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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Agreed about the Punk finisher thing. I like it but it's not flashy and it's not quick and if the guy wants to be a WWE star he's going to need one. He's at least got the Anaconda Vise as a submission finisher which is fine imo, but he needs something better than the Go 2 Sleep.

WWE are basically in the tricky situation of needing to build stars without devaluing there current two. Orton, as much as he bores me, has been away from the title long enough now that it could be time for him to get involved with it again. If Orton were to get another title reign it would be great for a young guy to be the one to end it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Guys like Orton and Cena are gonna have to get back into the title picture. Punk is the only real threat to either title WWE or WHW. Who else is there? Del Rio? Shaemus? Trust me, those dudes are NOT gonna be guys who sell PPV buys. Even the good ones back there like Bryan, Swagger, even maybe Cody Rhodes down the road, are just nowhere near company leaders. Brand franchises. Jericho & Big Show have had their day, as has HHH.

I like that "new Corporation" move. Rock could also be used in a heel turn in case he's needed to give some of the heels a push. Austin would obviously babyface the whole thing with Punk, and there would also be ammo with the "Drink Beer / Fuck Fear" Austin vs. Straight Edge Punk. Might be a work there.

But the TNA thing is very interesting. Last I heard the ratings have plateued, there getting even older constantly riding Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff to move the product. You just know Vince Russo is in charge, apparently he didn't learn his last lesson with WCW in 2000/01, which is ALOT of what TNA looks like right now. Alot of talent, but a total lack of direction and funds. I don't see how much more run they have in them, unless Dixie is fine just getting by as are the other wrestlers, and I don't even know how much profit they make. Are their live shows still free?

But I just recently watched last Thursday's Impact and I was stunned with how much better some of the younger guys have gotten, and how much more talent is over there to sell shows than what McMahon's got right now.

Could you imagine Bobby Roode & Randy Orton? AJ Styles and CM Punk? Cowboy James Storm and Stone Cold Steve Austin? Samoa Joe and The Rock?

Problem right now that I see is both brands have talent, but they're weaker without each other. Just the WWE getting those younger guys to push, and also getting Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson ("Kennedy") & Kurt Angle back in the fold would flood so much gas back into the tank for WWE.

I still agree with McMahon on some of the other guys. Hogan, Bischoff & Flair are DEAD FUCKING WEIGHT. Sting isn't far behind. Talk about "way past expiration". Guys like Booker T & HHH have far more heat in a supportive role already on WWE then those other dead asses. Hogan looks like he needs a cane to even get out to the ring.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Guys like Orton and Cena are gonna have to get back into the title picture. Punk is the only real threat to either title WWE or WHW. Who else is there? Del Rio? Shaemus? Trust me, those dudes are NOT gonna be guys who sell PPV buys. Even the good ones back there like Bryan, Swagger, even maybe Cody Rhodes down the road, are just nowhere near company leaders. Brand franchises. Jericho & Big Show have had their day, as has HHH.

This is another problem I have with them.  The World titles have been made practically useless because there have been so many title changes during the past year or so.  What does it say about the World Heavyweight Title when the match was only given 18 seconds at Wrestlemania?  Shockingly enough, Bryan is starting to get over with the Yes! Yes! Yes! stuff.

Axlin12 wrote:

But the TNA thing is very interesting. Last I heard the ratings have plateued, there getting even older constantly riding Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff to move the product. You just know Vince Russo is in charge, apparently he didn't learn his last lesson with WCW in 2000/01, which is ALOT of what TNA looks like right now. Alot of talent, but a total lack of direction and funds. I don't see how much more run they have in them, unless Dixie is fine just getting by as are the other wrestlers, and I don't even know how much profit they make. Are their live shows still free?

They FINALLY fired Russo a few months ago.  Sadly, Hogan/Bischoff wields most of the power there backstage.  They just received a 2 year contract extension from SpikeTv.  So it doesn't appear that they will be going anywhere in the short term.  Most of the money I believe is from Dixie's dad and not Dixie herself.  As you said, her problem is that she has no fucking idea how to run a wrestling organization.  That's why the wrestlers (specifically the "name" guys) are running the asylum there.  They should have just hired Paul Heyman a year or so ago when he was really interested in joining them.

They do have interesting wrestlers but the other major problem here is that half their PPV always end up with some crappy dq finish or something retarded.  Vince, for all his faults, usually gives the fans what they want in regards to the big PPV matches.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

I have the most important interview of my life so far in less than 2 hours, so I'll skip the long post and stick with the points as one of the few that actually watches the show more than randomly.

Raw wasn't fun on Monday. You have the Return Of Fuckin Brock Lesnar UFC mega draw and you open with The 3 Stooges of some awful looking new film?

Dixie's dad has more money than Vince. The TV Show has awful ratings and no one watches their PPVs even on illegal streams. Even if WWE bought TNA, there would be no...

Axlin12 wrote:

Could you imagine Bobby Roode & Randy Orton? AJ Styles and CM Punk? Cowboy James Storm and Stone Cold Steve Austin? Samoa Joe and The Rock?

Because the average non hardcore internet fan, has no fuckin idea who Storm/Roode are.

Make no mistake, Russo screwed wrestling for years with some of his booking stunts, but late 90s WCW was almost as bad. Only way to save the company from it's likely demise in within the next 2 years is to get rid off everyone that screwed WCW over.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I agree with dropping the WCW folks. Have for awhile. But at the same time though, Vince has to build a future for the WWE. Obviously Vince can't bring in a Roode, Storm, or Styles and immediately push them to headline and have anyone care.

But, he can bring them in, give them a push, and work it up to that. Many guys (think Lesnar) have just popped in the door new, and been pushed to main event status. It might not see immediate results, but it would re-strengthen the bench for the WWE and long-term plans as fresher, younger, talented blood would be waiting in the wings, which they DON'T HAVE now, but TNA does.

It wouldn't hurt having Hardy, Angle, Kennedy back in the fold for awhile to fill the stop gap.

Another question...

With the lack of depth, a watered down and utterly pointless World Heavyweight title... is there any chance that NOT acquiring TNA, that Vince would finally make the decision to -- cut Friday Night SmackDown from the WWE brand? I don't know how much money is made off of ad revenue from SD, but it would strengthen the WWE locker REAL quick.

You merge SmackDown into Raw, drop the WCW bullshit, all of those title belts, and just go back to WWE Championship, Intercontienental Championship, Women's Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship, and that's it.

It'd get alot tighter, alot better, alot quicker.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

man that John Lauranitis has no fucking business being anywhere near a mic or camera. how boring is this douchebag?

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Another question...

With the lack of depth, a watered down and utterly pointless World Heavyweight title... is there any chance that NOT acquiring TNA, that Vince would finally make the decision to -- cut Friday Night SmackDown from the WWE brand? I don't know how much money is made off of ad revenue from SD, but it would strengthen the WWE locker REAL quick.

You merge SmackDown into Raw, drop the WCW bullshit, all of those title belts, and just go back to WWE Championship, Intercontienental Championship, Women's Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship, and that's it.

It'd get alot tighter, alot better, alot quicker.

I've been saying this for years. It's something they NEED to do in my opinion. Although fuck the WWE Championship belt. You get rid of that and keep the old WCW heavyweight championship belt as THE belt. Unless of course they wanna bring back the old WWF belt that Bret Hart, HBK  and  even Hogan wore in the early/mid 90's.  But that WCW heavyweight belt is class.  Aaron Rogers had that bad boy strapped over his shoulder when Green Bay won the Super Bowl two years ago. It's a cool fucking belt.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Plus the tradition behind it.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

What do David Arquette and Vince Russo have in common? They are both former WCW Heavyweight Champions.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I didn't mean them!!

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