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 Rep: 205 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

PaSnow wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I think Sorry is an awesome song, I just think that if you really want total for lack of a better word, bubble gummish songs for mainstream release to get the attention of all types of ages, I think these songs are the ones.   Not that they are bubble gum or sell out by any means, I just think they are the least complicated songs lets say.

I'm not trying to say I think Sorry is bad, just, from a Marketing point of view, me personally would not put that out there on the radio. Nor, as a radio programmer would I prefer to play that song over a few others. Just mho.

madagas wrote:

Hey, the ship has now sailed for me. I got the album and now have no expectations for anything in the future. Whatever happens, happens...

Me too. The albums good imho. I gave it an 8/10. Good enough. I do find the sales #'s pretty bad, and don't think they'll drastically improve. It's going to be a fairly low selling album, especially all things considered. Sales wise, it's just another album that came out in 2008, nothing extraordinary.

Alot of reasons, as have been posted. I don't care though, I have my copy. 1 copy of Chinese Democracy is the only stat tracking number I wanted. Finally got it!! 5

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

PaSnow wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I think Sorry is an awesome song, I just think that if you really want total for lack of a better word, bubble gummish songs for mainstream release to get the attention of all types of ages, I think these songs are the ones.   Not that they are bubble gum or sell out by any means, I just think they are the least complicated songs lets say.

I'm not trying to say I think Sorry is bad, just, from a Marketing point of view, me personally would not put that out there on the radio. Nor, as a radio programmer would I prefer to play that song over a few others. Just mho.

I totally agree with you.  Which is why I think CIR or Prostitute would be more radio friendly.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Bono wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

I wouldn't go that far as to say Contraband killed CD since it only pushed 2k more units in it's first week, four years ago.

16 I was joking.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Bono wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I totally agree with you.  Which is why I think CIR or Prostitute would be more radio friendly.

here's a quote form some person commenting on Prostitute on youtube.

"Take the vocal track away and you have background music for a car commercial. That's a very tight and commercially viable sound. Excellent new corporate rock album. I can't wait to see what lousy commercials this album ends up in. Dig that party beat."

16 Not sure if thats' good or bad. I  personally like Prostitute by the way. Top 3 on the album.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

war wrote:

it is great. needs a little more guitar though IMO

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

BLS-Pride wrote:

I think this wasn't Axl's Chinese Democracy that we have bought. Well it looks like CD is dropping out of the top 5 in the UK for their second week of sales.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Neemo wrote:

i used to think Axl picked the tracklist to clear cyberspace of hoarded leaks

but now i'm wondering if it wasnt management or the label who ultimately picked the tracklisting..that would be enough to piss off axl

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Sky Dog wrote:

Neemo, maybe merge the Gnr sells under 300,000 in to this thread? Only one chart position thread is needed. I am old and confused. Seriously, one chart thread which discusses all album and singles facts and figures.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

Neemo wrote:

good idea madagas...done 22

 Rep: 20 

Re: Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week?

harmon420 wrote:
Bono wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I totally agree with you.  Which is why I think CIR or Prostitute would be more radio friendly.

here's a quote form some person commenting on Prostitute on youtube.

"Take the vocal track away and you have background music for a car commercial. That's a very tight and commercially viable sound. Excellent new corporate rock album. I can't wait to see what lousy commercials this album ends up in. Dig that party beat."

16 Not sure if thats' good or bad. I  personally like Prostitute by the way. Top 3 on the album.

16 I like the track too but, I can see that guys point about the music. Introducing the all new Toyota Matrix, first in it's class crash test rating....

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