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 Rep: 423 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:

NOT TRUE. I'd totally book that show into my basement! 16

I honestly see what you're saying, but I have a question. You're basing those "no one's interested" claims on the possibility of a "CD Only" show right? If so, I sincerely doubt the odds of that even happening.

My point is that people aren't going to stay interested in AFD played by more new guys and there isn't enough interest in CD alone to justify a tour in the US. 

Forget about the fact that there aren't a lot of promoters willing to gamble on Axl after multiple failed tours with a new band every time...that is the least of their (his) problems.

Ok. I get what you're saying. You're saying that the above reasons are what may be holding up any tour at all? If so, I can honestly see that. I sometimes wonder how they get the 06 tour booked after the 02 fiasco.

The album wasn't out yet, but it was promised, so there was still a curiosity factor.  Look at that 06 tour closely.  One or two small shows sold out, a few (very few) dates sold OK, the rest sold poorly or were cancelled.  Promoters took notice in that, the lack of success (and promotion) of the album, and the lack of interest in anything fake GnR related, thus no US tour.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

the Axl V Slash thing is strictly on the boards.
The rest of the world with a life couldn't give a toss.
People will go to a reunion in their hundreds of thousands to re-live their glory days of youth.
Nobody will give a fuck about the sad, dreary little dramas that a few millionaire divas wish to get into.
Most people want to forget about the bills for a day, drink some beer and hear songs that remind them of when their abs were as hard as their erections and they didn't have a morgage..

I'll agree that the Axl vs. Slash thing is basically limited to the hardcore fanbase.  But most everyone without a vested interest hates Axl and for the same reasons they wouldn't go see newGNR they wouldn't go see a reunion (fear of no-shows, late starts, riots).  I'm not arguing that attendance numbers wouldn't be better than newGNR's, I'm just not sold that they'd be as good as some are making it out to be.

Maybe interest has decreased, but you're kidding yourself if you think fears of Axl no shows would keep the common fans from buying tickets to a reunion show.  It might keep some of the diehard new band fans away, but that's it.  The opportunity to see Axl and Slash on stage for (probably) the last time would draw huge crowds.

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Sky Dog wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

My point is that people aren't going to stay interested in AFD played by more new guys and there isn't enough interest in CD alone to justify a tour in the US. 

Forget about the fact that there aren't a lot of promoters willing to gamble on Axl after multiple failed tours with a new band every time...that is the least of their (his) problems.

Ok. I get what you're saying. You're saying that the above reasons are what may be holding up any tour at all? If so, I can honestly see that. I sometimes wonder how they get the 06 tour booked after the 02 fiasco.

The album wasn't out yet, but it was promised, so there was still a curiosity factor.  Look at that 06 tour closely.  One or two small shows sold out, a few (very few) dates sold OK, the rest sold poorly or were cancelled.  Promoters took notice in that, the lack of success (and promotion) of the album, and the lack of interest in anything fake GnR related, thus no US tour.

the North American tour in 2006 averaged 8400 per night (2002 NA tour averaged 8600 I believe) for the entire tour...that was from Pollstar but I don't have the link anymore...that number did not include Inland Invasion. As for what promoters currently think, you have no idea and are throwing up your personal opinion.  I am just stating facts and am not debating about what is a success or not as that is a fruitless cause....:haha:

 Rep: 661 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

monkeychow wrote:

Ok..i've only skimmed the thead so sorry if this is out of context slightly.

My perspective is this:

Ever since the end of the UYI era it has been normal for this band to have lengthy periods of inactivity (or at least lack of public information about any private activities occuring), frequently change band members, to ignore standard industry practises, shun the media, become involved in legal issues, rarely update fans, and only varey rarely put out new commerical products (either merch, music, tours etc). A person can like or dislike it, but that has been the standard operating procedure for this band.

Yet for some reason now, I'm reading tons of posts of people who are saying it's all over and the band is done and finished. When frankly, there is nothing about the current GNR behaviour that is unusual from GNR.

Axl continued after loosing Slash. He continued after loosing buckhead. He didn't give up after the 2002 tour was abruptly cancelled. He toured some more in 06 even with no album still. He continues in the face of public critism over the name rights and everything else that's happened.  he released an album after being mostly absent from the limelight for 15 years. Shuns the media. That album sold reasonably in international markets even if not by historical gnr standards. He shuns the media....but breaks the silence to chat to fans online - expresses more resolve that he wont go back to slash...says he'd like to tour but makes it clear its only a vague idea at that time,  a new guitarist is announced for the band...

then a couple of months go past in silence and you all think he's pulled the plug and given up? that's insane. Nothing has changed! Why would he give in now when he didn't give in at 100 better chances to give in?

GNR will contiune doing things it's own way just as it has done since 93 or something...and there is very little to suggest any change on the horizion. And I for one have accepted that years ago, and will gladly go to the shows or whatever else is the next step for GNR when it eventually happens.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

buzzsaw wrote:

I pulled the plug years ago, and I can make one hell of a strong case that I was right to do so.  the people pulling the plug now are just accepting the situation for what it is.  GnR is now a band that very, very few people care about. 

Like I said earlier, the "band" may continue on in some form or another, but nobody really cares...apparently not even Axl.

 Rep: 60 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Gong wrote:

By all accounts, plans for a tour have been scrapped.
This is what everyone close to the band is saying.

What fan would be happy to know that their band is heading into another 3-4 year period of inactivity?

I wouldn't hold my breath for another album. Maybe, maybe someday, maybe a posthumous release. Maybe 10 years from now.

How could you not be disappointed?

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Define plenty of people.  I think if you actually look into it, you'll be disappointed, but humor me.

I explained, look at the 560k albums sold.  Bands that sell much less than that have plenty of people go see them on tour so why should it be any different in this case?

I've gone and seen Def Leppard every year the last 3 years and they always have solid crowds and their latest album didn't sell half as well as Chinese Democracy.

And let me clarify, I'm not necessarily comparing GNR to DL.  I'm just going off of what I know.  Def tours EVERY year and their latest album didn't sell well at all and they still fill seats so why couldn't GNR?  They're bigger in a historical sense and more relevant at this time.

Well, Def Leppard is actually Def Leppard, so that might have something to do with why people will go see them.  Real GnR would outsell Def Leppard with their eyes closed.  Fake GnR doesn't even have an audience interested in seeing them outside of a few people on internet boards.

The album sold 560k in the US, correct?  How many of those sold the first 2-3 weeks when there was a curiosity factor?  How many sold after that?  Are you really going to use the album sales to justify a tour?  I hope not.

If you want to be technical, Def Leppard is lacking the departed original guitarist Steve Clark so they're technically not the "real" Def Leppard.  So 400,000 people or so who bought the album the first 3 weeks out of curiosity woudn't be curious to see GNR tour?  Not sure why that would be so.  I am sure you'll educate me why that is though.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

By all accounts, plans for a tour have been scrapped.
This is what everyone close to the band is saying.

What fan would be happy to know that their band is heading into another 3-4 year period of inactivity?

I wouldn't hold my breath for another album. Maybe, maybe someday, maybe a posthumous release. Maybe 10 years from now.

How could you not be disappointed?

Now that doesn't sound good.  I hope that's not the case, unfortunately it's not that hard to believe at this point.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Axlin16 wrote:

Buzz is right about the album being a big tool that was used in both 2002 and 2006, to get promoters and financers to the table.

They don't have that card anymore, and they aren't riding an album of success, and that's not counting what it really is financially after it's hype. They also are going to be scared to death to back a frontman, who wouldn't even promote his own album, let alone try to do some interviews, and convince some fans in local areas to come out and see them.

They're scared, I guarantee you. And the longer Axl conducts business this way, the more scared they'll become.

I believe wholeheartedly they're getting offers... but really really crappy ones that are safe for the promoter and a joke for Axl.

This is the bed he made unfortunately. I actually wouldn't mind seeing the guy perform again. Somedays i'm like "fuck it", but lately i've been rediscovering my Alice In Chains catalog, and it's gotten me thinking about Layne alot. You never know with Axl when that one tour just might be the last... forever. Not just for a few years. hmm

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:

That is an interesting thought about promoters being scared due to Axl not willing to promote.  I never really thought of it that way.  That would make more sense than the old "no one is interested" excuse.  Axl's never been much of a promoter but they always had Slash and Duff to do that kind of stuff.  I'm pretty sure none of the guys in the band now could pick up the slack like those guys.

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