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 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Anyone else want to jump on the Broncos bandwagon with me?

Too early to jump on bandwagons, but I do agree that they are pretty much a lock for the playoffs as long as no catastrophe occurs.

Not really a huge Broncos fan but as long as Orton is with them I'll be pulling for them. Like I mentioned earlier, he should have won an SB with Chicago. He isn't flashy, but when he's in there you're likely to win. He's proving that once again in Denver.

This is a very interesting season since there are just so many bad teams. As each week passes, it looks even worse. Right now would be a perfect time for one of those teams to step up and go on a run.

They haven't had a good QB since Jim Kelly retired.


 Rep: 475 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

misterID wrote:

The Bills would be stupid to ditch Trent Edwards. He's a solid QB in a bad situation. Not to mention that besides Sam Bradford I don't see any other star QB's coming out of college for a long while. And even Sam isn't a sure thing.

Like TO said, they can only go with the plays that are called. The Bills problem isn't Trent. And at this point I'd say the play caller and head coach or a more destructive force to that team than their awful O-line.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Neemo wrote:

its thanksgiving weekend up here this weekend and none of my family watches football so i missed the majority of yesterday's games

the jacksonville loss was a shocker...not so much that they lost....but the margin which they did

kudos to josh mcdaniels for beatign the pats, but denver looks good this year so far...but unless they get a QB they are in trouble .... mangini looked super pissed at his team even though they won, i'll never undestand why he left the jets he had an up and commer there hmm

and lucky me bought the hype on anderson this week in the fantasy league....yuck 0.12 points 16

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Neemo wrote:

its thanksgiving weekend up here this weekend and none of my family watches football so i missed the majority of yesterday's games

My families Thanksgiving revolves around football!!  (Eat at halftime). My poor mother, having to cook around footballs schedule, she's cool with it though, she's all for it. Dallas & Detroit! My brothers wife doesn't like it though, so I hate when they host it.

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

Break up the Falcons!!!! Dirty Birds are back!

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

So Kawika Mitchell and Marcus Buggs are out for the season, and Posluzny is still hurt. Donte Whitner and Bryan Scott are still hurt. So the Bills defense is missing both safeties and 3 linebackers. Hard not to blame the offense for forcing them to play 45 minutes every game, but with these injuries and such a terrible offense I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills go 1-15 this year. At least the streak of 3 straight 7-9 seasons will be broken.

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

but you got TO! What a supportive teammate he is.....

 Rep: 423 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

TO hasn't been the problem at all.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

slashsfro wrote:

Hard not to blame the offense for forcing them to play 45 minutes every game, but with these injuries and such a terrible offense I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills go 1-15 this year. At least the streak of 3 straight 7-9 seasons will be broken.

They still play KC, TEN, CAR, and JAX.  I'm betting they win one of those games.  Where they really screwed up is by not having enough depth at OT.  I think they are down to their 4th or 5th string tackle with all the injuries.  After they dealt Peters in April, they should have at least drafted another guy in the first four rounds to at least groom for the future.  I think they also released Langston Walker prior to the season which also screwed up the depth chart even more.

Oh well, Jauron is probably gone and they should hire a competent GM to go along with the new coach.  I don't think they are that far away.  Clearly they do have some talent, and the NFL is pretty much an unpredictable league anyway and unless you're Detroit or KC, they have a chance to compete.

Break up the Falcons!!!! Dirty Birds are back!

Looks like they'll finally break that streak of not having consecutive winning seasons.  I actually wanted them to take Glenn Dorsey instead of Matt Ryan. 

but you got TO! What a supportive teammate he is.....

Really surprised he hasn't blown a gasket yet.  But I think he's playing for another(last?) contract.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:
Neemo wrote:

denver looks good this year so far...but unless they get a QB they are in trouble ....

Neemo, you just exposed who you really are....


They're 5-0. The LAST thing they need is a change at QB. Just because he isn't Joe Montana doesn't mean he deserves to be benched. If the Broncos pull him as the starter, I hope they lose every game after doing so. There's no reason to pull a stunt like that, especially since he went through the same thing in Chicago and everyone can see how that worked out for the Bears.

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