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 Rep: 287 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Aussie wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
faldor wrote:

Have you guys seen this youtube vid featuring all things GNR both new and old?  I think it's fantastic.  Take the first 2 minutes or so and put it to one of the new songs and release that as a music video pronto.  Done, finished, good.

That's fucking unreal....and that's just with the stuff that's availaible to us...imagine what a killer video could be made from the full vault type footage it's said GNR have!

Here is a great case on point of another topic we were discussing about that peanut "UziSuicidal LLC" removing vids.

Click on that link Faldor posted and it's been removed due to that guy.

I swear he is a GNR fan that posts on these message boards.

 Rep: 661 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah...although managment reads these boards, hey even axl does sometimes!

I can see why they may not like this video though - mixing in Slash and Bucket into clips with bumble...not to mention the fan dressed as all of them....may not be the image they want to create for the current line up....then's not like they're out there pushing anything at the moment anyway.

You could be right. It's probably some fan. I'd like to see someone put a stop to it. I don't mind artists pulling their own stuff, but this fan policing has to end.

 Rep: 287 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Aussie wrote:

If it was the audio that was the problem then they would just disable that and leave the video footage like they do with other vids, leaving this message:

This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by all copyright holders. The audio has been disabled.

 Rep: 60 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Gong wrote:

On topic: I read this comment on htgth

We had the Illusions' for 17 years before we got CD, so I suggest those craving more new music already should mix another drink.

 Rep: 33 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Scabbie wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

On topic: I read this comment on htgth

We had the Illusions' for 17 years before we got CD, so I suggest those craving more new music already should mix another drink.

Thats just the kind of enthusiastic comment fans need to hear.

New music would be the perfect tonic to a dire situation if you ask me.

 Rep: 4 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

gavgnr wrote:

Just been to my local HMV and checked out the gnr section.

Not one single copy of ChiDem.


And yes, in spite of the fan boy mentality at htgth, new music WOULD perk up this situation

 Rep: 55 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

FlashFlood wrote:

they must have sold out!

 Rep: 768 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Axlin16 wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

On topic: I read this comment on htgth

We had the Illusions' for 17 years before we got CD, so I suggest those craving more new music already should mix another drink.

Whoever made that comment should go outside and shoot themself in the fuckin' head already.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Axl S wrote:

We had the Illusions' for 17 years before we got CD, so I suggest those craving more new music already should mix another drink.

Because the 17 year wait was so reasonable in the first place 17

 Rep: 60 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Gong wrote:

You all seen this?
Frank Ferrer is starting the rest of his life today ...
Robin Finck right there with ya.

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