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 Rep: 485 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Neemo wrote:

^no truer words have ever been spoken bri...karma

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Over for many = GN'R being on the same level as a Metallica in terms of the music industry, like they were back in the early 90's.

GN'R at best at this point will become a NIN. That is just how the chips have fallen. Anybody that was expecting GN'R to come back and rule the world were setting their own selves up for a disappointment.

That's pretty much it.  Like I said, nothing wrong with loving the band, CD, or any of the multitude of lineups we've had.  I'm all for it.  The reality is that this band will never be big.  That is fine too, but it gets hard reading "if they had just done this" or "when they do this" that GnR will be relevant.  Nothing will make them relevant.  that is ok.  Accept it.  Embrace it.  Enjoy it for what it is instead of trying to figure out how big it could be or could have been.

bigbri has the right idea.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

DCK wrote:

Over for many = GN'R being on the same level as a Metallica in terms of the music industry, like they were back in the early 90's.

You have to be pretty naive to even consider such a possibility with a band that only got one remaining member left of the group of members the public consider to be Guns N Roses.

The reality is that this band will never be big.

Absolutely. Just take it for what it is and face the real world. If everyone did just that we would have a much calmer fanbase and with a much healthier relationship to the band itself.

This game is played on so many different levels it's bound to crash.

Enjoy it for what it is, like you said. Relax with the world domination. It ain't gonna happen and it never will happen. GNR isn't Aerosmith, Metallica or Motley Crue. They're something else and that's what attracts me more to GNR than to say Aerosmith or Bon Jovi. The deal is fascinating and interesting if you care to drop the master of the universe hopes and all kinds of wet GNR-hysteria 2009 ideas.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I don't mind people liking this GnR.  I did at one time, but I now understand how you could like the band even if it isn't what it once was.  I even get that some people prefer CD to AFD/UYI.  I love Libertad, but very few others seem to.  That's OK too.  It's all about what you enjoy.  That isn't what my posts are about.

To the general public, GnR is 80s/90s GnR.  That is pretty much undeniable.  As long as this band goes by that name, it will never be accepted.  Never.  It doesn't matter how much promotion they do or if they can keep the lineup together.  GnR is Axl and Slash.  I didn't make it that way, I'm just telling it like it is.  No amount of anything is going to change the general public's mind on that.

So it's ok to love CD, the new band, and everything that goes along with that.  My "expectations" for this band is for it to fail, which is more or less exactly what happened, however, the public's expectations are for it to be GnR if it's going to go by the name.  That is really where the disconnect is...

i'm telling it how it is too, buzz.
from my point of view, same as you.

You're telling it like you wish it was.  I'm telling it how it is.  Don't believe me?  Ask some people that don't hang out at GnR boards about GnR.  Not just your circle of friends, I'm talking about the general public.  I didn't make this stuff up, nor do I wish it to be this way, but it is what it is.  Shit, if you think ace guitar work is important and BH wasn't enough to save GnR, nobody is going to.  People are always reaching for that last hope...first it was BBF, now DJ.  There is no last hope.  It's over.

i'm asking you, buzz...... i have a family and good job and am trying to get my music career off the ground. I don't hang out with friends and talk about gnr. i have things that are more important to do with my time. the boards are it and i'd like to trim a little time off of that as well.

as far as hope goes, ofcourse i want my favorite music star to succeed but, at the end of the day, i don't care how many albums gnr sell as long as they are made available to me.  you seem to be the only that obsesses over that. y don't you point out what i said that was wrong rather than posting as if you're the prophetic messenger of priviliged information.

even if i considered cd a complete failure, buckethead has nothing to do with that, one way or the other. he is an ace but he can't save a band or an album when there are multiple other guitar players sharing licks with him and when he is not around to tour and promote his work because the album took over a decade to release. Great guitar work is necessary to a successful rock album but it's not the only factor, nor is it the X factor.

i never said dj or bumble were gonna save gnr either.

you can continue seeing it black and white but you have to understand there are always other angles and people are gonna notice different things (some only see one angle while others see many different ones). nothing about axl/gnr/chinese democracy has been black and white. there were multiple things that contributed to the successes and failures of the album and, back to my original point, if there is to be future success for "NEW GNR" these issues need to be resolved (i.e. maintaining a stable line-up through a full cycle of events).

just because i see the potential doesn't mean i'm reaching and just because it's not likley doesn't mean what i say isn't true.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:

Well, it's really as simple as I am accurately reflecting how the non-war world sees GnR.  Whatever is true in your mind is not something I can speak to.  My opinion isn't my point of view, it reflects the general public's perception of GnR.  Everyone else seems to understand that except for you.  Perception sadly is more important than reality.  Your point of view is a hope.  My point of view (as you call it) is a reality.  I don't have to go back and tell you where you were wrong...I've already addressed some of those points, but more importantly, you aren't going to agree no matter what I say.  You cling to hope (which is great for you).  I don't need to beat that down any more than the reality of the situation has.  Believe what you want to believe.  It doesn't change the reality.

I haven't spit out any lineup preferences, I've never claimed to be an insider, nor have I said CD is a simple situation.  That is your interpretation of what you think I said, not what I actually said.  This quote pretty much sums it up:

That's pretty much it.  Like I said, nothing wrong with loving the band, CD, or any of the multitude of lineups we've had.  I'm all for it.  The reality is that this band will never be big.  That is fine too, but it gets hard reading "if they had just done this" or "when they do this" that GnR will be relevant.  Nothing will make them relevant.  that is ok.  Accept it.  Embrace it.  Enjoy it for what it is instead of trying to figure out how big it could be or could have been.

bigbri has the right idea.

Enjoy it.  Breathe it in.  But don't try to tell me I'm the problem for seeing it as it is rather than what I want it to be.  Just for the record, I don't have what I want either.  But I do have 2 songs featuring Axl that I think stand up to the old catalog.  That's 2 more than I had (legally) a year ago.  So I'll enjoy what I have.  I suggest you do the same rather than try to convince me that there is still hope in something that's been hopeless literally for years.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

war wrote:

i know better than to try convince a brick wall of anything.

you continue to miss my point and argue with me, citing sentiments that i hold on to just as you do.

i see reality just as clearly as you do.

difference is you'd tell the shivering woman in the rain it's raining while i'd look for an umbrella.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

buzzsaw wrote:

You look for an umbrella that doesn't exist.  I tell her to get the hell out of the cold rain.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

war wrote:

the umbrella always exists and the woman is looking for her lost puppy.

you're so insensitive, buzz. 16

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

Sky Dog wrote:

I differ with Buzz in the sense that he thinks he seems to know everyone's  definition of "success". Success in the music industry is a very relative term and it is very hard to determine what success is when speaking of art. From a financial standpoint, the album is not and will never be a failure because of the Best Buy deal and other licensing deals like with Rock Band. All the money and more was made back within 6 months of release for all parties. However, the album is a complete failure when measured against the financial success of the original band and current releases by their peers (ac/dc and metallica). It simply is not a failure when compared with the hundreds of other acts who released albums in 2008 and 2009. So, I guess I am somewhere in the middle of your little tiff....carry on....gotta run.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Brain in Modern Drummer (May 2009)

DCK wrote:

The album is not a failure IMO, it's just not a success either. Tommy said it was either gonna be huge success or huge failure. It was neither.

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