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 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:
Communist China wrote:

I'm biased because I hate Bill Belicheck, but I agree with whatever poster was saying that the blow outs have been because of some insecurity about the team. He runs up the score like no other head coach does, so while the Pats clearly won, they didn't need to win by as much as they did and other coaches would've started running the ball once they had a 20 point lead in the second half. The Pats try to humiliate their opponents, and have since 07, and I predict karma will continue to fuck them in the ass for it.

Did the Colts run up the score yesterday?  How about the Jets?  Chargers?  Cincy?  Green Bay?  Can we drop this sissy belief about running up the score?  It's football.  They're big boys.  If they can't hang, then they deserve to get pummeled.  There are some absolutely horrendous teams in the NFL, that's the reason for the blowouts.  No team is out to make a statement, they're just playing the game.  When do you stop playing?  Houston was up 21-0 at the half and San Fran got back into the game.  So 3 TD's isn't enough.  There have been huge comebacks in the NFL before, you can't just stop playing or stop trying to score.  It's assinine to even suggest doing so.  Field some better teams, or else the beatdowns will continue.  In 2007, the Pats had the whole spygate thing to deal with.  So that season, I'll agree they were giving a big F-U to the NFL by killing teams.  The opposition eventually caught on though and decided to bump Randy Moss and not just let him run downfield for Brady to hit him repeatedly for TD's.  This year there are just awful teams, it's a completely different scenario.  The Patriots aren't the only team winning by large margins.

I agree it's tough to evaluate the Pats these last 2 games.  They beat up on 2 horrible teams.  They've held serve at home against some tough teams (Balt, Atl) but have lost to tough teams on the road (NYJ, Den).  They have some tough games left on the schedule including 2 against Mia, and games against the Jets, @Colts, @NO, @Hou.  11-5 looks possible, and that wasn't good enough to get into the playoffs last year.  I wouldn't say they're Super Bowl favorites at this time.  They may be a contender.  But the favorites have to be the undefeated teams, Colts, Broncos, Saints.  Vikings, Steelers, Giants, Patriots, Cardinals are probably on a second tier.  I guess you can't dismiss the Bengals anymore either.  Basically, there's still a bunch of teams with a shot.  Lots of football to be played.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

My Dolphins sure gave the Saints a run for their money. They had to work for that win.

But it was disappointing, as for awhile there it looked like Miami was gonna beat one of the top-tier teams in the league (the other being Indy of course).

Dolphins fell apart in the 2nd half, actually just before halftime.  At the end of the 2nd quarter Brees passed to Colston and the Dolphins stopped them at the 1 yard line.  Originally it was called a TD, but it was overturned on replay.  The Saints had the FG unit out there but for some ungodly reason the Dolphins called a timeout and the Saints rethought their position and decided to go for the TD.  Brees then sneaked it in for 7.  Horrible move by the Dolphins.  And then they just got completely outplayed in the 2nd half.  Their defense had played great for most of the game, but wilted down the stretch.  It was only a matter of time. 

The Dolphins easily could've beaten both the Colts AND the Saints this season, but instead they're 2-4.  They've got a legit offense.  No team can seem to stop their running game, wildcat or not.  Their defense is still suspect though.  They play great at times, but give up plenty of big plays.

 Rep: 423 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

Fuckin' Bears.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

My Dolphins sure gave the Saints a run for their money. They had to work for that win.

But it was disappointing, as for awhile there it looked like Miami was gonna beat one of the top-tier teams in the league (the other being Indy of course).

Dolphins fell apart in the 2nd half, actually just before halftime.  At the end of the 2nd quarter Brees passed to Colston and the Dolphins stopped them at the 1 yard line.  Originally it was called a TD, but it was overturned on replay.  The Saints had the FG unit out there but for some ungodly reason the Dolphins called a timeout and the Saints rethought their position and decided to go for the TD.  Brees then sneaked it in for 7.  Horrible move by the Dolphins.  And then they just got completely outplayed in the 2nd half.  Their defense had played great for most of the game, but wilted down the stretch.  It was only a matter of time. 

The Dolphins easily could've beaten both the Colts AND the Saints this season, but instead they're 2-4.  They've got a legit offense.  No team can seem to stop their running game, wildcat or not.  Their defense is still suspect though.  They play great at times, but give up plenty of big plays.

Their defense sucks. But frankly... so does the Saints.

Offense for Miami has been better than it has been in quite a few years. It's exciting to be a Dolphins fan again, because slowly but surely, you can see Parcells turning that franchise around from the ground up. It will get better.

And I agree. Both last night's and the Indy game could've easily been a win for Miami, and if they had won, they'd be an entirely different situation in terms of their season right now.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Yeah, but by that logic you could say the Bills, if not for two late game fumbled kick returns, would be 5-2.

Good teams win close games when they have to. Teams that miss the playoffs don't.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I believe in Bill Parcells statement "YOu are what your record says you are".... for better or worse.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Fuckin' Bears.


Sunday notes:

Ricky Williams is still my favorite back next to AP, and now I'm not afraid to say it.

I hate refs. The Vikings were screwed. And Chester Taylor, wtf, dude? I'm following the Vikes this year. They proved they're the real deal.

I can't believe there are people saying that the Cowboys are legit.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

slashsfro wrote:

I hate refs. The Vikings were screwed. And Chester Taylor, wtf, dude? I'm following the Vikes this year. They proved they're the real deal.

Yep.  The BS tripping call that nullified a touchdown.  AP is a beast, did you see that shot he gave the Steelers CB near the end of the game?

I can't believe there are people saying that the Cowboys are legit.

They beat the Falcons who were 4-1 coming into the game.  It is their first quality win of the season (beating the Chiefs, Panthers and Bucs don't count), but this team has a bad habit of folding in Nov/Dec.  They have some difficult games upcoming so we should know whether or not they are real playoff contenders.

If the Bills are headed for another 6-10 or 7-9 season they should can Jauron after the season.  No use wasting another year on mediocrity.  Do a full sweep of the orginization and hire a Real GM not that COO that's been running things.

I think people might be sleeping a bit on the Cards.  Assuming their DB injuries are minor and they get any sort of running game from Chris Wells, they are well positioned for another run at the Super Bowl.  Great passing game and they stop the run.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

Yeah that was a very impressive win by the Cardinals last night.  3 straight road wins for them.  They got off to a shaky start this year but seemed to have turned things around.  Defense is playing real well, matching the offense.  The running game is still a big question mark.  That's not scaring anybody just yet.  No Super Bowl hangover for them so far.  Or at least, they got over it quick.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

misterID wrote:

I just haven't been sold on the Falcons and their cover 2 defense.  Not that I think they're bad, but I think being in a weak division can hurt a good team, making them think they're better than what they are. I think the Cowboys are as good as The Falcons, just with a better overall defense. Falcons need a better secondary and linebacker unit. Sunday just wasn't their day on offense.

The Cards are a weird team. They do awful during the season (and in meaningless games) but take off at the end and in clutch games.

And I'm pretty happy Alex Smith getting another chance. That kid had some bad luck going to the 49ers. And the revolving coaching staff really stunted his growth. I have no doubt if the 49ers picked Aaron Rodgers he'd already be out of the league because of injury.

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