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 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:

Amazing.  Simply amazing.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

bigbri wrote:

Amazing or sad?

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Sky Dog wrote:

amazingly sad! 16

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:

Neither.  I really find it amazing that some people still hold out hope.  In some ways I really admire those that can believe in something when everything says otherwise.  Logic be damned, they are going to grasp for straws until there are no straws left.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

That this band has nothing like the sales power of a giant like U2 does not mean it is not a viable entity. There are a ton of bands that sell less records than GNR just did, yet are considered as ongoing propositions in the industry.

Let me know exactly how much money these "ongoing propositions" are receiving for their "selling less records than GNR just did" and you'll have an answer.  When you're done with that, let me know if there would even be a possibility for a next record if the label didn't release this one and the next one as Guns N' Roses. 

There is no case that can be made that CD wasn't a complete failure OTHER than the fact the record company got their money back.  That's it.  Do you really think Axl's lack of doing anything after the release is going to inspire the record company to release another album?  Do you really think the instant dropoff is sales is going to encourage them to release another album?  Do you really think that the lack of anything resembling a viable single is going to encourage them to release another album? 

Wake up.  As all the supporters used to like to remind people, this is 2009.  The world doesn't give a shit about Axl Rose outside of tabloid headings (and even barely there).  The only thing GnR can do to salvage anything is an Axl/Slash reunion, and that (supposedly) isn't happening anytime soon.

 Rep: 60 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Gong wrote:

Ever play Hearts or Euchre?

It's not how much you take in, it's how much you take in relative to your expectations.

If Axl Rose wants to put out another album, then the record company will release another album.

They know how many they can expect to sell now.

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Sky Dog wrote:

Buzzy, if there was no intention of releasing another record from the sessions, Axl would have already been dropped by the label. Common sense tells you that. He clearly stated he was still under contract with Geffen/Uni....that doesn't guarantee a release but I don't know too many labels these days holding on to artists that don't release records. Just sayin.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

Ever play Hearts or Euchre?

It's not how much you take in, it's how much you take in relative to your expectations.

If Axl Rose wants to put out another album, then the record company will release another album.

They know how many they can expect to sell now.

If by "They know how many they can expect to sell now" you mean they know they will sell significantly less than they did on CD, I'd agree with you.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

Buzzy, if there was no intention of releasing another record from the sessions, Axl would have already been dropped by the label. Common sense tells you that. He clearly stated he was still under contract with Geffen/Uni....that doesn't guarantee a release but I don't know too many labels these days holding on to artists that don't release records. Just sayin.

What is the rush?  It's not like they'd be releasing an album anytime in the next 10 years anyway.

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Sky Dog wrote:

What would we do without you? a breath of fresh air....Mr Happy-Go-Lucky...sunshine on a cloudy day! 19

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