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 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:

Yeah, they should definitely bring back the old WWF Gold Eagle heavyweight and ditch that spinner shit belt.  That thing looks really retarded.

I don't think they'll dump Smackdown.  It gives them another show to showcase guys and it has a different feel than RAW.  With the WWE network in limbo, they need another outlet for weekly wrestling other than RAW.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

If Linda doesn't get elected this year. I think this'll be the end of PG.

There was talk as recently as last year, supposedly that they were considering uniting the titles at Wrestlemaina, but it was derailed due to some match set-up they wanted to due at Maina. Yada can't remember.

Rumours are Taker/Lesnar next year and Rock/Cena II for the title. So maybe at Wrestlemaina XXX they'll pull the trigger on it. Maybe Taker/Cena at the probable end of Taker's Career.

Just a guess or two.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

The only WWE belt that needs to return is this...


THAT was a belt.

Also despite how good the World Heavyweight belt looks, I doubt McMahon throws over WWF history and tradition for WCW. Something tells me in a case like that, WWE & Intercontienetal stays over WHW and U.S. titles.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

Nah that belt sucks. Any belt that had a custom logo based on a  specific wrestler is garbage other than the million dollar belt.

These are the only belts they should have

IC Belt

Classic wing tipped WWF WHC belt

Classic WCW WHC belt

Classic WWF Tag belts

And I don't give a crap about a Diva belt.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Wrestling thread

monkeychow wrote:

I say this as a guy who is a huge hogan fan since like 1986 or something.

But TNA was much cooler prior to hogan joining.

Sure the weird shaped ring was weird, and there were hit or miss moments, but the week in week out show had kind of a child like glee about it, reminded me a little of wrestling in the 1980s, strong characters, little bit of zainyness, living in it's own world - but yet modernised - with flashy moves from the younger guys - the first ever attempt at making the women's matches actually watchable from a wrestling perspective. Sure production values were a little B grade compared to WWE but it felt fresh and young and it was a charming little show to watch.

But then hogan came and they ditched half the things that made it fun, and now it just feels like WCW volume 2.

Don't mean to rag on hogan - love the guy - love what he did for my childhood and I wish him well - but yeah - I though TNA's charm came from it not trying to be like WWE, and the way they tried to place it in competition with WWE has really just made it soulless to me.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

IC Belt

Cody Rhodes brought that belt back. The white strap and everything.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

yeah It is cool that Cody Rhodes brought it back. Coolest looking belt every in my opinion. I did kinda like when the Ultimate Warrior had the wing tipped HW belt with different colour straps. the white one also looks pretty bad ass. The IC belt was also a yellow starp at one point too. the white ones looks sweet though.


There was also a purple one but I can only find this picture of a toy belt

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Wrestling thread

monkeychow wrote:

To me the best wwe hw belt was the wrestlemania 3 one - I liked the flags and stuff - makes it look like a world title.


Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

I don't think they can do anything about the title belt or the PG rating until about 2015 because of some deal with Mattel for toys and other merch. Was in some HHH interview last year that I remember reading.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:
Axl S wrote:

I don't think they can do anything about the title belt or the PG rating until about 2015 because of some deal with Mattel for toys and other merch. Was in some HHH interview last year that I remember reading.

Min in.

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