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 Rep: 55 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

FlashFlood wrote:
Communist China wrote:

The Pats have exactly one quality win. Always a contender but not the cream of the crop this year.

i would consider both atlanta and baltimore quality wins. i will give you that they have yet to win a meaningful road game.

 Rep: 55 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

FlashFlood wrote:

furthermore, the colts have yet to play an elite team as well. they had a tough time with miami, jacksonville, and a tough time with sf (at home) all of whom are middle of the road teams. they did beat arizona pretty handily in glendale, but thats as good as it is for them.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

NO also struggled a bit with Miami.

This year could get interesting. There doesn't seem to be one dominate team. Not like last year with the Pats & Colts.

There's alot of teams that could be easily "in" it this year. All it takes is a good week or two, and the whole thing changes.

Obviously that statement firmly excludes Tampa Bay, Oakland, St. Louis, Detroit... 16

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

There's a big difference between almost losing and losing. Close games, or games where teams struggle, are one of the best tests. Good teams win even when they don't play their best. Bad teams lose even when they get into a position to win.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

That's true. But if you are struggling in bye weeks... what happens when you have to face off against somebody that's actually good?

Sometimes those small games will tell what these so called "good" teams are made of.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

misterID wrote:

Yeah, I meant Chris Johnson, not Chris Brown. He's with the Texans now. My bad. Sorry for the dufus moment.

Here's my Colts Vs Vikings SB theory/reasoning: In the AFC I see 2 teams that will be the real deal. The Steelers and Ravens. You could also throw the Patriots in there, too, but I don't think they're going deep in the playoffs.

And no, I'm not sold on The Bronco's or The Chargers.

The Colts are good enough to sneak by any of those teams. Are they better? No, but being the better team doesn't always translate into a win. And the Colts are shifty enough to pull out wins against any of the better teams in the AFC. If it comes down to the Colts and Steelers, I'd probably have to put my money on the Steelers, but again, the Colts can pull it out.

This is The Vikings upcoming schedule: Detroit, Seattle, Chicago, @ Arizona, Cincy, @Carolina, @Chicago, Giants.

I don't see a loss on that schedule. I'm sure they will, Arizona (the same team Favre threw 6 TD's against last year on a much less talented team) could be a problem and Cincy, who's playing very good right now. But they could also take it all the way. Sorry, James, I'm not sold at all on the Bears and I don't see home field playing a factor with Favre who's used to playing it that weather and hostile atmosphere.

Also, I'm not sold on The Falcons or The Cowboys. The NFC isn't going to be that tough for the Vikings to win.

That leaves the Saints. Which would be a great game. But The Saints have a worse record than recent Favre about getting it done down the stretch. You can run on that defense, proved last night. And their secondary isn't as good as Sharper makes it look.

Since the start of the season the Vikes have got better on the O-line and D-line, not to mention a fantastic, but under appreciated, linebacking unit. Their secondary is very good when not in a cover 2 defense, proved on Sunday. And Atoine Winfield is coming back soon.

The Vikings have also played some of the best teams, have come back from behind (against good teams, unlike the Saints) and won in tight/high stress/tension games and kept their composure to win them. Matter of fact, their only loss and the close games have resulted in fluke mistakes and bad calls from the refs. I see the latter half of the season being where Peterson turns into a beast. 

That's my case for a Colts Vs Vikings Superbowl.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

I pray to God you're wrong.  I could not STAND the pre week Super Bowl hype covering Brett Favre and Peyton Manning.  I might have to go into hibernation if that happens.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I'd be fine with a Vikings/Colts SB. Favre vs. Manning... sounds good to me.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I'd be fine with a Vikings/Colts SB. Favre vs. Manning... sounds good to me.

I'm getting nauseous just thinking of it.  I don't know who I'd root for.  I guess begrudgingly I'd end up going for the Vikings.  Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Always root for Antoine Winfield.

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