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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I thought it was an okay sell. Nothing magical there, but the heat on this is getting bigger I agree.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

I always thought in a lot of respects, HHH has now become underrated since he married Steph. people always say how he goes over,wins titles,dominates show etc cause he married her but the truth is, HHH is one of the greatest in ring performers of all time. Especially for his size.

People underrate his awesome mic skill and the fact u can't show me one bad HHH match.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
-D- wrote:

I always thought in a lot of respects, HHH has now become underrated since he married Steph. people always say how he goes over,wins titles,dominates show etc cause he married her but the truth is, HHH is one of the greatest in ring performers of all time. Especially for his size.

People underrate his awesome mic skill and the fact u can't show me one bad HHH match.

Damn straight! He's one of the best fo all time no questions asked. And you're right a lot of the resistence towards HHH I believe comes from the fact he married Steph. I can genuinely say Triple H is my second favorite of all time.  He's a great, great character when it comes to storyline and mic skills and like you said he's never really been in a  bad match. He's an excellent in ring performer.  Most of his matches are down right great matches. And other than HBK and Taker no wrestler's music has ever personified a character the way his does..... maybe Hogan's "Real American" is in that group too. Triple H is just damn good in my opinion.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

There's nothing like being in an arena when Taker's funeral march music hits. Especially when the lights cut out and the bells toll. Spine chilling.

I almost bought HBK's DVD set tonight, it was packaged with the best of saturday Nights Main Event.  I was also looking at the Macho Man DVD set. If they would hae been sol together I would have bought it in a heartbeat.

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Wrestling thread

-D- wrote:

Love HHH.. i bet i own about 8 of his T Shirts.. he inspired me to get into weight lifting etc.

just love his abilities in the ring and on the mic.

Def one of my 2 or 3 favorites.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

There's nothing like being in an arena when Taker's funeral march music hits. Especially when the lights cut out and the bells toll. Spine chilling.

This is true. Witenessed it once back in the day at an event where he fought the Ultimate Warrior. I'd imagine it's even more spine chilling today.

misterID wrote:

I almost bought HBK's DVD set tonight, it was packaged with the best of saturday Nights Main Event.  I was also looking at the Macho Man DVD set. If they would hae been sol together I would have bought it in a heartbeat.

One of these days I'm gonna start collecting the dvd's.  I dont' own any of them now but eventually I'm gonan start with guys that are my favs and classic guys as well. I'll never but shit liek John Cena or Randy orton though.

-D- wrote:

Love HHH.. i bet i own about 8 of his T Shirts.. he inspired me to get into weight lifting etc.

I've never boguht a wrestling shirt though I have considerd buying Triple H shirts and only Triple H shirts.  I'd wear them in the gym 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:


I saw Taker Vs Warrior live, too.

Taker showed up to the arena in a limo with the Berserker.

My brother has some HHH stuff. He's a huge HHH fan.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:


I saw Taker Vs Warrior live, too.

Taker showed up to the arena in a limo with the Berserker.
My brother has some HHH stuff. He's a huge HHH fan.

14 Holy shit! Same thing when I saw them.  Did Hogan also fight Sgt. Slaughter at your show?  Mr. Perfect was the guest on the Brother love show when I went at thsi particular time.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Nah, Warrior and Taker were the main event. This was about 1991, I'd say. I did see Hulk Hogan win the Royal Rumble.

I saw one taping of Wrestling Challenge back in 1988. The Warrior wrestled about six different times; five jobbers for other tapings, I reckon, and then the Honkey Tonk man. I can't for the life of me remember who was on the Brother Love Show, but I did see it, or basically just heard it. I was far away from the set. Jake The Snake Roberts went against Andre The Giant and Macho Man was the main event against Akeem and the Big Boss Man.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
-D- wrote:

People underrate his awesome mic skill and the fact u can't show me one bad HHH match.

Since I'm the one here he isn't his fan I will go find some wink

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