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 Rep: 212 

Re: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

BLS-Pride wrote:

History was always my favorite course in school. I watch the History channel all the time too. Everything you need to learn about life is in history.

I use the term "sexting" as a joke all the time after I heard something on the newws.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

Axlin16 wrote:
Communist China wrote:
Axl S wrote:

I'm a kid and I've never heard the term "sext". Then again none of my friends are whores.

These are facts.

Same with me. I know of the term but I've never known anyone who has or even allegedly has. I've only seen it on the news, which is something you should never trust.

Forgetting Reagan is sad, but there are many more important Presidents in history who are acceptably forgotten. And his time isn't as recent as people tend to think. We're talking about a generation (mine) that grew up without the Cold War. Not surprising that they could be unaware of a President whose work was so largely within that ancient rivalry between the US and the USSR. I didn't even know the term Soviet Union until I was 13 or 14.

The biggest problem with forgetting Reagan, is the fact he's not that far removed from office. A man who only left office back in 1988, and only died a few years ago (although granted, he became a total recluse after he left office), and they forget Reagan.

I would tell them to go watch Back To The Future, which has Reagan in-jokes scattered throughout the film, but they'd probably go "Back to the what?" 18

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

Axl S wrote:

I'll be honest, I knew nothing about Reagan until I started reading you guys talk about him here. All I knew was he was an actor and he was president. I've known that since I was 9. Didn't know who he was just knew, former actor, ex-president. I also knew of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Nixon, Roosevelt, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr. Didn't know anything about American politics and didn't really care. After all I WAS 9. Now Axlin your in a History Class with people your own age (people older than me) and your also American and they've not heard of Reagan when a 9 year old boy from Scotland has... that's messed up.

Want to know something weirder. I learned about the Holocaust in Primary School (for those of you in the US just think elementary). I've known about that atrocity since I was 10.

I'm now 17, almost 18 and I'm meeting people my own age who have never heard of the Holocast. That is scary.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

Axlin16 wrote:

Oh yeah. I run into people all that time that say "Hitler this, and Hitler that, and that guy is Hitler", and you ask them who Hitler was, they typically don't know.

Hell, some stupid bitch the other day was protesting, and called an Israeli man (a Jew), "Hitler", because he supported Obama's plan for national health care in the U.S.

Naturally the dude flipped out, being majorly offended. Then the stupid bitch has the audacity to say "if anyone should be offended by Obama's socialist plan, it should be you"

Seriously... WTF?

 Rep: 11 

Re: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

maguire22 wrote:
Communist China wrote:

We're talking about a generation (mine) that grew up without the Cold War.

BUT crucially what you inherited was an entire intelligence agency system that was predicated on the existance of an enemy with planet-destroying nukes, and the mindset that has to justify their defence spending and tactics on that basis.

these days you have a few c#nts in caves, but not seeing WHY that linkage from the Big Bad of the Cold War makes your intelligence agencies have overly-grandiose ambitions, is what will screw you, and may I say it, your civil liberties too.

Wow - not usually big on the politics but yeah, you need to know that stuff, to make sense of now. 22

Read some John le Carre, he's a good thinker and not wet about where our enemies lie - imo anyway! smile

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