at a major label or business will distribute their records, THEN maybe they will change.

Unfortunately, Axl got bailed out by Best Buy and promoters obviously still throw money at him, so nothing will change. But, as an individual and a man, the only current power you have is to not purchase ANY of his products. Simple as continuously compare them to U2, Pearl Jam or any one else is insane because Axl has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn't give a rat's ass when push comes to shove about his fans. His business is maintaining his already existing large bank account and his sanity. Comparing him to any active artist is just not appropriate because he simply won't.....oh, you get my point. wink

 Rep: 768 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

At this point if someone can't see what's wrong then what's the point?  On a side not that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.  When is GNR up for a rock hall of fame nomination?

Oh I can see what's wrong.  Tried to review that earlier.  Some fans will just never be satisfied.  Now I'll agree, they can't be completely blamed for being so pessimistic but it's well documented that SOME fans will do their damndest to point out the negative even when there's positive news to talk about. 

The official website wasn't updated, we got some reasons why that might be so.  Some had to point out how lame those reasons are.  Would it have been better if nothing was said?

Then they updated the myspace and facebook pages with the tour dates, AFTER Mysteron said they could/should use other avenues.  But it was still lame they weren't using the website.

Then they updated the website with tour dates, but oh the horror, made the mistake of not listing all the Canadian dates.  Instead they just gave the timeframe they'd be touring and clearly listed below that to check out their myspace or facebook pages for more info.  So after all the bitching about them not updating the website, they do, and what do we get? More bitching.

Then Fernando warns fans to not start booking trips based on the rumored South American dates that were posted and people freaked out that he should've done so on the web page.  But I'll guarantee you if he had done that, some people would've complained that he didn't do it in VIDEO form.

Listen, I know the band has brought plenty of this on themselves with the way they've handled things in the past but I'm thoroughly convinced that there is no way they can or ever will win SOME fans back no matter how they conduct things in the future.  Those peoples expectations simply cannot be met because they will change them as we go along to make sure the band isn't meeting them.  Very creative.  17

That's because they've hit the fuckin' wall with their fans and it's been that way for the longest time.

And instead of CHANGING how business is conducted, in an effort to win those fans back, they continue doing what they want to do.

And that's fine, Axl wanted it his way. Now he's got it. Rots o' ruck schmuck. You wanted blood, you got it. Yours... on the floor.

Reunite or fuck off is pretty much the opinion of 99% of the music public, and he chose it that way. No one else.

With that being said, best of luck to Guns, any incarnation in the future, and best of luck with the 2009-10 world tour... you're gonna need it. 22

 Rep: 30 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

sandman wrote:

yeah, Axl's really hurtin. 14

he'll have plenty of time to think about it while he's touring the world the next few months. 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: Website updated with tour dates (South America)

Axlin16 wrote:

If his promoters don't pull the plug on it 1/3 of the way in due to his lack of business professionalism... 22

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