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Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Stone Cold
Shawn Michaels
The Rock
Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho

...And the other Chris who shall not be named, have all been involved in more great matches than Triple H since 1998.

Triple H 2000-2001 Injury. Excellent worker, brillant heel.

Injured Triple H 2002-2003 booking him self to win and bury numerous people. Not so great with the exception of the HBK matches.

I'd argue Cena's had more good matches since 2001/2002 than Triple H too.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Scott Steiner Vs Triple H. A classic...

EDIT: That said I will admit it's possible to find a bad match for almost anyone. There are very very few who can take almost anyone to a good match. I'd say Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair are definitely two of them.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Austin used to piss me off. When he had his initial title run he hated to put anyone over or sell anything. The Rock did that a lot, too. But I appreciate the image they cultivated a lot more now than I did back then. I was a huge HBK mark. And I can't even imagine the matches he could have had if wouldn't have stopped wrestling when he did. Can you imagine HBK as the head of The Corporation with Vince instead of being the commissioner? Or even later with Stephanie instead of Jericho? Damn... It's true - religion ruins EVERYTHING! wink

I thought Stunning Steve Austin was going to be the next Ric Flair when he debuted. Then he became the white Bad News Brown 16

Ted Dibiase, Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude are always voted the top wrestlers because of how good they could make the opponent look in the ring by the way they could sell. Some of the best matches I ever saw were between Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

Yeah this is a very predictable mania outside Jericho/Punk

Questioning whether to drop 65 on it

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

CM was awesome for bout 6 weeks.. now he is back annoying and overrated

They dropped the ball big time with him.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

The Punk angle died when HHH made him job to him and wouldn't put him over.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:
misterID wrote:

The Punk angle died when HHH made him job to him and wouldn't put him over.

Yes. He's still over though, but Triple H made sure Punk wasn't gonna be the next Austin.

Any scenario were Rock/Cena hug to close show won't go over well. The crowd will **** on it and it won't acomplish anything tbh. Ratings are falling the crowd isn't getting more favorable towards Cena. Rock losing and Cena staying face is a bad idea.

Hidden Text:

In other news, Lesnar is probably gonna show up tonight.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Taker vs Triple H. was everything I love wrestlng for. The acting, the emotion, the story, the selling, the wrestling was great from all 3.

Honestly believed Taker was losing when he got got hit by both HBK and HHH's finishers in 1 go. The hug between the 3 at the end was great.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

so weird this was the first match of the night I heard.  I hear it was amazing though. Also heard Taker looks pretty goofey with a mohawk.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

HHH vs Taker was worth the 65 bucks i dropped alone.

WOW, what an epic fucking match.

agree with Atari on all counts.

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