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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Well that Lesnar match was something. Great atmosphere for it and Brock looked like a beast despite the loss. That shit where he was running and launching himself of the steps reminded me of how beast he is.

Also Punk Vs Bryan for Over The Limit should be a damn good match if these guys are given the proper amount of time I'm sure they can do something special.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

White strap was HBK era. The green was The Ultimate Warrior. The original black will always be the Macho Man Randy Savage era to me. smile

Lats night was pretty good. They have absolutely no idea where they're going and last night seemed like a total grasping at straws moment, but I liked it.

I'm interested to see where the Brock thing goes, but blah... I don't want to see HHH wrestle him. Jesus, wait a year before you pull a Ric Flair and un-retire.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

A Brock vs Undertaker match would be killer, but no way it'll happen seeing they hate each other.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Bono wrote:

Nah that belt sucks. Any belt that had a custom logo based on a  specific wrestler is garbage other than the million dollar belt.

These are the only belts they should have

IC Belt … o1_400.jpg

I don't know how I missed all of this belt discussion but I absolutely LOVE this belt and always have. If I were ever going to go all out to buy one of those $400+ replicas, I would buy this in a heartbeat. But here's the question; do I get it with a black, white or yellow strap??

Same here. I'd go with white as like misterID said it's the HBK era. Black reminds me of Macho Man/Honkey Tonk and YELLOW was the Ultimate Warrior era. I don't ever recall seeing a green one. Typeo on ID's part?  Maybe there was a green one I just don't recall it.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I always thought it was neon green. Maybe it was yellow.

My favorite belt was the attitude era championship.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

I always thought it was neon green. Maybe it was yellow.

My favorite belt was the attitude era championship. … -_2002.jpg

I never liked that one because I always thought it was just a  dumbed down, plain Jane, boring version of the wing tipped belt

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Wrestling thread

BLS-Pride wrote:
Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

I always thought it was neon green. Maybe it was yellow.

My favorite belt was the attitude era championship. … -_2002.jpg

I never liked that one because I always thought it was just a  dumbed down, plain Jane, boring version of the wing tipped belt … elts-7.jpg

That and the white IC title were my favorites, still are. Any belts after those just sucked.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Well that Lesnar match was something. Great atmosphere for it and Brock looked like a beast despite the loss. That shit where he was running and launching himself of the steps reminded me of how beast he is.

Also Punk Vs Bryan for Over The Limit should be a damn good match if these guys are given the proper amount of time I'm sure they can do something special.

That's my biggest problem with the WWE right now and the reason I just can't get into it.

They little have no clue what they're doing with the material and the whole thing just seems to have no focus, no direction, and it's just damn hard to have any interest.

The whole period right now reminds me of the mid-90's WWE period, which despite the HBK/Taker, young HHH on the roster (which WWE does NOT have right now), was considered by many a dark period, but McMahon literally had no clue what to do with it. It didn't seem to grab direction until DX exploded in '97 and eventually Austin in '98.

It's very hard to watch WWE right now.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Well that Lesnar match was something. Great atmosphere for it and Brock looked like a beast despite the loss. That shit where he was running and launching himself of the steps reminded me of how beast he is.

Also Punk Vs Bryan for Over The Limit should be a damn good match if these guys are given the proper amount of time I'm sure they can do something special.

That's my biggest problem with the WWE right now and the reason I just can't get into it.

They little have no clue what they're doing with the material and the whole thing just seems to have no focus, no direction, and it's just damn hard to have any interest.

The whole period right now reminds me of the mid-90's WWE period, which despite the HBK/Taker, young HHH on the roster (which WWE does NOT have right now), was considered by many a dark period, but McMahon literally had no clue what to do with it. It didn't seem to grab direction until DX exploded in '97 and eventually Austin in '98.

It's very hard to watch WWE right now.

Wrestling seems to go through strong focused periods and then transition periods- WWF/WWE seems to anyways.

You have your Hulk Hogan, Hulkamania Era in the 80s until early 90s.

Then in the mid-nineties you get the "New Generation" era where you've got Sid, Hart, HBK, Diesel and Taker on top. This was a transititon period.

Then eventually like you said DX and Austin explode and we get the Attitude Era which runs until about 01/02. You have Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Mankind on top, later being joined by Angle, Big Show and Jericho.

Then it's a transition period again. They start to lose their two biggest draws Austin and Rock and try to start building new stars like Orton, Cena, Edge and Batista. They build up Brock quickly, obviously expecting him to be around for years as one of the next top guys. Main eventers in this era are Triple H, Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guererro, Chris Benoit, JBL, Taker and Shawn Michaels. Randy won his first world title during this time period but he quickly got phased out of that scene. Oh and Goldberg appeared for a year at some point. They basically tried a lot of stuff with lots of short term planning to try and get new top guys quick.

Cena Era. Later PG Era. Guys on top are Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and Rey Mysterio (kinda). You've got guys who break the glass ceiling at times during this period like Punk, Jeff Hardy, Jack Swagger and  Dolph Ziggler but none of them become established until either later/never/not happened yet.

Transition era 3. Hard to say just now but I suppose the top established guys are Cena, Orton and Punk with guys like Sheamus, Bryan, Del Rio, Henry and Miz a step below that. You've got guys like Jericho and Christian who are now established as guys who can get upsets and win the big one but aren't going to be a top guy. Oh plus Rey is still around but expect a big depush for him in the near future as he just got suspended for violating the wellness policy for a second time so his return has now been pushed back around 60 days.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Punk vs Bryan was great at the PPV, but rest... meh. Why bother?

Monday Night Raw is going to 3 hours soon. Ugh I'm so glad I almost never watch it live now. They can't manage 2 good hours of TV most days. I don't think I've seen a good 3 hour RAW in almost a decade and there's been alot since then.

The 3 hour PPV's each month normally only have 40 minutes worth watching.

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