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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

The Punk/Jericho match was supposed to be awesome, too.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Was that it with Rock/Cena? Bit of a whimper.

Rock was the on offense a few times, but very short spells. Cena looked ike a complete tool for that last min.

I think they expected a CM Punk Money In The Bank esque crowd and that's why Rock won. The crowd wasn't like that all, it was 60/40 at best.

Taker/Triple H should been last.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Rock wasn't coming back to job.

From what I've heard, Rock looked like he had no stamina. And everyone was waiting for Lesnar to show up.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

They had SOOOOOOOOOOOO many stall/rest spots in that main event.

Rock too much ring rust.. gym shape isn't wrestling shape.

HHH/UT by far match of the night.

I thought CM/Jericho fell a little flat but maybe it was cause it followed HIAC. Gonna rewatch it again tomorrow and give it respect it deserves. but after HHH/Taker.. I was spent.

I really enjoyed Cody vs Big Show also. thought they did a great job.

 Rep: 28 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl4Life wrote:

The show started off a disaster. I was genuinely looking forward to this card more than any other Wrestlemania/wrestling event in a long time, then Sheamus pinned Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds. I actually found that so offensive I contemplated turning the whole thing off. We as wrestling fans sit through some stupid shit all year round and it's expected to be worth it for a Wrestlemania but to have a World Heavyweight Championship match end in 18 seconds is just plain insulting and to two of the best WRESTLERS out there today no less. WWE is gonna burn for mistakes like this in the long term when Rock, HBK, HHH and Undertaker all leave WWE programming in the coming weeks.

As for the rest of the card, Jericho/Punk was a good wrestling match but I expected better to be honest. Maybe it's because it followed Taker/HHH that I was so emotionally spent I couldn't get into it.

As for Taker/HHH: Probably one of the best matches ever in terms of emotion, storytelling and raw drama. HBK was fantastic here and young superstars should study this as Michaels displayed how emotions and the art of selling can be so impactful to a match especially a culminating storyline. It was a masterclass, and with the finish with the 3 of them exiting together, it was like the leading actors of a sophisticated stage play taking their final bow. This was worth the £15 alone and reminded me why I continue to watch and made me proud to be a wrestling fan.

As for Rock/Cena, I found it sloppy, and Rock, Cena, AND referee Mike Chiodia visibly communicated way too much it took the special feel away from it. The worst came with a close up shot of the Rock while Cena had him in a bear hug and Rock says pretty loudly "We do a DDT?" It's little errors like this that ruin the 'feel' of a big match. Certainly a match that's being billed as "Once In A Lifetime" should have been layed out in advance, and pretty much move for move. Rock's been out for too long and Cena isn't competent enough to call spots on the fly let alone on the biggest stage of the year.

Just my two cents.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

Rock doing Hogan's old school hand drop on 3 and hulking out was Corny as fuck.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Show was great. Cena was painfully boring. I mean, PAINFULLY. I don't know how in the world they approved that promo.

But Lesnar was FANTASTIC! Dude, the crowd going apeshit and the way he laid Cena out.

Loved it.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Sheamus got booed and there were Daniel Bryan/Yes chants throughout the entire night and in the dark match. Hopefully they get the message that the WHC being decided in 18 seconds is bullshit!

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I never liked Daniel Bryan, but I'll be damned, now that he's a jerk, I like him 16

Oh, And Rock saying he's coming back and is going to be world champ again.... Very, very interesting.

 Rep: 28 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl4Life wrote:

Best part of the show for me was the "YES! YES! YES!" chants and just how over Daniel Bryan was. Hopefully they do get behind him. It's said that his 18 second title loss was not any form of punishment and that there is no heat on him so there may still be hope.

I haven't bought a wrestling shirt in years but I already want one! 16

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