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 Rep: 43 

Re: If the Skwerl

gnfnraxl wrote:
faldor wrote:

Well that's good to know, it's safe and sound,,,,,,,,, somewhere.

I go crazy when I misplace something, no matter how small or unimportant.  I'm neurotic like that.

With the enormous collection I have I have to list them numerically.  Another album I can't tell on which shelf it is is Van Halen 3.  And like Libertad I can't even name one song from that album.  At least CD I think I could name all the songs, just not in the right order.  That is sad though when I think about it I seriously can't name one song from Libertad.  As for this skwerl guy.  Those who downloaded the songs and didn't buy the record.  They wouldn't have bought the album anyways.  They would've downloaded the songs after the record would've been out.  IF it had ever came out.

Re: If the Skwerl

AtariLegend wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Got any statistics proving that? Or is this one of things we are supposed to believe because its GNR? … tml?cat=17

14 A 2 year old could have come to that conclusion. Of course they lose money. This isn't the 1980s where you have to pay 10 bucks just to sample a song you want to hear. If you want to get technical, they lose money every time I sample a clip on Itunes whether or not I buy the actual track.

Go find a real study on this subject and not some article generalizing the fact the industry loses money. We know they lose money. When you do track down the studies showing downloaders do buy music, you wont post the links because it proves my initial point on the subject.

I know not every single downloader buys music. Enough of them do for the industry to survive.

Pop quiz:

Which of these music sites is the most popular?

Pirate Bay

If you guessed the right one, are you surprised the premium service is number one? You and your link failed to point this out because facts don't serve the latest agenda.

You failed to convince me that music piracy isn't real.

Like monkeychow said, people obviously aren't as honest as you.

Even if we go by your logic, downloading an album and listening to it first, to decide whether you want to buy it or not. It doesn't bode well for the artist you don't like. You've heard their material and they're not getting any money. 

James Lofton wrote:

you don't come under my definition of a fan.

14 Thats lame. The guy has followed the band forever, bought the old records

He didn't say that before.

What I saw was the dislike of the music and not buying of the album.

Re: If the Skwerl

AtariLegend wrote:
James Lofton wrote:



 Rep: 768 

Re: If the Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, but to acknowledge that the album was hurt by piracy, is to acknowledge that the album's material was crappy. Of which, I do not agree.

Only in a case where people were turned off by the cruddy material, can piracy hurt an album's sales.

 Rep: 423 

Re: If the Skwerl

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, but to acknowledge that the album was hurt by piracy, is to acknowledge that the album's material was crappy. Of which, I do not agree.

Only in a case where people were turned off by the cruddy material, can piracy hurt an album's sales.

No, I think you have it right.  YOU and a few others don't think the material is crappy.  Joe Public thinks it sucks.

 Rep: 423 

Re: If the Skwerl

buzzsaw wrote:

Let's play hypothetical situation:

People download the leaks or the album.  Would that hurt sales?  Yes, it's unlikely that everyone will buy it if they already have it regardless of whether they liked it or not.

Now here's where it becomes obvious that the public that downloaded it didn't like it - the singles flopped completely.  If people downloaded the album, liked it, but didn't want to buy it, the singles would have done better because those people would have still supported the songs they liked. 


 Rep: 281 

Re: If the Skwerl

faldor wrote:

The first single didn't flop as much as you like to point it out. 

No it didn't top the hot 100 chart, or hit it at all in fact.  But "rock" songs these days rarely do.  Maybe a ballad here and there, but it's filled with pop and r&b songs.  So before you point that out, it's a useless argument.

The song charted well on the mainstream rock chart for some time.  Without a video, promotion, interviews.  It, like the album, was released and left to fight for itself.

 Rep: 768 

Re: If the Skwerl

Axlin16 wrote:

Illegal internet downloaders are not radio callers.

Plus, with the fact most radio stations allow internet requests, most fanboys of artists do the requesting online, and slam the radio station with internet requests.

It helps every other artist.

GNR's fans dropped the ball, because their numbers are gone. Only a select few diehards consider this GN'R. The majority has spoken, and they don't support Axl Rose-solo as Guns N' Roses. Simple as that.

If this was a real Guns album, it would've been huge. The audience is starved for it. It could just been 14 remixes of My World, and people would've cummed all over it.

 Rep: 281 

Re: If the Skwerl

faldor wrote:

People gave up because of the extremely long wait.  People just stopped caring and moved on with their lives without new GNR being a part of it.  It's hard to hold someone's interest for 14 years.  I consider myself a pretty hardcore fan and even I fled the scene from 1994-2001 or so.  There's only so much a person can take.  I think it's more the wait than the fact that people don't consider this GNR.  Granted there still would've been those with that argument if this was released in 1999, but people would've been way more receptive.

 Rep: 57 

Re: If the Skwerl

supaplex wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Plus, with the fact most radio stations allow internet requests, most fanboys of artists do the requesting online, and slam the radio station with internet requests.

It helps every other artist.

GNR's fans dropped the ball, because their numbers are gone. Only a select few diehards consider this GN'R. The majority has spoken, and they don't support Axl Rose-solo as Guns N' Roses. Simple as that.

do you remember 2006 when the better DEMO charted on the radio? smile axl still had a lot of people backing him up right then and there. but somehow it all went astray.

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